15 Foundational Books on Major Sins in Islam

Discover the critical insights on major sins in Islam with Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan. This session highlights scholarly works and practical advice to help you avoid sin. Tune in for an enriching experience that will enhance your spiritual journey!

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All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. To Him is all praise, all praise, and all praise is due to Him. And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that there is none worthy of worship except Him. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, and peace and blessings be upon him and his family and companions, and those who follow them, in a good way, until the Day of Recompense.


My beloved brothers and sisters, InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, today I want to resume the series which we started, the Ahkam and the severity of sins. And Alhamdulillah, we have already finished and completed our first session, where we had a Muqaddimah, an introduction. And InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, today we are going to go into the second session, Bi Ithni Allahi Al Karim.

As we did in our first session, we read everything that we said, and the class or the session was fully based on benefits that were written, and that you can all follow with InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So I'm still going to do the same thing, I'm going to write everything that I say InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, or the majority of that which I say is going to be written InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, and I'll explain it as I write it InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So if you are following the classes, or you're following the sessions, InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, try to write everything, Bi Ithni Allahi Al Karim, it will benefit you.

It's important for you to know the severity and the dangers and the rulings of sins, so that you can stay away from it. If you don't know it, you might fall into it. So InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, in this class I want to focus on two things, Bi Ithni Allahi Al Karim, so here InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, focus with me InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, let's write the first point.

The Scholars of Islam and Major Sins

The first point InshaAllah wa Ta'ala I want to talk about today, and I want to mention is, that the scholars of Islam, may Allah have mercy upon them, they spoke about Ahkam, and Ahkami, and Usati, from the people of Islam. So I'm going to put Harakat on it, everyone follow it InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So the first point InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, that I want to talk about is, the scholars of Islam, our Ulama, they spoke about this issue of major sins, its severity.

Where does it come from, how many types of sins are there, the consequences of it. They've written, they've authored many many works on it. If you look at the Islamic libraries, if you go to the Makatib al Islamiya, you will find many books written by the scholars.

InshaAllah wa Ta'ala, I'm going to go through some of those books that are written InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So you know that this is not something that we are just mentioning, or something that we are just coming out with. This is something which is Mudawwan, something which is documented, written, by great scholars of Islam.

Also, it's going to benefit those students of knowledge, who want to go out there and read more into this. And study it more, and benefit from what the Ulama of Islam have said about sins and its severity, and its dangers InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So let me InshaAllah wa Ta'ala explain here what I wrote.

Number one is, that the scholars of Islam, may Allah have mercy on them. Qattakallamu, they spoke about. Wakatabu, they wrote.

I keep saying the word wrote, but it's writ. Qattakallamu, wakatabu. Qattakallamu, they wrote a lot.

And Ahkam al-Usati, they authored and they've spoken about. And Ahkam al-Usati, the rulings of, so Ahkam is rulings, of al-Usati, the sinners. Min ahli al-Islami, those who are from al-Islam.

So I want you to understand here, that what we're going to be talking about is the sinners within Islam. We're going to be focusing on the sinners within Islam. We're not going to be focusing on the disbelievers.

Or the mushrikeen or the kuffar. We're not going to be focusing on that. We're going to be focusing on Muslim sinners and rulings regarding them.

Because those are the people we're addressing InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So let me InshaAllah mention some of the books that are written InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. And the way that I plan, bi inni Allah al-kareem, to categorize the books is in the following way InshaAllah wa Ta'ala.

Categorization of Books

So first of all, before I mention the books, I want to categorize the books. Number one, I want to mention al-muallafat. Books that are written by, so it's al-muallafat al-mutaqaddimah, al-mufradah, fil-kabair.

So the first is al-muallafat, books al-mutaqaddimah. Early books that are written, mutaqaddimah meaning early, regarding major sins. Or regarding sins.

So early books, I don't want to focus on those who came after. So that's the first point InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. The second category that I want to mention InshaAllah wa Ta'ala so you can write is al-muallafat al-muasrah, al-mufradah, fil-kabair.

The second InshaAllah wa Ta'ala is muallafat al-muasrah. ma ma'ana al-muasrah, it means contemporary books that have been written, specifically written on major sins InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. So we want to look at the early books that are written, and we want to look at those who came after, the books that they wrote or they've written or they've authored in major sins InshaAllah wa Ta'ala.

Because we're going to be focusing on major sins mainly InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. That's why we keep saying al-kabair InshaAllah wa Ta'ala. But that doesn't mean we're not going to touch on minor sins as well.

Or we're not going to be touching on innovation. These things InshaAllah wa Ta'ala are things that we're going to be touching on bi-inni ilahi al-kareem. We're not going to be focusing on shirk and kufr per se.

But we will speak about innovation and its relationship with sins. We're also going to be talking about InshaAllah wa Ta'ala minor and major sins. We're going to look at where sins come from and all of that bi-inni ilahi al-kareem.

Early Books on Major Sins

So let's start with the first one which is al-muallafat al-muasrah al-mutaqaddimah. Early books al-mufradah that are specifically written in bi-al-kabair in major sins. Let's look at the first one InshaAllah wa Ta'ala.

So we're now going to look at the first one bi-inni ilahi al-kareem which is books that are written. Let's look at the first book InshaAllah we want to mention. The first book for al-muallafat al-mutaqaddimah al-mufradah fil-kabair.

And that is the kitab called Juz. Okay. And this kitab is written by al-Bardiji al-Bardai al-Baghdadi.

Now this kitab Juz fihim al-rawa'a al-nabi salallahu alaihi wa sallamah min al-sohabati fil-kabair written by Hafidh Abi Bakar Ahmad ibn Haroon ibn Ruuh al-Bardiji al-Bardai al-Baghdadi This kitab I haven't personally come across it. All I have seen is it being mentioned a nuskha of it in al-maktabat al-zahiriyah in Sham. That's where I've come across of it, but I haven't personally seen it.

The second kitab inshaAllah ta'ala is going to be that we're going to mention inshaAllah ta'ala is the kitab Aqoobatu ahl al-kabair And this kitab is written by li muallifihi is written by lilf al-faqih Abi Laith al-Nasr al-Samarqandi So this kitab is called Aqoobatu ahl al-kabair The Punishment of the People of Major Sin and it's written by Abi Laith al-Nasr al-Samarqandi rahimahullahu ta'ala Also this kitab I haven't personally come across it in my readings but I have seen a publication of it by Bidar al-Kutub al-Ilmiya with the tahqiqah of Mustafa Abdul Qadir Ata'a But I haven't personally read it yet I don't have a copy of it yet So that's the second kitab Aqoobatu ahl al-kabair written by Abi Laith al-Nasr al-Samarqandi rahimahullahu ta'ala He's a Hanafi scholar So inshaAllah ta'ala Let's look at the third book inshaAllah ta'ala The third one inshaAllah ta'ala I write it My beloved brothers and sisters And that is The kitab called As-Saghair wa al-Kabair And it's written Li al-Allama Abi Muhammad Maki ibn Abi Maki ibn Abi Talib So this kitab inshaAllah ta'ala Is the third book And it's called As-Saghair wa al-Kabair Li al-Allama Abi Muhammad Maki ibn Abi Talib And his full name is Ibn Hammush Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mukhtar Al-Qaysi Al-Qairawani Al-Qurtubi He died here Rahimahullahu ta'ala 437 Hijriya And he is one of the Qura'il Kibar One of the great scholars One of the great scholars Of Qiraat And this kitab I haven't personally Also come across it But it has been mentioned By Haji Khalifa Who has a Fihrisa Who mentions The works and the books Of the scholars And the second one I saw Mentioned it was Ismail Basha Al-Baghdadi And Haji Khalifa's Book His Fihrisa Is now Alhamdulillah Matbu' Mutadawal I mentioned it in my Muasistul Furqan Published it I mentioned it in my Video when I Spoke about the books That came out for the Book Fair in Shariqah So you can find it there Insha'Allah ta'ala He mentions all of the books Whether they are published or not He mentions a lot of those books So the kitab Al-Saghair wal-Kabair By Maki ibn Abi Talibna It's on major sins And it's also on minor sins Insha'Allah ta'ala I'm now going to go into the fourth Insha'Allah ta'ala Which is Ahkam Al-Ushaat Min Ahli Al-Islam Al-Murtakibina Al-Kabair And this kitab It's written Or it's authored by Sheikh Abi Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ali Ibn Hassan Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Ali Al-Qal'i Al-Shafi'i He died here 630 Hijri Takriban And Khayruddin Zirikli Mentions this book of his In his Al-A'lam And also I never came across his kitab yet The fifth book Insha'Allah ta'ala Is Al-Kabair Written by Al-A'lamah Al-Hafidh Al-Mu'arriq Abi Abdullahi Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Uthman Ibn Qaymaz Ibn Abdullahi Al-Turkumani Al-Shafi'i Al-Dimashqi Al-Shafi'i Who is well known as Al-Ma'ruf Al-Imam Al-Dahabi Al-Imam Al-Dahabi died Rahimahullah Ta'ala When it was The year 800 Sorry, 700 And 48 Hijri He passed away Rahimahullah Ta'ala 700 700 and 48 Hijri Al-Imam Al-Dahabi passed away Rahimahullah His book has been published Many many many times And the most common one Is the Tahqiq of Al-Shaykh Al-A'lamah Mashoor Hassan Ali Salman Whose Tahqiq has become The most well known one Rahimahullah Rahmatan Wasi'ah Recently It got republished again And the Shaykh mentioned That there is some Ta'dilat And some corrections That he's put into it حفظه الله ورعاه وجعل الجنة مثوانا ومثواه Number six Inshallah Ta'ala Number six Inshallah Ta'ala So number six Inshallah Ta'ala Is going to be The Kitab Al-Kabair And it's written by Ibn Al-Qayyim I was going to write the full name Of Ibn Al-Qayyim But I'm not going to do that And Ibn Al-Qayyim passed away the year He died the year 751 Hijri Rahimahullah He has a Kitab on Al-Kabair Rahimahullah And From the scholars who mentioned He wrote a Kitab On Al-Kabair Is his student Ibn Rajab Mentioned he authored a book In Al-Kabair Al-Dawadi Mentioned it as well Also Ibn Al-Imad mentioned it Ibn Al-Imad mentioned it Also from the scholars Who mentioned it is Ismail Basha Al-Baghdadi Also from the people that mentioned it is Bakr Abu Zaid He mentioned it That he has written it Also from the people That transmitted the Kitab Al-Kabair From Imam Al-Dahabi That quoted from it Is Ibn Al-Nahas Ibn Al-Nahas And Al-Swaydi Al-Swaydi Ibn Al-Nahas And Al-Swaydi Both of them They've They've quoted From him Al-Kabair And if you go to his Ibn Al-Qayyim There's also a chapter On some of the major sins That he speaks about And Inshallah And I want to mention The seventh From the seventh Is Al-Kabair By Al-Ala'i Al-Shafi'i Known as Al-Ala'i Al-Shafi'i Al-Shafi'i He died here He died here in 761 Hijri Al-Ala'i Al-Shafi'i His full name Is He's written a kitab And The mention of this kitab Or the quoting of this kitab Is He mentions in his kitab المجموع المذهب في قواعد المذهب المجموع المذهب في قواعد المذهب Al-Ala'i Al-Shafi'i has this kitab Just like Ibn Rajab has a kitab on القواعد الفقهية Al-Imam Al-Ala'i Has it And Dawlat Kuwait They published it Alhamdulillah, a very good publication One of the best so far And it's a Masterpiece when it comes to قواعد الفقهية And قواعد الأصولية As well, the sheikh has a very Good hand when it comes to فرع الفقهية He's a He's a When it comes to So his knowledge On In Islam is very good So he has this kitab called الكبائر Here that I mentioned الكبائر By Imam Al-Ala'i And he mentions in his kitab المجموع المذهب في قواعد المذهب He mentions this book That he has authored Now Inshallah I want to mention The eighth Book Inshallah بإذن الله الكريم The eighth book is called الزاهر في بيان ما يجتليب من الخبائث الصغائر والكبائر And this is written By للإمام وحن الدين عبدالوفاء اليعمري اليعمري المدني He is a Maliki And he died here 799 Hijri So he called it الزاهر في بيان ما يجتليب من الخبائث الصغائر والكبائر The ninth book Inshallah Which Has been written Is الرسالة في في بيان الكبائر والصغائر By البلقيني Some call it البلقيني And some say البلقيني الشافعي And he passed away 824 Hijri The last and final book That I want to mention Inshallah Is Number 10 كتاب الشمس المنيرة في معرفة الكبيرة وتميي ذيها من الصغيرة And this is by من من حجر من حجر الكناني العسقلاني المصري الشافعي He died a year 852 And 52 Again, I haven't come across this كتاب, I've only seen him mentioning In his كتاب فتح الباري But I haven't seen a كتاب حافظ محجر mentions a كتاب In his كتاب فتح الباري Which is بالشرح البخاري Okay He mentions it there When He says That When he's talking about And all of those terms In the حديث الصحيحة He mentions that he's written a كتاب On this issue But he does mention that he hasn't finished Authoring it Scholars have also mentioned the كتاب From them is This كتاب He mentioned it جنديل الصيوطي حاجي خليفة اسماعيل البغدادي And شاكل عبد المنأم They all mentioned the كتاب By حافظ ابن حجر And for me personally ولم يتيسر لي الوقوف عليه So So I said I was going to mention 10 but let me just finish All the books that are there So you can get all of the books If you want to buy it for yourself Number 11 It's The كتاب إرشاد الحائر إلى القبائر Okay And it's written by بابن المبرد بابن المبرد He died a year 909 So There's a نسخة خطية of it In مكتبة الظاهرية But is the كتاب مطبوع Or is it published I have no knowledge of it But I do know it was نسخة خطية There's also another one That جامع اسلامية There's a In it there's a نسخة خطية مصورة Which is مودعة في قسم المخطوطات بالمكتبة المركزية بعمات شؤون المكتبات بالجامع اسلامية بالمدينة المرورة It's present there Number 12 إن شاء الله تعالى is the كتاب الجواهر في عقوبة الكبائر And it is Written by أبي يحيى ذين دين الملباري الشافع He died a year 928 هجرية The 13th Is the كتاب منظومة الكبائر By الحجاوي المقدسي الصالحي الحملي He died a year 960 68 هجرية And منظومة الكبائر By الحجاوي المقدسي الصالح الحملي Is currently being taught on our channel By Sheikh Zafar المدني حافظه الله ورعاه He's currently teaching it So it's It's a very good book And I encourage you to all try to follow up With the Sharh of the Sheikh If you understand the Urdu language He's going through it He's teaching it May Allah preserve him and honor him in this world and the hereafter المنظومة الكبائر There's a new Sharh that came out for it By Sheikh Abdullah Al-Fawzan He has a Sharh on it And he's a Sharh of the كتاب بنحة العلام مورد الأفهام He has many Sharhs on books He's one of the best Sharh alive right now When it comes to books And the author of the كتاب منظومة الكبائر Again is Al-Hajjawi And Al-Hajjawi Is the author of the كتاب The زاد المستقنع So he's And the زاد المستقنع is a Sharh of the اختصار المقنع By Ibn Qudama So the زاد المستقنع Is like a Very important book in the Hanbali Madhab Al-Hajjawi Authored it It's a very useful book In the Hanbali Madhab And he wrote this كتاب منظومة الكبائر And Abdullah Ibn Salah Al-Fawzan Sharh you can find Before him but Safarini has a Sharh on it The Sharh is Very useful Especially Safarini His Sharhs are very good Just the same way he's done Sharh of Al-Hajjawi's كتاب He also did the Sharh of منظومة الآداب By Ibn Abdul Qawiyy Al-Mardawi He's another On آداب Al-Hajjawi has a Sharh on it منظومة الآداب By Ibn Abdul Qawiyy Al-Mardawi Al-Hajjawi has a Sharh on it Also Safarini has a Sharh on The منظومة الآداب And it's 10 Mujallad Darul Bashair published it And it is Very مفيد حقيقة I advise students of knowledge to get it And read that book as well This منظومة الكبائر I encourage you to Memorize it because it's so Beneficial And it's so little So make your children Memorize it مفيد The 14th is رسالة الصغائر والكبائر رسالة في الصغائر والكبائر And it is written by Ibn Nujaym Ibn Nujaym Who passed away In 970 Hijri He wrote this كتاب The 15th Is The 15th one Is الزواجر الزواجر عن اقتراف الكبائر By Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami Al-Shafi'i Good idea 974 Hijri رحمه الله This كتاب has been published many times So Those 15 books Insha'Allah what we're going to mention here Insha'Allah For the students of knowledge As for The كتب المعاصرين The books that are written by the معاصرين We'll just mention them from We'll just mention them quickly Without writing them The contemporary people who have written books There are many If you look at online and download it You'll find a lot of Books written on it But I'm going to quickly mention some of those books Insha'Allah In our next lesson I'll quickly go over it And here Insha'Allah I'm going to stop here Anything I've said that was rather incorrect Is from me and Shaytan And Allah and His Messenger are both free from it Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdik Ashadu an la ilaha illa anta astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayk.

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