A New Student's Dilemma: Focus on Arabic or Broaden Islamic Knowledge?

As a new student, is it better to focus solely on Arabic or also delve into Islamic sciences?

Answer: The greatest thing you can do to enable your pursuit of knowledge across all Islamic sciences is to learn the Arabic language. I firmly believe that mastering Arabic is the best investment you can make for yourself because it will automatically elevate your understanding in every field of Islamic knowledge. Whether it’s the Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh, Aqeedah, or any other science, your level of comprehension will significantly improve simply by having access to the Arabic language.

When you consider the scholars available in English, the pool is very limited compared to the vast resources available in Arabic. Despite the efforts of those who translate and teach in English (may Allah reward them greatly), the depth of knowledge in Arabic far surpasses what is accessible in English.

Therefore, learning Arabic is crucial.

However, this does not mean you should neglect other Islamic sciences entirely. You still need to learn the fundamentals of your religion and avoid ignorance in key areas. My suggestion is to balance your studies: prioritize your Arabic program but also engage in other sciences to a lesser extent. This way, your Arabic learning won’t suffer, and you’ll still progress in your religious education.

In fact, studying other sciences can complement your Arabic learning. For example, at Al-Madrasat Al-'Umariyah, we—and Shaykh Abdur Rahman even more so—make an effort to teach key points in Arabic alongside English.

This means every lesson in Aqeedah, Fiqh, or manners also serves as an Arabic lesson because you’re listening to and engaging with the language. This dual approach ensures you benefit in both areas, insha’Allah.

Finding the right balance can be tricky, but the best approach is to prioritize Arabic while still progressing through other Islamic sciences.

Keep in mind that learning Arabic is not a short-term project; it requires years of dedication. Memorizing the Qur’an, for instance, helps your Arabic, and learning Arabic aids in memorizing the Qur’an.

That said, you cannot focus solely on Arabic and ignore other sciences.

Even among Arabic-speaking communities, many people are far removed from the religion and lack basic knowledge, despite having access to the language. If Allah, the Exalted, does not open a person’s heart to understanding, no amount of knowledge will suffice.

In conclusion, I recommend prioritizing Arabic while also dedicating time to other sciences. Arabic is the key that will enable you to go much further in your studies.

Among students, those who know Arabic are miles ahead of those who don’t. The quality of their questions and the depth of their discussions are incomparable. So, give Arabic your priority, but don’t exclude other sciences entirely. Strive to maintain a balance, in sha’ Allah.

And Allah knows best.

— Answered by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble

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