Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf: The Wealthiest Sahabi with a Generous Heart

Uncover the inspiring story of Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf—one of the ten promised Jannah, known for his wealth, generosity, and unwavering faith.

Some names in Islamic history shine with remarkable brilliance, not just for their faith and devotion but for their immense contributions to Islam. Among them is Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه—a man of great wealth, but even greater generosity.

His name is etched in history as one of the Asharah Mubasharah—the ten companions promised Jannah by the Prophet ﷺ. He was also among the six whom Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه consulted before his passing to decide the next leader of the Muslims.

But beyond these honors, Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf's life is a story of resilience, sacrifice, and immense generosity. His journey from a Meccan merchant to one of the richest yet most charitable figures in Islamic history is one that carries lessons for every Muslim.

Early Life and Islam

Born ten years after the Year of the Elephant, Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه was from the noble tribe of Banu Zuhrah, making him a relative of the Prophet ﷺ. His mother is reported to have been either Safiyyah bint Abd Manaf or Al-Shifa bint ‘Awf.

Before Islam, his name was Abd Amr (the servant of Amr) or, as some say, Abd al-Ka’bah (the servant of the Ka'bah). However, upon accepting Islam, the Prophet ﷺ renamed him Abdulrahman—"the servant of the Most Merciful."

He was among the first eight people to accept Islam and one of the earliest supporters of the Prophet ﷺ. His commitment to the faith saw him endure hardship, migration, and battles, including the historic Battle of Badr, where he fought alongside the Prophet ﷺ.

وَلَقَدْ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ إِذْ يُبَايِعُونَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَةِ
"Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree." (Qur'an 48:18)

Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه was among those who pledged allegiance under the tree during the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, gaining the special pleasure of Allah.

A Man of Stature and Presence

Historical descriptions paint a vivid picture of Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf. Sahla bint Asim رضي الله عنها describes him as:

  • Tall (كان عبد الرحمن رجلاً طوالاً)
  • Handsome (حسن الوجه)
  • Having large, bright eyes (أعين)
  • With a strong physique and broad shoulders (ضخم الكتفين) (Siyar A'lām al-Nubalā:1/75)

His hair remained dark and thick even in old age, and his presence was one that commanded both respect and admiration.

The Generosity of Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf

If there was one thing Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه was known for, it was his extreme generosity.

During the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ, he donated half of his wealth, which amounted to 4,000 dinars, to the Muslims. But that was only the beginning. His charity continued:

  • 40,000 dinars were later given in the way of Allah.
  • 500 horses were donated for the Muslim army.
  • 500 camels filled with supplies were distributed for the poor.

His immense wealth came from trade, yet he never let it distract him from his faith. When people praised his financial success, he humbly responded:

"I would lift a stone, and beneath it, I would find gold or silver." (Musnad Ahmad: 13863)

This was not a boast, but rather an acknowledgment of how Allah blessed his efforts. Yet, despite his wealth, he never indulged in luxury. Instead, he constantly gave for the sake of Allah.

The Prophet ﷺ Prayed Behind Him

Few people can claim that the Prophet ﷺ prayed behind them. Yet, Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه had this honor.

Once, the Prophet ﷺ arrived late for Fajr prayer, and the companions had already started the Salah behind Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf. When the Prophet ﷺ joined them, he did not interrupt the prayer but prayed behind Abdulrahman.

After the prayer, Abdulrahman felt uncomfortable leading the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, but the Prophet ﷺ reassured him. (Abū Dāwūd: 152)

This moment showed not only Abdulrahman’s leadership in the community but also how much the Prophet ﷺ trusted and respected him.

Umar’s Trust in Abdulrahman

Before his passing, Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه assigned a council of six companions to choose the next Caliph. Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf was among them.

However, in a remarkable display of humility, he withdrew himself from the race. Instead, he acted as a mediator, ensuring a fair selection. Eventually, he played a pivotal role in selecting Uthman ibn Affan رضي الله عنه as the third Caliph. (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī:3700)

His decision to step down highlighted his sincerity—he sought unity over power, setting an example for future leaders.

The Prophet’s Love for Him

There was an incident where Khalid ibn Al-Walid رضي الله عنه had a dispute with Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf. The Prophet ﷺ, seeing this, told Khalid:

"Do not revile any of my Companions."

Then, the Prophet ﷺ stated:

"If one of you were to spend gold equal to Mount Uhud, it would not reach the worth of a handful given by my companions." (Muslim: 2541)

This hadith shows the Prophet’s special love for his early companions, and Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه was among the foremost of them.

His Death and Legacy

After 75 years of a life filled with faith, sacrifice, and generosity, Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه passed away and was buried in Jannat Al-Baqi’.

At the time of his death, he left behind:

  • 1,000 camels
  • 3,000 sheep
  • 100 horses
  • A massive fortune, which he ensured was given in charity.

Umm Bakr bint al-Miswar, narrated that ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf رضي الله عنه once sold a piece of land to ʿUthmān رضي الله عنه for forty thousand dinars. But instead of keeping the wealth for himself, he immediately distributed it among those in need.

He divided the money among:

  • The poor of Banu Zuhrah, his own tribe
  • The Muhājirūn, those who migrated from Makkah to Madinah
  • The Mothers of the Believers, the wives of the Prophet ﷺ

This act of selflessness reflects the noble character of ‘Abd al-Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf رضي الله عنه, a man who understood that true wealth lies in what is given for the sake of Allah.

A Final Reflection

Abdulrahman bin ‘Awf رضي الله عنه was more than just a wealthy companion—he was a man of immense generosity, deep faith, and unwavering loyalty to Islam. His sacrifices for the Prophet ﷺ, his selflessness in leadership, and his humility despite his riches show that true success is measured by how we use our blessings for the sake of Allah.

His life is a testament that wealth is not in what we accumulate but in what we give, and that honor lies in service, not status.

Studying the lives of the Sahabah isn’t just about memorizing events—it’s about discovering timeless principles that refine our character and deepen our connection to Allah. At AMAU Academy, we strive to bridge the past with the present, turning their stories into living lessons rooted in the Qur’an and Sunnah, guiding us toward a life of purpose and sincerity.

Keep seeking knowledge, reflecting, and applying—because true growth comes from learning and living by it.

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