The Process of Revelation: How Wahy Came to the Prophet ﷺ
How did the Prophet ﷺ receive revelation? Discover the intense and profound process of wahy, its impact, and how it shaped the Quran and Sunnah in this deep dive.
How did the Prophet ﷺ receive revelation? Discover the intense and profound process of wahy, its impact, and how it shaped the Quran and Sunnah in this deep dive.
Preserving Arabic grammar safeguarded the Quran’s message. Discover how the early generations prevented “lahn” and upheld linguistic purity in Islamic teachings.
Is the Sunnah to pray 8 Raka'at for Taraweeh or 20? Is it virtuous to pray Qiyam ul-Layl only in Ramadan?
When is a person considered sick such that they are excused from fasting?
You mentioned that rewards for good deeds are multiplied during Ramadan. Are sins also multiplied during Ramadan?
I'm a sick patient who has been taking medication for a number of years. However, I recently found out that it has haram substances in it. I am now confused as to what I should do. Please advise me.
My father takes my money whenever he wants. I want to get married, perform Hajj, and give Da’wah for the sake of Allah, but I can’t afford it. What should I do?
How can we cultivate forbearance and good manners in daily life—not just with our parents, but also with our siblings?
Learn how to revolutionise your interactions and strengthen relationships through effective communication in this insightful AMAU podcast. Discover key strategies to avoid common mistakes, refine your speech, and foster meaningful conversations rooted in Islamic teachings.
How do you find harmony between this life and the Hereafter? In this episode, we explore balancing the Deen and Dunya, avoiding extremes, and using worldly blessings for eternal success. Learn practical steps to stay grounded, avoid distractions, and focus on what truly matters.
Discover the Islamic perspective on unity and disunity in this engaging podcast. Learn about causes of division, solutions for unity, and how the Qur'an and Sunnah guide us to strengthen bonds within the Ummah. Practical insights, tafsir, and powerful hadiths unpacked!
Unpack the debate on madhhabs, ijtihad, and taqlid in this thought-provoking podcast. Explore whether following a madhhab strengthens faith or leads to rigidity. Dive into the Quran and Sunnah's role, scholarly differences, and finding balance between evidence and tradition in Islamic rulings.