
Addressing Mistakes in Quran Recitation

Addressing Mistakes in Quran Recitation

If I recite a portion of the Qur'an from memory as part of a complete recitation and then I discover that I made some mistake, do I need to repeat the recitation from the place where the error occurred?

How to Build an Islamic Library

How to Build an Islamic Library

Books are gateways to Islamic knowledge and timeless wisdom. How do you create a library that inspires, educates, and leaves a lasting impact? Discover essential texts that turn collections of books into beacons of guidance and enlightenment for lay Muslims and aspiring students of knowledge.

How To Understand Qadar

How To Understand Qadar

Why do things happen as they do? How does Allah’s Will shape our lives? This exploration of al-Qadar addresses its levels, the balance between Divine knowledge and human choice, and misconceptions about destiny.

How to Give Up Backbiting

How to Give Up Backbiting

How often do we overlook the power of our words? What harm can a careless remark cause? Backbiting is a sin that corrodes relationships, tarnishes souls, and invites Allah’s displeasure. Learn what counts as backbiting, how to avoid it, and how to seek forgiveness for it.

How to Stop Sinning

How to Stop Sinning

Why do we struggle to stop sinning, even when we know it harms us? What fuels our desires, and how can we weaken them? How do we resist Shaytan’s whispers and strengthen our faith? Uncover powerful strategies to break free from sin, reclaim your heart, and find the path back to Allah.

How to Deal with Low Imaan

How to Deal with Low Imaan

Struggling with low Imaan? This guide offers practical steps to renew your faith, navigate challenges, and strengthen your connection with Allah. From dhikr to overcoming doubts, learn how to realign your heart and persevere through spiritual dips with wisdom from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

How Luqman’s Advice Can Transform Your Parenting Journey

How Luqman’s Advice Can Transform Your Parenting Journey

Join Ustadh Sadiq A. Yasin as he unpacks the life-changing wisdom of Luqman. From nurturing faith in our children to honouring parents and mastering humility, this talk dives into timeless gems every Muslim needs to hear. Ready to transform your perspective? Don’t miss this compelling reminder!

Feeling Distant from Allah? Start with THIS Simple Step

Feeling Distant from Allah? Start with THIS Simple Step

The Prophet ﷺ, sinless and protected, still sought Allah's forgiveness 100 times a day. Why? Discover the secret power of istighfar and tawbah to cleanse hearts, bridge the gap between us and Allah, and even turn sins into blessings. Could your heart be missing this vital practice?