My sincere advice is that you should not make such a pronouncement that you're never going to have children. The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Marry a woman who is loving and will bear you many children, for I will boast of your numbers before the other nations." (Sunan Abu Dawood: 2050)
(In some narrations, it is mentioned that the Prophet ﷺ will boast of your numbers before the other Prophets ﷺ.)
If the Prophet ﷺ encouraged having many children, I don’t think it is appropriate or befitting for a person to make a statement and say, "I've decided I'm never going to have any children."
There may be some particular circumstances that make you feel it’s not appropriate for you to have children at this moment in time. It may be that you decide there are some medical or other reasons why you feel that way.
However, to make such a generic statement and to say "forever"—I don’t feel that such a statement is appropriate.
Is it permissible for someone to marry a woman who doesn’t want to have kids?
It is the right of each spouse to have children. It is the right of a husband and the right of a wife, and neither has the right to prevent the other.
My fear is that you marry a woman who says, "I don’t want to have children," but perhaps in three years’ time, she changes her mind and says, "I want to have children now." If she does that, it is her right, and you cannot prevent her from that right.
Therefore, I suggest that you revise this pronouncement and statement that you’ve made. Think about it again and say, "I’m not looking to have children perhaps at this moment in time, but I’m not going to rule it out in the future."
You should also understand that it is the right of your spouse to have children if they want to, and you must not prevent them from that right.
And Allah, the Almighty knows best.
— Answered by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble