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Today, I have with me the two youngest that we've had on this show, a seat at the table. So the first is, what's your name? Assalamu alaikum, my name is Mohamed, and I'm 10 years old. MashaAllah, Allahumma barik.
And your name? Assalamu alaikum, my name is Ibrahim, I'm 8 years old, and I'm from Somalia. MashaAllah, Allahumma barik. So Mohamed, what's your ethnicity, what country are you from? My dad is from Bolivia, and my mom is from Somalia, but I'm born in America.
What about yourself, Ibrahim? I'm from Somalia, and my father is from Somalia, and my mom is from Abyssinia. MashaAllah, and you are, where were you born? I was born in the UK. You were born in the UK, MashaAllah.
So, both of you guys are people who've embarked on memorizing the Qur'an, learning the Qur'an at a very young age. And just for the viewers, Mohamed is my student, I teach, he's my neighbor and my student. Mohamed has traveled from the United States of America just so he can memorize the Qur'an with me and my children.
And Allahumma barik, he has taken that path in memorizing the Qur'an and learning the Qur'an. He has also memorized many other texts. From those texts are Kitab al-Fiqh al-Shafi'i, a thousand lines, it's Saffat al-Zubat, him and Ibrahim have memorized.
Sulam al-Wasul, Arba'un al-Nawawiyah, Tuhfat al-Atfal, am I missing any other books? Matn al-Jazariyya, Sulam al-Wasul I mentioned, Shahr Tabi'ah that you guys have, MashaAllah. So, InshaAllah ta'ala we want to know from their perspective. Ibrahim is my son and Mohamed is like my son.
May Allah preserve both of them. And InshaAllah ta'ala today I'm going to give them the opportunity to talk to every young youth out there who wants to learn and memorize the Qur'an. First of all, the Qur'an is the speech of who? The speech of Allah.
Allah says in the Qur'an وَإِنَّ حَجُوا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ اِسْتَجَارَكَ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ كَلَامَ اللَّهِ And he hears the what? The speech of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The best thing a person can be with is the Qur'an. وَإِنَّ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ أَوْثَقُ شَافِعٍ مُتَفَضِّلًا وَخَيْرُ جَلِيسٍ لَا يُمَلُو حَدِيثٍ وَتَرْدَادُهُ تَجَرُونَ The Qur'an is the best thing a person can sit with and enjoy.
And every time you read the Qur'an, what increases for you? The love and the appreciation of the Qur'an. So, Mohamed I'm going to start with you InshaAllah ta'ala. You left America.
The story of how you came here and how your dad and your mother exerted so much effort in wanting to see you take on the Qur'an, memorize the Qur'an. InshaAllah ta'ala, I think itself deserves a whole episode. Your parents did hijrah.
One day came to my lecture and we met there and your father, Daniel, he said to me, look, I'm a revet from Bolivia. I am interested in making my children, your father, memorize the Qur'an. What can you help me with? And I simply just said, look, if you want to do hijrah and you want to come here and me help you make your children memorize the Qur'an, I can do that.
But in the back of my head, I didn't think your dad was going to do that. Because a lot of people tell me that they want to do this and they want to memorize. And your father was the first person I ever saw who the second time knocked on my door and said, look, we've now left the United States of America.
We left Virginia, right? And we were here. What can you do for us? And I was taken back because I wasn't even ready. And from that journey, you will know 4.30 every single morning, right? 4.30 in the morning to 9.30. What do we do? We do Qur'an together, right? We do Jadid and we did Muraji'a together.
And to you memorize the Jadid and everything, right? And the Muraji'a. The Muraji'a means revision, going back. Okay.
We were memorizing Safwat al-Jubad, Sulam al-Wasul, all of these books we were memorizing, right? We memorized that. Now, my question to you both inshallah and ta'ala is, Muhammad, what can you say to someone who's 10 years of age if they want to memorize the Qur'an? How can they do it? What can they do? What's the one thing that helped you when it came to memorizing the Qur'an? Raise your voice. Speak from your heart.
Tell the people. What is it that you felt? Sincerity? Repetition? Is it coming early morning? Memorize the Qur'an. What do you think was the fact that helped you memorize the Qur'an and learn the Qur'an? Wake up in the morning time.
It's better. Because your brain gets fresher before the night time. In the night time, your brain gets down and cannot take anything anymore.
So, 4.30 in the morning. That's Fajr time, right? Yes. So, you feel that was the best time to wake up and memorize the Qur'an together, right? Yes.
What about you, Ibrahim? I think the same. It's good to do 4.30. I pray Fajr and it gives you the energy. And then you start the morning fresh and start memorizing the Qur'an.
What were the methods that you used to memorize the Qur'an? What means did you take in order to memorize the Qur'an? You mean how? Yes, methods. Things that you took. Things that you did to memorize the Qur'an.
What about you, Ibrahim? Repetition. Repetition. Meaning repeating the Qur'an so many times.
That's number one. What else? Just trying to enjoy the Qur'an. Trying to enjoy the Qur'an and love the Qur'an.
That's Allah Mubarak. What about you, Muhammad? I think that Ibrahim, like, repetition and trying to love the Qur'an. Enjoy it.
So, one of the paths that you took was listening to Sheikh Muhammad Khalil Hussary or Muhammad Sayyiq Al-Minshawi, right? Yes. Which was your favorite? Muhammad Khalil Hussary or Al-Minshawi? Khalil Hussary. Khalil Hussary is your favorite.
What about you? I like Khalil Hussary. You like Khalil Hussary. Which one do you listen to more? Al-Minshawi.
Al-Minshawi. So, you would sit down every day for like the first hour, is it? The first hour you'd put headphones on and you'd listen to Hussary you're reading or Al-Minshawi? I listen to Al-Minshawi. You listen to Al-Minshawi.
And then how long would that be for? I'd say about an hour. One hour you'd listen to your jadid on that one and then you'd come and you'd recite it, right? No. Two hours before the class.
Two hours before the class? The first hour you'd listen to it. Okay. And then memorize it for like half an hour.
And then you'd start from five to six at the muhajirah. Just go all the way again before the class. What about you, Muhammad? I first memorize until... So, let's say Safha.
Let's pick up Safha from the Qur'an. Choose a Safha for us. Any Safha.
Let's say Umar, Umar, Umar, Umar. I'll first memorize ayah first, next ayah, connect them until I keep doing that. How many times would you read each ayah? First, I'll do, I do two methods first.
You have two methods of memorizing a jadid. So how would, what would the first method be? The first thing is that I will listen to the first ayah. You listen to the first ayah.
Five times. You listen to the first ayah five times. Then I read it myself five times.
You read it to yourself five times. And I test myself and I never die. And you test it.
Then the next ayah, do the same thing and then connect. Until you're done with the sufah. What was the hardest surah that you felt was the hardest when it comes to memorization? To be honest, the surahs were not hard until ma'idah, the jama'ah.
That was the hardest. So jama'ah basically means when you combine the whole entire surah and you have to give it to me once. What about you Ibrahim, what was the hardest surah? Surat An-Nisa.
Which one? What part of Surat An-Nisa? Like you know the parts when it's like The ayatul wiratha, what's the ayatul wiratha? The ayat of the inheritance, which one? So they were very hard for you to memorize. Surat Al-e-Imran wasn't hard? So Al-e-Imran you didn't find it very hard. Al-e-Imran is very easy.
Baqarah is even easier. Okay, I have another question. A lot of people they say, you're an 8 year old, you're 8 years old.
And you're 10. Some people they say, memorize the Qur'an at that age. Memorizing so many books, it's not possible.
How do you do it? This can't happen. Is this even real? They believe that. I want you to tell the people there, who are listening, who are watching.
It's doable. It is doable. Because actually it's more easier to do while you're younger.
It's even more easier to do while you're younger instead of when you're older. So for me, the Ta'if al-Fa'il was very easy. Then Masjid al-Jazee was a little bit harder but still easy.
So Ta'if al-Fa'il was easy? Yes. Muqaddimah al-Jazee was even easier? Yeah. Okay.
And the Shatabiyyah was just a little bit more harder, but it's still easy. So somebody, Mashallah, Shatabiyyah is like a big book. Jazee is, Allahumma barik, smaller but it's a book.
It's a big book, Mashallah. Ta'if al-Fa'il for us. All of that and the Qur'an and the Arba'un al-Nawiyah that you do and all of those hadiths, that's something you're saying a 10-year-old can do in this time, 21st century.
Yes. It's doable. Yes.
Ibrahim, someone can memorize the Qur'an. They can memorize Ta'if al-Fa'il. They can memorize Sulam al-Wusul.
They can memorize all of these books. Al-Hirz al-Amani, Al-Hirz al-Ta'if, Al-Qirati al-Sabah. They're saying they can do all of that at the age of 8. It's doable.
What's the thing that you enjoyed the most when you were doing the Qur'an? What did you enjoy the most when you were doing the Qur'an? What part of memorizing the Qur'an did you enjoy the most? Raise your voice. So memorizing the Qur'an and having the Qur'an as your dalil straight away. Okay, so if somebody is to ask you right now a dalil for an issue, you can use that ayah straight away.
If you're a hafidh of the Qur'an. Okay, I'm going to ask you one dalil. Okay, are you ready? If you can't do it, Muhammad is going to take over.
The first question is Allah created Adam alayhi salam. And he told Adam that he's going to create the angels. And then he told the angels that he's going to create Adam alayhi salam.
Okay. And then the angels, they said, how are you going to create a creation that's going to disobey you? Where is that in the Qur'an? Okay, I have another question to you Muhammad. Allah Ta'ala saying to the creation, I take out from the back of Adam alayhi salam, a creation, the people.
And then he said to them, who is your Lord? And they said, you are our Lord. So this is what surah is that in? So if you need dalil from the Qur'an, you just have it ready at your disposal. You can just tell them, Allah Ta'ala and you can use the ayah.
Allahumma barik. The Qur'an. Came down onto Nabil alayhi Muhammad.
Through who? Who brought it to him? What's the evidence? What's the dalil that Jibreel came with the Qur'an to the Prophet alayhi salam? Raise your voice. So what language is the Qur'an written in? In the Arabic language. There's one page in the Qur'an where Allah Ta'ala mentions so many prophets.
What surah is that? Do you know what page it is? Muhammad, what is it? الذين آمنوا ولم يلبسوا إيمانهم بظلم أولئك لهم من أمنهم I now want to ask you guys a question. Now that you've learned the Qur'an. Is it something you just leave and just walk away from it? Or does it lead from you to carry on always reading and reading and reading? Carry on.
You just have to keep carrying on. Or else you're always going to forget it. Entire Qur'an? In Surah Al-Fatiha.
In Surah Al-Fatiha. What about you Ibrahim, what do you think? You should not leave the Qur'an. You should what? What should you do? You should just keep positioning.
Do you think you lost your childhood? Like you know you didn't have fun because you were busy with memorizing the Qur'an? Or did you have fun and memorize the Qur'an? Whilst memorizing the Qur'an did you have fun? Yeah. While memorizing the Qur'an was actually fun. It was fun right? You enjoyed it? Yes.
What do you think Ibrahim? It was really fun. You enjoyed memorizing the Qur'an? It was fun. A lot of people are going to have to start memorizing the Qur'an when they're 30, 45, 35, maybe 50.
You guys have already done it. Now the question is memorizing is the first part. What do you guys have to do after this? You have to act upon what you've memorized right? Yeah.
Everything you've learned, everything you've memorized, what do you have to do? And also understand it. Understand the Qur'an. Mohamed you like reading a lot right? What do you like reading in your spare time when you're not memorizing the Qur'an or memorizing anything? It's not like books.
Like about like first verse in Sira and then... So what's the nickname that we've given you that you have? Sira boy. So your name is Sira boy right? Mohamed is good at Sira. Like you ask anything related to the Sira of the Prophet or the companions or how they're related to the Prophet.
Mohamed is a master at that. So you like the Sira. You want to go too much into Sira.
Pursue more in learning about the Sira. So what are you reading now? I'm now just finishing Al Bida'i wal Nihayat, the book of Ibn Kathir. So you're doing Al Bida'i wal Nihayat of Ibn Kathir.
What chapter, what section are you doing? How many volumes is it? 7. Actually I think it's more than 7. It's 20 something. 20 something volumes. But then the English is only 7. The English is only 7. And I finished the 6th one.
Now you're on the 6th one which is the last. I'm on the 7th one. 7th one mashallah.
Okay. What have you benefited? You want to share with us? I think that I lost some stories between like Bani Israel, the second book. Between inside them.
Bani Israel. Why are they called Bani Israel? Where does the name come from? Israel. Prophet Ya'qub.
Who is Israel? Prophet Ya'qub. What's the Zalil? Ya'qub is called Israel. This ayah is surah Al Imran.
Okay. Mashallah. Allah Mubarak.
What's your advice to the people watching this? Your chance to talk to the people now. Tell us your nasiha. Nasiha? Al dinu nasiha kulna? Kulna.
Okay. The religion is advice, right? And it's advice to who? Al dinu nasiha. Kulna liman qala lillahi wal kitabihi wal rasulihi.
Which sahabi narrated this hadith? So the religion is advice. So now almatil muslimin, the people who are watching, they want to know what? The nasiha that you want to give them. I'm going to go first.
I'm going to give my nasiha to them. And then Muhammad's going to give them nasiha. And then you, Ibrahim, are going to give them nasiha.
And you're not allowed to cheat, okay? You can't take my nasiha, okay? My advice is that the Qur'an is guidance. Allah Ta'ala says, Ya ayyuhannasu qad ja'akum burhanun min rabbikum wa anzalna ilaykum nuran mubina. So the Qur'an is a what? It's a light.
When you're in darkness, this is your light. Also Allah Ta'ala says, Ya ayyuhannasu qad ja'akum maw'udatun min rabbikum wa shifaun lima fi suduri wa hudan wa rahmatun lil mu'minin. So it's a what? It's a cure.
If you have any illnesses, the Qur'an is a cure. wa nunazzilu mina al Qur'ani ma huwa shifaun wa rahmatun lil mu'minin wa la yazidu al zalimina illa The Qur'an is a what? It's a cure. Cure for what? The heart.
Cure for the body and everything. You need to take the Qur'an as it is. Also the Qur'an is what? wa tuluma uhiya ilayka Reading the Qur'an.
Reciting the Qur'an. waratilil Qur'ana tartila The Prophet said in a hadith alayhis salatu wa salam man lam yata ghana bil Qur'ani falaysa falaysa minna Beautifying your voice when you read the Qur'an. man lam yata ghana bil Qur'ani means the one who doesn't recite the Qur'an properly.
He's not from amongst us. Sah? Also the Qur'an is what? If you take it as a guidance, it will guide you. fa imma ya'tiyannakum minni yuhuda fa man tabi'a hudaya fa la yadhillu fa la yadhillu ayyuhad dunya Abdullah ibn Abbas said wa la yashqa ayyufil akhira If you take the Qur'an as a guidance, you're not going to be guided in this world.
And you're going to find happiness and good in the hereafter, right? wa man a'arada'an dhikri fa inna lahu ma'ishatan Anyone who turns away from the Qur'an is going to find what? A hard life. ma'ishatan dhankan wa nahshuruhu yawma alqiyamati a'ma Allah is going to resurrect you yawma alqiyamah what? Blind. What's the person going to say? qala rabbi li mahjabta illahi wa qad kuntu basira Why am I set out blind, sah? Okay.
So the Qur'an, you have to take it as a guidance. And hold on to the Qur'an. Allah says inna allatheena yataluna kitaballahi wa aqamu as-salatu anfaqu mimma razaqnahu sirran wa alaniyatan No.
yarjuna tijaratan li wafiyahum ujurahum wa yazidahum min fadhli Those people who are reciting the Qur'an, who are holding on to the Qur'an, what are those people going to receive? What are they in? tijaratan lintabur They are in trading with who, Allah? tijara ma'man? Allahu subhanahu subhanahu wa ta'ala So my nasihah is this Qur'an is a happiness. It's our salvation, inshallah. Read it.
Act upon it. Understand it. And Allah will protect you and take care of you and preserve you.
Hamid, what's your advice? My nasihah is to be friends with the Qur'an. To memorize it. To be friends with the Qur'an.
Memorize it. Understand because if you're in a hard situation, the Qur'an is the thing that's light in your head. It could guide you out of what's wrong.
What about you, Ibrahim? Take the Qur'an seriously. Raise your voice. Take the Qur'an seriously.
Take the Qur'an seriously. How? By reading it wherever you are. Allahumma barik.
Wherever you are, you read the Qur'an. And whatever situation you're reading in the Qur'an. Who helped you the most when it comes to memorization of the Qur'an? You, your mom helped you the most, right? Not me, yeah? And this is again another important thing which is the role of the mother.
And also the father. Both of your parents, you, your mom and dad, and him, his mom and dad are both involved in the Qur'an process, right? This is why it's very important that both of the parents are involved. Sah? Or else, the children will not have the opportunity to go forward in their Qur'an process.
A lot of people just want their children to be a hufadh and memorize the Qur'an, but they don't sacrifice anything, sah? Yeah, I've seen your mom and dad every morning, 4.30, they're there sitting with you guys, making sure that you learn, they're observing your Qur'an recitation, the feedback that we have back and forth, when, sah? At home, what you guys are putting in, Allahumma barik. Same with Ibrahim. So this also is the parents pulling their socks, sah? And I just want all of you to see is that if an 8-year-old and a 10-year-old have done it, every single person out there can do it.
The sky is not the limit, sah? And you can do it and you can memorize, right? That's inshaAllah ta'ala, I think, what we wanted to share in this episode, bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Is there any last final words that you want to say? Yeah? Are you sure, Mohammed? You guys haven't spoken much. The whole episode is about a seat at the table where I ask questions.
Do you have questions you want to ask me? Are you sure, Ibrahim? You always ask questions, but now, suddenly, you don't have no questions. What about you, Mohammed? Any questions? Think about it. Okay? We're going to stop there, inshaAllah ta'ala.
That's the end of the episode for today, inshaAllah ta'ala. Anything we have said wrong, any mistakes, slip of the tongue, is from us and shaytan and Allah and His Messenger. I'm both free from it.
Hope to see you guys in the next episode. Subhanaka Allahumma alhamdulillah. Ashadu an la ilaha illallah.
Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilayh.