Answer: In response to your question, it is necessary that men and women are not sitting together in the same space. The women should be separated from the men, such as sitting at the back of the class while the men sit at the front.
It is permissible for women to study the Quran, its Tafsir (explanation), and even Quranic recitation from a male teacher. However, there are specific conditions that must be observed. For example, a woman should not beautify her voice while reciting the Quran in front of a male teacher.
A woman is allowed to ask about religious matters from both men and women. However, if she asks a man, she must adhere to certain Islamic guidelines.
These include:
- Not beautifying herself: She should avoid wearing makeup or dressing in a way that attracts attention.
- Avoiding perfume: She should not wear perfume in the presence of non-mahram men.
- Speaking respectfully: She should avoid softening her voice or speaking in a playful manner. Instead, she should speak in a respectful and straightforward tone.
Allah says in the Quran:
"Do not speak softly, lest someone with sickness in his heart becomes desirous. But speak in an appropriate manner." (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:32)
Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim both narrated on the authority of Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri that the Prophet ﷺ said:
“The women said, 'O Messenger of Allah, the men have taken the majority of your time. They have taken everything from you. Please allocate a specific day for us.' The Prophet ﷺ then set aside a day for them, met with them, reminded them, and commanded them. Among what he said to them was, 'There is no woman who loses three of her children except that it will be a shield for her from the Hellfire.' A woman then asked, 'What about two, O Messenger of Allah?' The Prophet ﷺ replied, 'Even two'.” (Bukhari: 101)
All of this is permissible only if there is no fear of fitna (temptation or sin). If there is a risk of fitna, then it is not allowed for a male teacher to teach female students. In such cases, the male teacher should refrain from teaching them.
Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim both narrated on the authority of Usamah ibn Zayd that the Prophet ﷺ said:
“I have not left behind a fitna more harmful to men than women.” (Bukhari: 5096)
Additionally, Imam Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“Fear the dunya (worldly life) and fear the women, for indeed the first fitna of the Children of Israel was related to women.” (Muslim: 2742)
Therefore, if there is any concern about fitna, it is essential to avoid situations that could lead to it. This includes a male teacher refraining from teaching female students if there is a risk of temptation or sin.
And Allah knows best.
— Answered by Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan