Faith Under Fire: How to Stay Steadfast in a World of Doubt and Desire

Struggling with doubts or looking to strengthen your faith? Shaikh Dr. Asim Al-Qaryooti dives into how knowledge deepens conviction, protects against temptation, and keeps you steadfast. Don’t miss these powerful insights—watch now!

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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, and with Him I ask for help. I send greetings upon the Master of the Prophets and Messengers. As for the rest, we must always make sure that we are steadfast in the religion of Allah, steadfast in the Book and the Sunnah.

Say, I believe in Allah, then be steadfast, as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, enjoined. There is no doubt that man has been tested. Temptation is presented to man in its types, forms, sexes, and forms.

For this reason, temptation can be related to suspicions, meaning suspicions related to the matter of belief, whether it is belief in God, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, the Qur'an, the Imam of Islam, or the Companions, may God be pleased with them. This is related to suspicions. There are many things in which there is doubt in faith, in the obligatory beliefs, in the religion of God, and in the service of Islam and the scholars of Islam to this religion.

And the second thing is the lusts that are presented to man. Time may not be enough for the difference in times related to lusts, and their circle on the lust for money, and the lust for men and women, and the lust for the presidency and the position. These are all lusts.

A Muslim has the right to ensure the stability of the religion of God. For this reason, we have rules and principles for the safety, God willing, of suspicions. And the greatest thing is that a Muslim knows his religion well.

He knows what God has commanded him to believe. Belief in the names of God Almighty and His attributes. Belief in the matters of faith, what to believe in, and in the matters of the unseen, and in everything that came in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

And he knows the belief of the people of the Sunnah in what a Muslim should follow and understand, because it is based on the Book of God and the Hadith of the Prophet. Why do we say this? This is the first way to prevent the effects of suspicions on you, O Muslim. Because if you truly believe in evidence, and firmly believe in the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Prophet, this is a barrier preventing you from being affected by the slightest suspicion.

While suspicions pierce those who have no knowledge or have little knowledge. The more you increase your knowledge of the Book and the Sunnah and the doctrine of the Muslims, the more steadfast you become, and the less you are exposed to temptation, without doubt or doubt in that. Temptation comes only when faith is weakened in the temptation of desires, and when knowledge is weakened, especially in the matter of the temptation of suspicions.

This is why this is the stage of building. If the building is sound, strong, and solid, it will not be affected by any wind or storm. On the other hand, if the building is weak and rustling, it will be affected by the slightest wind or storm, and this may lead to the collapse of the building.

This is why we find the issue of knowledge before work, as well as the level of knowledge and the grace of knowledge. All of this is for the sake of work, for the sake of working with it and believing in it. This grace of knowledge came to this stage.

The more you increase your knowledge of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, the more steadfast and firm you become in this great religion. This is a great principle in this regard, to stay away from the temptation of suspicions, to be firm in knowledge and to be firm in knowledge, so that it is a barrier preventing any effect of any suspicion.

The second point is that a person should not listen, learn, or receive knowledge except from his family. Allah says, "So ask the people of the Qur'an if you do not know." The question is for the people of the Qur'an, the people of the Sunnah, the people of monotheism, the people of Islam, the true religion. These are the ones who are asked for knowledge, and knowledge is received from them.

As for those who have deviations, those who have deviations from the religion of Allah and the understanding of the Sunnah, this knowledge is received from them without compulsion and without need, and they do not find any objection, except in what spoils their belief. These are the details of this matter, but this spoils a person's belief in a way he does not feel.

This is why Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar mentioned in his book Lisan Al-Mizan, in the translation of Al-Zamakhshari, about one of Al-Bukhari's interpreters, I can't remember his name now, I think he is the author, Al-Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned in his book Al-Zamakhshari that it is recommended not to read from the book of Al-Kashshaf.

Why? He said, because if a person is a competent scholar, he may be influenced by a suspicion, or be influenced by a suspicion in himself, which stimulates him. Al-Zamakhshari has a tongue and a pen, with his creativity in the miracles of the Qur'an, but unfortunately, he has a weak sense of balance, and he has his own ways of influencing the reader, and he mixes the poison with the honey. The first thing is that a scholar, if he looks at it, he is influenced by it, in a way that he does not feel.

The second thing, and this is important, is that the public, when they see this book, they follow it, and therefore, they fall into these suspicions, and this misguidance, and this deviation, and as for those who have no knowledge, from the beginning, until these suspicions increase, and become stronger in the soul, and at that time, there will be a great deviation and deviation.

This is an important issue, and as for the book, in short, it is the explanation of Bukhari, not in short, to Ibn Abi Jamrah, I think, the delight of the souls, perhaps, but the name of the book, the delight of the souls, and its solution, to the end, to Ibn Abi Jamrah, yes.

So here, dear brothers and sisters, the acquisition of knowledge from the people of the Sunnah, and from the companions of the correct belief, because a person may become weak in the face of some suspicions, and he cannot respond to them. This is also an important principle, and in knowing the truth, and also, for a person to be in security and safety, from the temptation related to suspicions.

We said, the acquisition of correct knowledge, this is the first basis, and it is the correct building. The second matter, is that he does not take knowledge, and does not receive it, except from his family. This is the second matter.

The third matter, is that a person seeks refuge in Allah, by supplication, and asking Allah for stability. O Allah, make us firm, with the word of stability, in the life of this world, and the hereafter.

We supplicate to Him, for stability. No matter, if it is a matter of stability, in religion, he does not doubt himself. I do not want to give you, I know stories from people, Allah knows them well, but they are temptations.

We ask Allah for stability. So, it is advisable for a person, to always ask Allah, for stability, in this religion. One of the reasons, that makes some people, doubtful, about suspicions, until they become firm, and there is no suspicion left.

After that, it becomes a wrong religion, deviated, and it may lead to leaving, even from the circle of Islam. And it is, what can be called, curiosity. Meaning, that he does not need, to listen to some people, just to flip the pages, to flip YouTube, to flip the media, for misguided parties, and deviated groups, with the claim of curiosity.

And he has no knowledge at all, and he does not need this, at all, only, and he is not convinced, certainly. But, he does not have a solid foundation, at all. So, when he comes, and flips these channels, and these, multiple means, and listens here and there, for the love of listening, only, with the claim, that Satan, deceives himself, little by little, and spoils his religion.

The matters of creed are very dangerous, and the lusts, related to this topic, one has to close, and block, all the doors, that, he fears, what he is certain, but, just, the possibility, that evil comes to him, from this door, or that. The creed, is the foundation of religion. And as we said, the aspects of obedience, in religion, the doubt, in religion, from multiple aspects.

And man, seeks his Lord, glory be to Him, stability, and also, an important matter, that man, if, a suspicion, is attached to it, or, a suspicion, and, a confusion, occurs in it, that, the people of knowledge, the people of specialization, the people of Sunnah, the people of righteous belief, there, whoever, is affected, by this, or whoever, has a question, about this, what is the answer, to this, and how, is the answer, to this, and does not leave, this suspicion, in himself, so that, this suspicion, does not increase, and increase, and multiply, this suspicion.

This is, a great principle, of principles, that we should, be aware of, for it. And man, does not leave, this suspicion. It grows, in himself, and, the concern, for, the righteous belief, and, the question, of God, stability, and, the absence, of confusion, in these, areas, which, are, the people, of creativity, and, desires, of the principles, that we should, follow, for, stability, and, the absence, of confusion.

And, from, the very important, also, the response, to the, Book of God, and, to the Sunnah, of His Messenger, peace be upon him, and, to the people, of the solution, and, the people, of the belief, and, those, who have, knowledge, and, expertise, in this. Not, that, every person, becomes, as if, he is, a political analyst, in issues, that, the people, of politics, and, expertise, are unable, to solve.

So, every student, of knowledge, becomes, a political analyst, in issues, that, the people, of politics, are unable, to solve. So, every student, are unable, to solve. every student, becomes, a political analyst, in issues, of politics, this approach and avoided what we mentioned and built his foundation in understanding religion on a solid and sound basis, the more he was away from suspicions.

For example, he who knows the status of the people of the house in the religion of Islam and the people of the Sunnah, he who knows the status of the companions, may God be pleased with them, in the book of God and the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

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