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The Importance of Holding on to the Qur'an
Once upon a time, I came across a statement, or was it advice my teacher once gave. He said that if the people were to hold on to the Qur'an the way that they hold on to their phones, everybody would have been a hafidh. The way that the people are, everyone's got their phone in their pocket.
Everyone makes sure that their phone is charged. What happens to you if you lost your phone? Some people you think they go crazy when they lose their phone. Are you there brothers? Just my trip here from Umrah, I lost my iPad.
When I reached Jeddah airport, I lost my iPad. My house, and there was a notebook I used to write benefits in, I lost it. The shock that it had to me, I started losing other things after that.
We're all together brothers. I have to understand these are technology at the end of the day. For me, it wasn't the technology, it was just the content that was in it.
I was in the middle of writing benefits and things like that. Inshallah, Alhamdulillah, by the way, it's found. Alhamdulillah, I found it, I've got it now, Alhamdulillah, I'm going to get it, Inshallah, tomorrow.
But the point is, how these technology is towards to us is scary, right? If we lose our phones, we go crazy. How many times do people bring out their phones just to check it? No one's calling you. You bring it out just to check if it's still alive.
If it's still there in your, you touch your pocket just to see if it's still there, right? Yeah? Allahu Akbar. Many years back, telephones had wires plugged to the wall. Now that wire that the phone is plugged into is us.
Plugged into us. And it's taken everything from us. I've seen the phone do to people things only Allah knows.
The desperation of some people. I need to go somewhere. I haven't got a charger.
Please, can you get me a charger, please? I need a charger. My phone's battery is dead. Does anyone have a charger? Can I please have a charger? I want a charger.
The way that the person is, ajeeb. Sah? One day. Who has gone by 24 hours and not looked at their phone? 24 hours and did not look at your phone.
You haven't looked at it for 24 hours. It's rare. It's a very rare thing.
So if we held on to the Quran, the way that we hold on to our phone. Everybody, right now. I'll do it as well.
If you've got iPhone. If you don't have iPhone, just keep it in your pocket. Check your phone usage.
Like everybody do. Don't tell it to anybody. Everybody open your phone.
Just check. Go to your settings. I think you've got general.
Sah? Where do you got no battery, sah? Good. So it'll tell you. I know you've got battery.
You scroll down when you've got battery, you can see it. It'll tell you how much hours you spend on each app. Sah? Does everybody here have Quran apps? Majority of us have it, right? So you always see that's not even on the list.
And what's on the list? Instagram. Facebook. Twitter.
All the other apps, sah? So this, how many hours? Scary, right? You start seeing. If you have more than two hours on there. And you don't make money from it.
And it's not a business phone. It's your personal phone. And you're spending two hours every day.
It's scary. Sah? Two hours screen time. Ibn Arabi, it's scary for all of us.
So imagine you spent two hours on the Quran every day. Yeah? Imagine you spent two hours on the Quran. What would you, how would you be? So when people say to me, I want to learn the Quran, but I can't find a teacher.
No one ever says that when it comes to mobile phone. I want somebody to teach me how to use the phone. By the way, there's a lot of features on the iPhone that majority of us don't even use, sah? There's a lot of features.
Am I making sense? No, I am. There's so much features on these phones that we don't use, we don't care. Who sat down and read a manual guide? Of how to use the iPhone.
Okay. Majority of us haven't, sah? We took it, we started using it. We tried to fix it.
If you want something, you generally look for a way to do it. If you really want to learn the Quran, I promise you will find a way to learn the Quran, sah? That's if there's a will. There's a way.
Sah? You want something, you will look for it. You exert every effort you could possibly do in order to get it. But we don't have that.
When it comes to seeking knowledge and learning about our religion, it's like, I can't, I couldn't, I wouldn't, I would, I should, I... All of those excuses are brought out. And every time there's the same question that's asked, how do I seek knowledge? I'm sure you know it. All of you guys go to school, right? Sah? You've been to school, you went to secondary school, college, you know how to seek knowledge.
Come on. Sah? You didn't come from the forest. You know how to learn.
You just maybe need to be told, tweak this, tweak that. Maybe put this one first. Maybe put that one.
That's it. But the bulk of us here, we're all aware of how to seek knowledge. Sah? And that's the most asked question.
Everybody's like, how do I learn the Quran? How do I do tafsir of the Quran? How do I seek knowledge? Sah? So brothers, we are not going to go forward unless we learn this Quran and what is in it. There is no human being's words that is eloquent enough or good enough to fulfill your heart than the Quran. Wallahi, when you learn the Quran, everyone's words will just seem... They won't make the uzoob and sweetness that the Quran has.
Yeah? You will reach a point where lectures and reminders don't benefit you anymore. Unless there's a lot of Quran in there. That's where you feel your sweetness from.
Sah? That's why I'm saying brothers, Ramadan is around the corner. When it comes, this is the month of the Quran. It's not the month of any other actions.
It's what? The Quran. You have to read the Quran. And we all together, for these last two days, I wasn't feeling too good.
Feeling a bit sick. I just returned and I couldn't read so much in books. So there was one book I took that year.
And that was Al-Tafseer Al-Muyassar. I read the juice and then I read the what? I gave my son a copy. I said, look, listen, listen, listen.
Young boy, this is what you need to do. Take this copy. You do your one and I'll do my one.
And then I gave him Al-Tafseer Al-Muyassar. And I said, I'm going to take the Muqtasar and we swap. I finished mine.
I don't know if he's finished his one yet. He's just put it on the shelf somewhere. So then I'm going to swap back and then I want to read the other one.
I never found a joy the way I found a joy in reading the Quran. You literally just read the Quran as much as you can and then just go through the Tafseer of it. So much joy, brothers.
I read how Allah is talking, the things he's saying, how he's saying it, subhanahu wa ta'ala.