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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
To Him is praise, good, and beautiful praise. و أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له يقول الحق وهو يهدي السبيل و أشهد أن محمدًا عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه والتابعين لهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين أما بعد
We took two سبب, two reasons why low aspiration occurs. And Inshallah we are now going to go into the third, which is the بيئة, the society, and the community, and the environment that you are in has an effect on a person's aspiration.
The scholars they mention, the plant, if it's next to another plant, or even if a vegetable or a fruit, if you take an apple, a fresh apple, and you take an old apple that's rotted, and you place it next to each other. The rotted apple will affect the fresh new apple; if they both touch it, it will affect it, it will pass on the rot and the bacteria onto the fresh apple. Try it yourself, you'll see it.
And that's the reality of us. If we're in a toxic society, a toxic community, a toxic household, the reality is we become like that. It weakens your aspiration, puts you down, even might kill your aspiration, and it will make you something you are naturally not. And that's why Allah mentions that to us in the Quran. The one that is filthy, the land that is filthy, what it produces is only filth.
Filth produces filth كذلك الإنسان. The same is the human being إذا نشأ في بيئة صالحة. If he grows up in a good society من بيت طيب. He grows up in a good household ومجتمع أساسيتي تشيع فيه الفضيلة. That virtue and righteous action and nobility is gushing from that society. Coming from that society, springing from that society.
ومدرسة A school تُعْنَى بِدِينِ الطُّلَّابِ وَخُلُقِهِمْ. And your son or your daughter is going to a school where their religion is protected for them. And their manners and etiquette is protected for them. Not a school that they've been taught about LGBT and they've been taught about this. And what they learn from their school, The أخلاقيات, the things that they learn from it, it's not bad. If it's good, remember it's going to produce good to children.
So that is one of the سَبَب of دُنُو الهِمَة. The fourth is قِلَّةُ وُجُودِ الْمُرَبِّينِ الأَفْذَادِ وَالْمُعَلِّمِينَ الْقُدْوَاتِ. The مُرَبِّين are very little. Those who nurture are very little. And the teachers who can be taken as role models are also little. And this matter is من أعظم أسباب دُنُو الهِمَة. It's one of the greatest reasons for low aspiration.
فَمِمَّا يُؤْسَفُ One of the things that saddens really is قِلَّةُ وُجُودِ الْمُرَبِّينِ الْأَفْذَادِ. We don't have many people to do تربية. And we don't have many مُعَلِّمِينَ الْنَصِحِينَ الْقُدْوَاتِ. Teachers who are sincere advisors who can also be taken as role models الَّذِينَ يُرْبُونَ طُلَّابَهُمْ عَلَىٰ نَشْتَانِ الْمَعَلِي وَتَطْلَابِ الْكَمَالَاتِ. Who nurture their students upon high aspiration and they also nurture their students on noble integrity.
For example, you find some teachers مَنْ لَا أَهَمَّ لَهُ. He has no other desire إِلَّا إِلْقَاءُ الدَّرْسِ فَحَسْ. All he wants to do is to teach the students the knowledge and he leaves بِغَضِّ النَّظَرِ عَنْ تَوْجِيهِ الطُّلَّابِ. And doesn't give much importance to correcting the students and directing them in the right direction وَتَرْبِيَتِهِمْ وَنُصْحِي لَهُمْ. Advising them sincerely. He doesn't give importance to that. His concern is only to give the lesson and to go.
There are some people like that وَتَجِدُ فِيهِمْ مَنْ يُؤَدِّي دَرْسَهُ بِكُلِّ تَثَاقُلٍ وَبُرُودٍ. And there's another type of person who finds it very hard to teach. When he has to teach, he's dragging his leg. Doesn't have the energy for it and enthusiasm. He doesn't have that drive. The teaching and the class that he has to do is like to him جَبَلٌ عَلَىٰ عَتِقِي يَسْعَىٰ لِإِزَاحَتِهِ. It's like a mountain that is placed on his shoulder which he has to move.
وبالتالي with that being said يَفْتَقِذُ الدَّرْسُ الْحَرَارَةُ وَالرُّوحُ. And the lesson when he even gives it, it doesn't have that energy, that enthusiasm that it should have. فَتَقِلُ فَائِدَةُ الطُّلَّابِ مِنَ الدَّرْسِ. So the students they really don't benefit much from it. It's so boring. He's monotone when he speaks. He doesn't want to do it, he's not driven. He's just pulling his leg.
فَلَا يَجِدُونَ الْيَدَ الْحَائِنَةُ. So the students, they don't actually find someone who cares. فَلَا يَجِدُونَ الْيَدَ الْحَائِنَةُ. The students they don't find a caring hand وَالْقَلْبَ الرَّحِيمُ. A merciful heart وَالنَّفْسَ الْأَبِيَّ. And a soul that holds itself with high morals الَّتِي تَنْشُدُ عِزَّهُمْ وَتَرُومُ فَلَاحَهُمْ. That makes these young kids, these young youths push them to their potentials وَتَرُومُ فَلَاحَهُمْ. And look out for their success.
وَتَجِدُ مِنَ الْمُعَلِّمِينَ. You find from the teachers من هو ضعيف النفس. He's a weak teacher as a person. مهزوم الوجدان مهزوم الشخصية. His personality, his character is very low. ساقط الهمة. He has very low aspiration. ضيق النظر. He's a narrow-minded individual يربي الطلاب على الخور. He nurtures the students upon fear tactics and he scares them وَالتقليد الأعمى. Blind following.
If I say something, follow me إِذَا قَالَتْ حَذَامِ فَصَدِّقُوهَا فَإِنَّ الْقَوْلَ مَا قَالَتْ حَذَامِ. If I say something, follow it. Don't question me. That's what he nurtures the students upon. And because of all of that يَخْرُجُ الْجِيلَ الَّذِي تَرَبَّ عَلَى أَمْثَالِهَا أُولَٰئِ جِيلًا جِيْنًا. From here comes out what يَخْرُجُ الْجِيلَ الَّذِي تَرَبَّ عَلَى أَمْثَالِهَا أُولَٰئِ جِيلًا جِيلًا. A people who have been nurtured upon these type of people who have been nurtured by these people.
A person who is جَبَان. He himself is scared. ضعيف النفس. Your teacher is weak in himself قَالِ عَدّون. The teacher chooses low things. So the student gets inspired by someone like that. He doesn't fall far from his teacher. Becomes like that.
The fifth reason for low aspiration is وسائل الإعلام. Social media plays a big role. فوسائل الإعلام لها دور خطير في التربية. فوسائل الإعلام لها دور خطير في التربية. Social media has a big role in nurturing the people. And it also has قدرة كبيرة على الإقناع. And it also has قدرة كبيرة على الإقناع. Social media also has a great ability to convince the people.
Social media can easily convince someone وصياغة الأفكار وصياغة الأفكار. Social media is really able to project its opinions ولها دور بالغ في دور الأسرة والمدرسة. And it can have a large effect on people's family life. It can also have a great effect on people's education and schools. Positive or negative effect.
فإذا من حرفت تلك الوسائل فاعدت الناس إلى الهاوية. فاعدت الناس إلى الأسرة. When social media become corrupt, which is the situation for many, the type of social media outlets that they're watching is corrupt. So what is leading them to is destruction. قادة الناس إلى الهوية. Leads and leads many people to destruction وأصبحت معاولة هدم و تخريب. And it becomes a source of destruction and an annihilation of a person's morality and conduct وأدوات فساد وانحلال. And it becomes corruption and devastation for many people.
ومدارس لتمييع الأخلاق. And it becomes a school for many people where their manners and their etiquette is destroyed. وقتل المرؤة والرجولة. And a person loses their morality and dignity and their manhood. Social media has destroyed many people's lives and continues to do so. It's given a voice to the أراذيل, the lowest of low people who will never be spoken to and no one gives them any attention.
People who suffer from mental health issues who need help, who deserve to be cared for, people are taking those type of people as comedy and they're laughing at them on social media. سبحان الله. Many years back, I remember there was a man who had illnesses, but someone made a social media outlet for him and they were recording him. And so because he's not mentally stable, he does things that people are commenting and they're laughing.
And it was a series of comedy for him and it was a series but episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, and social media they were releasing on that. غريب. He needs help. They're making money from him or whatever they're making from him or fame or that's what they're doing. Is that something that would have happened if social media wasn't there? Those are those type of people being would have been cared for. They would have been in good caring hands.
But now it's all what you can put out there. Everyone puts out everything there. Privacy is gone and what people are taking from there is low aspiration.
The sixth thing that affects a person's aspiration is هم الزوجة والأولاد. The sixth thing that affects a person's aspiration is the wife and your children having on you weight. As Allah told us in the Quran, your wives and your children are a fitna. And the same for the woman, her husband can't be for her a means of low aspiration. Because of him, she's going far. She's seeking knowledge, she's going out there, she's benefiting. He's the one who's not doing that.
He's dragging his legs, he's not giving a lot of consideration to learning the deal, he's joking about it, he's mocking it at times. So the situation can happen for both parties. It can happen for the men and the women. So this partner of yours becomes what fatahs would do honey the Nevada. They become an obstacle from you worshiping Allah.
What the Roku on pala below him, your wife is either stopping you from seeking knowledge or she's stopping you from worshiping Allah or your husband's doing that to you. He's stopping you from seeking knowledge. He is stopping you from worshiping Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala.
Was sadly Mali and to achieve your high goals whether it can be Sababi a decade in her and that might be because of the weak religion that this one wife of yours possesses or it could be a weak religion that your husband possesses. It's true for both parties.
Oh cut the roti Allah batty her or the demands that your wife is putting forward is making you unable to reach your goal in life. And the same for the wife. The minute she says I want to go, I've got a class in the mystery, I need to learn the Quran, I need to go study. You know the religion, she tells her, I'll go cook for me, go clean this for me, do this for me.
He demands just so she doesn't study and learn what a really highly so Jiha. And also times is to expose her, belittle her and ridicule her. The same happens from the wives and the husbands, both parties. So children and your wife can be like that to you.
What can I look at all that but you're gonna fit that and what I'll leave ality him. Your children can be a fitness to you. Mothers experience that first-hand. They experience that very often that they want to read Quran, the child starts to run at the parent, the mother and say mom, mom, so-and-so said this to me. So it would a fight amongst themselves and she can't read even a page.
There are fitna to her also. They are fitna the same to the father. He's scared for his children. He's striving for their future for Tara who you have for Ali. He's scared for them where he's so I like that meaning was the belly him. He wants to put and reassure a future for his children.
Way of shame in by our him back at the ferocity dunya. He's also scared that when he leaves this world, his children, how they're gonna become like. So he's the fitna that they have on him. The same with the mother. She's worried about her children, their food, their lifestyle, the education they're learning, their future and how they are.
The fitna happens for both power parents so much so that the parent is no longer able to achieve or work towards their own future. I'm not even haraful and so I said mean but I just said I'm shocked I'll be what has already.
And if those children deviate from the straight path, then the stress that the father goes through and the mother goes through well I fell a test on but I test and who don't ask about that. Subhanallah, have you ever met a mother who's crying and she can't stop crying because of her son who went off, who's now selling drugs and he's into something haram?
Have you seen that the father how he feels when his son falls off the religion, the way he becomes sad? Allah says in the Quran, يا أيها الذين آمنوا إن من أزواجكم وأولادكم عدوا لكم. Allah says, يا أيها الذين آمنوا, those of you who believe, إن من أزواجكم from amongst your wives are those who are وأولادكم and also from amongst your children, there are those who are عدوا لكم, an enemy to you.
فاحذروهم. Allah is saying to us, oh men, there are wives out there of yours, some men, not every man, whose wives are an enemy to them. And there are some children who are an enemy to their parents. فاحذروهم. Be cautious of them.
How is that your wife could be an enemy to your children, be an enemy to you? Sometimes a person, because of their children, he does things that are not allowed in the Sharia just for his children. A father may steal wealth just so he could provide for his children. He might even kill someone just so he can provide for his children.
But that is the early Salaf rahimahumullah. The righteous women, they would say to their husbands every day when they leave the house, they'll say to their partner, honey, when you leave the house, make sure that you bring us that which is halal. Fear Allah what you bring home to us and our children.
If you can't find anything, you have nothing to be blamed for. You've strove, you've exerted the efforts, you can come home with nothing and no one's gonna blame you. Those were the righteous women. The women's today by whom is necessary bring what you can and if you can't, you're a bum. You can't achieve anything in life.
Well, they were my insults, name-calling. Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala also says in the Quran, وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا أَمْوَالُكُمْ وَأَوْلَادُكُمْ فِتْنَةٌ. Allah says, know that your wealth and your children are a fitna and a trial and a tribulation on you.
Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in a hadith, al-imam al-hakim narrated in his Mustadrak, al-Tabarani narrated in his Mu'ajam, Sheikh Nasir rahimahullah authenticated it that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said, إن الولد لمبخلة. That the child is a mabkhala. Because of your child, you become bakheel. Mabkhala means here, because of your child, you become bakheel.
You used to give and now because of your child, you're not gonna give. You're gonna be like, if I give, my children are gonna suffer. My children need this. Majbana, you become a coward because of your children. You're brave before, you just take risks in life, but now you're not because of your children.
Someone insulted you, you would take your rights from them before. Now you're not. You know, you say, if I get harmed, my children gonna be without a father. I can't do this. You used to take risks in business and go for ventures and invest here and invest there. But what did you do? You now don't. You do not take those risks.
How do you? Because you're scared for your children. You're also majhala. You chose ignorance just because of your children. How many parents stopped studying and learning because of their children and use that as a reason? Some really do because of their children, but never go back to education.
Rather, I'll say something inside benefits. Some parents think that I was studying and I had to choose between you and me and I chose you guys and your education and that's why I didn't pursue my education. Parents are what I want to tell you this is what I want to say to you all parents is that that actually works against you.
Because many parents say that to their children hoping that the child would work and study. But what you've just told your child is that without education, you can make it in life like you did. Okay? And it also makes the child have low aspiration because you yourself didn't set yourself higher aspiration.
So what you should do is make sure you study as well and learn and stop giving yourself excuses and try to justify because of you guys, because of this and because of that. Study. And the word mahzana that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, it means that you become huzna. Huzna means that you become stressed because of them.
So the children are mabkhalatun majbana. From your children, you gain the characteristics of bukhul, majority of the people. And you also become jabal, which is someone who is afraid and scared. And you also become majhala. You choose ignorance over seeking knowledge. Mahzana, you become saddened, stressed because of your children. Always sad because of them.
فزواجت والاولاد كثيرا ما يثنون ذل الهمة. Majority of the times, wives and your children, they take away from you high aspiration. How many honorable people وَلِهَذَا فَكَمْ أَانَ الْكِرَامُ وَالشُّجَاعُ مِنْهُمْ وَمِنْ تَخْذِيلِهِمْ. How many have complained about honorable people, brave people, their women and their wives.
A poet explained how he became after obeying aqibatu indama aataa zawjatahu. When he obeyed his wife in his desires and he did everything for her and surrendered everything to her, he said, aataatu al irsa fis shahawati hatta yaani al irsia means a wife.
Aadatni aseefan abda abdin idha ma jittuha qad bi'tu idqan tu aaniqu aw tukabbilu aw tufaddi. Malik ibn Raybin also talks about his conversation with his daughter who was stopping him from going to the jihad for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
She said, taqulu bnati innan tilaqaka wahida ilal raw'i yawman taariki laa abaliya dharini minal inshiqaqi aw qadmi lana minal hadithani wal maniyati waqia satutlafu nafsi aw sa ajba'u hajmatan tara saqiyaiha ya'lamani taraqiya.
Juwayh ibn Nathirin also told us about what happened between him and his wife. Some scholars they say this is not Juwayh ibn Nathirin, it's actually Hatim ibn Atta'i who had a slave girl called Turayfa. And some say no, it was Juwayh ibn Nathirin who had a wife called Turayfa.
He talks about what she blamed him for in terms of giving. He was a very generous man. Hatim ibn Atta'i is a very well-known man for his generosity. Hatim ibn Atta'i, he resided in a place called Ha'il in Saudi Arabia, current modern-day Ha'il, and he was known for his generosity.
Kan yudhrabu ilayhi bil karam and he was an example when it came to generosity and giving. So his wife blamed him a lot about giving and why he was given, why he was given. So he talks about it, how she blamed him and he said it in lines of poetry.
He said, qalat Turayfa ma tabqa darahimuna wa ma bina sarafun fiha wala kharaku. Inna idha jtama'at yawman darahimuna dhallat ila subulil ma'roofi tastabiqu ma ya'laful dirhamul madroobu khirqatana illa yamurru alayha thumma yantaliqu hatta yaseera ila nadhli yukhaliduhu yakaadu man sirrihi iyaahu yanmazikuhu wala ya'ani.
I don't mean by a da'wata ila tamarudu ala zawjati wal-awlaad that you should become evil to your wife and your children and you should treat them in an unpleasant way. You know, wahadmihim huqooqahum and that you strip them from their rights wat taqsiri fi ri'ayatihim and you're short in fulfilling their rights.
I don't mean by that. What I mean is biqadri ma huwa da'watu littawazuni wa wad'i l-umuri fi nisabiha. Look at the matter and scale it appropriately wa makanati alla yaqibiha. Place everything in its right place and put everything in its right place bin ghayri ifratin or tafrid without going overboard and ya'ani don't exaggerate and don't become lackadaisical in that issue.
I'm going to stop there inshallah ta'ala. Anything which I have said that was wrong or incorrect is from me and shaytan and Allah and his messenger are both free from it. Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdihi. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.