Is Your Pillow Your Worst Enemy? The Perils of Overindulgent Sleep

Explore the dangers of excessive sleeping and its impact on our lives. Discover how overindulgence in comfort can hinder your spiritual and worldly growth. Learn practical tips to reclaim your time and enhance your productivity.

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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen lahu Alhamdul Hassan wal Thana ul Jameel, wa ashhadu an la ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la sharika la, wa ashhadu anna Sayyidina wa nabiyyina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa ashabihi wa tabi'ina lahum bihsani ila yawmi d-dini amma ba'd.

In our last class, we were talking about from the mazahir, dunuul himmah, the forms in which low aspiration manifests. We spoke about al-inhimak fi taraf, and plunging into a luxury lifestyle, overconsumption of a lifestyle, a luxury lifestyle, and we mentioned that comes in many different forms.

From the forms that we mentioned was eating excessively, and drinking excessively. Inshallah today the second form of al-inhimak fi taraf is kathratun noom, sleeping a lot. This is also another form of plunging into a luxury lifestyle, where a person just sleeps a lot, and it is min mazahir al-taraf, it is considered to be a form of living or setting yourself into this luxurious comfortable lifestyle. This goes against high aspiration.

You find some people they will sleep for so many hours, they will sleep day and night. I remember one time a brother said to me, I miss dhuhr, asr, maghrib, isha, fajr, because I was sleeping all of that. He missed a whole entire day.

He missed fajr, then he said I miss dhuhr, and then I missed asr, and then I missed maghrib, and then I missed isha, and then I also missed fajr again the next day, because I was sleeping. You find some people like that. And sleeping excessively has harms.

It has a what? It has a harm. I remember one time I went to a shop because my phone wasn't working, and I had a problem with the battery. So it was those times when we had those old phones where you could change the battery and put another battery in.

So I went to the shop, I said look can you give me a new battery, and then he said but didn't you recently just come, and I said yeah, he said are you overcharging your phone, I said yeah, keep it in the charger all night, he goes don't do that. That's bad for the battery. When you want to charge it, and it says full, take it out straight away, and use it until it's about to finish, and then charge it, but don't overcharge.

If it just stays in the charger, that's not good for your battery. And subhanAllah as we were talking he said, I said why would that be a problem, like isn't it better that, he goes it's like sleeping too much. And subhanAllah all my life I've always connected the two.

From that discussion I had with him, reminds me of this point when I'm speaking about which is Katratum, no, sleeping a lot. It's the same thing. It's destructive physically for you, and it's not good for you to oversleep.

And without that, it is also madya'atu lil waqt, you're wasting your life. I mentioned before that time is you, you are time. By sleeping too much, you are destroying your life.

And your life, the most important thing is time. Time is ra'su mal al-insan, it is the person's capital. You are in a business, you have your capital, you have your profit, if you lose your profit as long as you don't lose your capital, you don't lose your main product, your good, that is your ra'su al-mal, ra'su al-mal, that is your ra'su al-mal, your time, don't waste it.

فمن أطال النوم, anyone who sleeps too much, قتل الوقت, you kill time, and if you kill time, you kill yourself. وحُرِم كثيراً, and the person will be prevented from a lot من مصالح الدينية والدنيوية, you'll be prevented from a lot of worldly benefit and hereafter benefits.

و لذلك أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه he said من كثر نومه لم يجد في عمره بركة anyone who sleeps a lot will not find in his life بركة, you won't find بركة in your life.

Wallahi try this brothers, wake up early, when you wake up early, go out, do something productive, read Qur'an, go out, do something, come home by Dhuhr and do everything you needed to do for that day, you will feel so good, you'll see so much بركة in your time, you will see the بركة, يعني everything you finished by Dhuhr, go home, you've done what was needed from you that day.

ثم إن كثرة النوم تورث البلاد, sleeping a lot brothers also makes you dim-witted, وتجر إلى الكسر, it also drags you to also be lazy, just like eating and drinking does too much, too much sleeping does that to you, like too much eating and drinking does as well, and it also brings about إيثار الراحة والدعاء, the person always is giving precedence to sleeping, relaxing a lot, just comfort all the time, excessively.

إن النوم يعضل قوة العقل, brothers and sisters, sleeping a lot, it disables the person's عقل, it disables it, and it makes the person ويلحق الإنسان بالخشب المسندة, destroys the individual internally, it destroys you as a person, فإن أولي الحكمة the people of wisdom لا يخطعون he doesn't surrender to sleeping too much, إلا حيث يغلب, he only sleeps when it overcomes him, that's when he surrenders to sleeping, and it only gives the time to sleeping that is necessary, is required, they don't give it more than that.

The third form in which الإنهماك في الطرف, plundering into luxury comes about is المبالغة في التجمل, going overboard in beautification, beautifying yourself too much. تجمل brothers and sisters, beautifying yourself and looking presentable في حد ذاتها, in its essence, it's a good thing, it's أمر حسن, to look beautiful, to be presentable, it's a very good thing, في حد ذاتها, it's not a bad thing, there's nothing wrong with, just the same way there's nothing wrong with sleeping, that's a good thing, sleeping is good, eating and drinking is good, but we're talking about overdoing it, overdoing it, Allah loves those who are beautiful, فالله جميل نحب الجمال, Allah is beautiful, he loves those who are beautiful, ويحب أن يرى آثار نعمتي على عبدي, and Allah loves, Allah loves to see the blessings that he bestowed upon you, he loves to see on you, as Allah said in the Quran, يا بني آدم أخذوا زينتكم عند كل مسجد, or the children of Adam, take your beautification with you, and beautify yourself at every prayer that you pray.

Islam has given importance to the outer appearance, as much as it has given importance to the inner appearance, but the problem here brothers that we're talking about is, and that which is not allowed, is المبالغة في التجمل, to go overboard in beautifying yourself, وصرف الهمة للتأنق واشتداد الكلفة, and spending your life and your energy all on what, بحسن البزة والمظهر, you spend your time, your energy, on just how your face looks, how your body looks, how your skin is, how your, all of that.

Islam is like, beautify yourself, take care of your مظهر, make sure you look presentable, that's good, but don't go overboard, don't make this your شغل الشاغل, all you do is, I'm beautifying this, that's not a person who has high aspiration.

This will, what will it do to you, فهذا الصنيع يقطع عن الاهتمام بإصلاح النفس, if you keep focusing on your beautification all the time, overdoing that, what will it do to you, is that it will take away from you, focusing on the most important thing which is beautifying your نفس, and taking your نفس to the highest of levels, it'll busy you from that.

فالعاقل من يسلك سبيل الاعتدال في شأنه كله, the smart person is always moderate in everything he does, he doesn't go overboard in anything, he always stays in that middle path, he stays in that path that was sanctioned and set by Allah and His Messenger, especially when it comes to your clothing and your appearance.

و لذلك عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله تعالى عنه he said وإياكم لبستيني, عمر رضي الله عنه he said stay away from two type of clothing, لبسة مشهورة, clothing where the person is extravagant in it, overdoing it, و لبسة محقورة, and also stay away from clothing which is humility, stay away from the two.

People will judge you based on your clothing, yes they will, the way you look people will judge you, العادة البشر, so عمر is saying stay away from, okay, wearing clothing which is excessive, people will judge you based on that, they'll say something, they'll think of you of a particular thing, stay away from it, لبسة مشهورة, clothing that sticks you out from the rest of the people, that you dress it with extravagance, don't do this just because what the people will say but also this is not what a Muslim should be doing.

Also عمر رضي الله عنه said stay away from لبسة محقورة, clothing where you'll be belittled and you'll be put down, people will push you to the side and humiliate you, stay away from the two, عمر رضي الله عنه said.

و قال بعض الحكمة, some of the wise people have said, and it's one of the wise statements of the wise ones, which is البس من الثياب ما لا يزدريك فيه العظامة, wear clothing that the great people will not put you down, ولا يعيبك and you also will not be blamed for wearing these clothes by the wise ones.

So don't wear clothing where the one who is high, rich, the royalties will not belittle you, also don't wear clothing where the wise ones will not blame you for it and say what is he doing, he's extravagant in what he's wearing, because the wise people they don't look at clothing like that, be in the middle basically, that you don't get belittled by the top people and the lower people they don't feel that you're being extravagant.

و لذلك a poet he said أما الطعام فكل لنفسك ما تشاء و اجعل لباسك ما اشتهاه الناس, when you eat, eat what you can, what you want, eat it, but with moderation and make from your clothing that which the people like, which both parties like, decent clothing, though the one who is low will not blame you for wearing that clothes and the one that's high will not belittle you.

عبد الله من عباسه رضي الله تعالى عنهما he said كل ما شئت ايه what you want, والبس ما شئت ما اخطأك شيئان عبد الله من عباسه he said eat what you want, wear what you want, but he said ما اخطأك شيئان, two things avoid صرف و مخيلة, stay away from going overboard and exaggerating and stay away from arrogance, those two are the things you need to avoid.

The way you're gonna beautify yourself sister and brother, don't go overboard by doing it and don't also become arrogant, some people they're arrogant because of the clothing they wear and the car they drive.

الامام الموردي رحمه الله he said واعلم ان المرؤة ان يكون الانسان معتدل الحال في مراعاة لباسه من غير اكثار او اضطراح فان اضطراح مراعاتها وترك ما تفقدها مهانة وذلة وكثرة مراعاتها وصرف الهمة الى العناية لها دناء ونقص.

الامام الموردي رحمه الله

he said know my beloved brothers and sisters ان المرؤة that morality and dignity is that a person is معتدل الحال he's in the middle moderate في مراعاة لباسه when it comes to observing your clothing من غير اكثار او اضطراح whether it be going overboard in doing it or going an extreme exaggeration or negligence and be in the middle of that.

He said فان اضطراح مراعاتها ignoring it your clothing and not giving importance to it وترك ما تفقدها مهانة وذلة you leave off taking real care of your appearance and the way that you look so you fall into extreme negligence this will bring about humiliation for you وكثرة مراعاتها وصرف الهمة الى العناية لها دناء ونقص and also going overboard and making your aspiration the way you look the way you dressed is my thought this crisp this or that this is also a person who will lose honor and reputation and any respect by those who are smart and clever because it goes against the rule with him and that powerful statement of an imam or when he summarizes this point.

I'm going to stop there inshallah Ta'ala. Anything which I have said that was wrong or incorrect is from me and Shaitaan and Allah and his messenger are both free from it.

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأستغفرك وأتوب إليك.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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