Islamic Law: Is Ignorance a Better Option than Rejection?

Is it worse to reject known Islamic rulings or to remain willfully ignorant of them?

Answer: There is no doubt that both of these individuals are in very serious and severe situations. Allah, the Exalted says:

“Who is more unjust than the one who lies about Allah and denies the truth when it comes to him? Is there not in Hell a residence for the disbelievers?” (Quran 39:32)

This refers to matters that are clearly known as part of the religion.

Some scholars have mentioned the consensus (Ijma’) of the Muslims on this issue: the one who denies something that is known in the religion by necessity—such as the obligation of praying the five daily prayers, performing Hajj, or avoiding alcohol—is a disbeliever and an apostate. These are matters that all Muslims, whether regular individuals or specialists, know and acknowledge.

This person is indeed in a terrible situation, and the verse from Surah Az-Zumar (39:32) serves as proof for this ruling.

Similarly, Allah says:

“That is because they hated what Allah revealed, so He rendered their deeds worthless.” (Qur’an: 47:9)

As for the second individual mentioned in the question—the one who deliberately remains ignorant to avoid knowing certain rulings so they won’t have to practice them—this person is also in a very severe situation. It’s not even a matter of rejection, as they are not at risk of rejecting the rulings outright. Instead, they fear having to implement the religion and fear knowing the truth.

In reality, ignorance is not an excuse. A person who deliberately remains ignorant is not excused from the obligations they are required to know by necessity. Therefore:

For matters that are less clear or not known by necessity—such as someone who rejects a ruling out of genuine ignorance or misunderstanding—their situation is still bad, but it is less severe than the first case. Similarly, someone who is ignorant of finer details or subsidiary matters that are less critical is not in as severe a situation as the first.

However, both individuals are in a bad situation for their own reasons.

And Allah, the Exalted knows best.

— Answered by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble

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