Answer: There are several manners and etiquettes that a Muslim should adhere to when reciting or listening to the Qur'an. These include:
- Reciting or Listening in a Clean and Humble State: The Qur'an should be recited or listened to in a clean place, and the person should be in a state of humility, tranquility, and reverence. Whether sitting, standing, or lying down, one should maintain khushu (humility), sakinah (tranquility), and waqar (dignity).
Allah, the Exalted mentions in the Qur'an:
" Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are signs for people of understanding. Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, 'Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You! Protect us from the punishment of the Fire.'" (Qur'an 3:190-191)
This verse highlights that the righteous believers ponder and contemplate over the signs of Allah while reciting the Qur'an, whether they are standing, sitting, or lying down.
- Facing the Qibla: It is recommended to face the Qibla (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca) when reciting or listening to the Qur'an.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
" Everything has an ideal, and that the ideal when sitting is facing towards the qiblah." (Sahih at-Targhib: 3085)
- Choosing a Quiet and Calm Environment: The Qur'an is the speech of Allah, not the speech of a human being.
Therefore, when the Qur'an is being recited, one should sit attentively and listen with focus and contemplation. Even if one is standing, they should listen with reverence and avoid talking over the Qur'an.
Allah says:
"When the Qur'an is recited, listen to it attentively and remain silent, so that you may receive mercy." (Qur'an 7:204)
Although this verse was revealed in the context of prayer, the principle is derived from the generality of the wording, not the specific situation in which it was revealed.
Based on these three points, it is clear that a cafe or restaurant may not meet the basic manners required for reciting or listening to the Qur'an.
Therefore, it is best to avoid it.
And Allah knows best.
— Answered by Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan