The Heart's Awakening: How the Reminder of Death Can Revive Your Faith

Explore the profound insights of Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan as he delves into the significance of remembering death and its impact on our hearts and faith. Discover how this vital reminder can awaken our spirits, soften our hearts, and guide us towards righteous actions in this fleeting world.

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Praise be to God, who destroyed the death of Mashid al-A'mar, and sentenced the people of this house to death, and made them in it symptoms of the swords of judgment and fate, and caused them diseases that annoy them from the decision.

Praise be to Him, and the sweetness of my praise increases with repetition, and I thank Him and His grace for His gratefulness. And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner. To Him belongs the Great King, the Omnipotent.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner. To Him belongs the Great King, the Omnipotent. To Him belongs the Great King, the Omnipotent.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner. لقد أصبح كثير منا يشكو قسوة قلبه لقد أصبح كثير منا يشكو قسوة قلبه Many of us are complaining about the darkness of our hearts. And how hard our hearts have become.

And we also are complaining about how our Iman has decreased. And we also are complaining about how our Iman has decreased. And the reason to that, my beloved brothers and sisters, is because of the heedlessness.

And how we've become heedless And how we've become heedless of a reality that awaits us. And so that's why I find it necessary that I speak about and that I talk about that which will bring light to the heart again that which will bring light to the heart again and soften our hearts and that will allow our Iman to increase. May Allah Ta'ala increase our Iman for us May Allah Ta'ala increase our Iman for us and forgive us.

And from the greatest things, my beloved brothers and sisters, from one of the greatest things in which softens the hearts and also increases your Iman is the remembrance of death. Death is one of those things that can remind you and wake you up. Some of the Salafis said, shay'ani, qata'anni laddat al dunya, two things have disconnected the joy of this dunya from me.

Some of the Salafis said, shay'ani, two things, qata'anni, these two things, they have disconnected from me what, laddat al dunya, the sweetness and the joy of this dunya, it's disconnected from me. These two things have become the reasons for me not to taste the dunya, not feel the dunya is dhikr al mawti, the remembrance of death, wal wuqufu bayna yadai allahi azza wa jalla and knowing that I am one day going to stand in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The poet he said, wakayfa yaladdu al aisha man kana muqina, how can he enjoy this world and this dunya, the one who knows he is going to stand in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

bayna al mana ya baghdatan satu ajilu, how can a person enjoy this dunya and have fun and laugh and enjoy himself and he knows that death can come to him suddenly, wakayfa yaladdu al aisha man kana muqina, how can he enjoy the joy of this dunya, the one who is certain about what, bayna ilaha al khalq la budda sa'ilu, that Allah is the one who is going to question you subhanahu wa ta'ala, interrogate you. Always remember that line of two lines of poetry, wakayfa yaladdu al aisha man kana muqina, bayna al mana ya baghdatan satu ajilu, wakayfa yaladdu al aisha man kana muqina, bayna ilaha al khalq la budda sa'ilu, how can you enjoy this dunya and find joy in it, when death can come to you suddenly, you can die anytime, any minute, any second, how can you enjoy this dunya when you are certain that one day you are going to stand in front of Allah and He is going to interrogate you and ask you questions.

Abu al-Darda radiallahu ta'ala anhu he said, kafa bilmawti wa'idhan, death is enough as a reminder, wakafa bildahri mufarriqan, al yawma fiddoori waghadan fil quboori, and time is the one thing that is going to separate us all, death is the best reminder you can give a person, to stand over a grave and look at it, and remind yourself that one day you are going to be from the inhabitants of this grave, one day you are going to be living there one day, that is your house, today you are in this world and tomorrow you are in your grave.

The poet he said, udhkuri almawta wadawim dhikrahu, inna filmawti li dhillub bi'ibar, wakafa bilmawti fa'alam wa'idhan, liman almawtu alayhi qad quddir, the poet he said, remember death and be consistent in the remembrance of death, udhkuri almawta remember death, wadawim dhikrahu and increase in its remembrance, don't stop it, be consistently remembering death, inna filmawti, verily in death there is a what, li dhillub bi'ibar, the one who is smart, the one who is clever, inside death there is a reminder, wakafa bilmawti, enough inside death, what is enough for you in death is what, that it is the best reminder, wakafa bilmawti fa'alam wa'idhan, death is the best reminder for a person, lakin liman almawtu alayhi qad quddir, it has been written for you, you have no choice, no one is going to consult you, do you want to die, do you want to live, no one is going to ask you that question, and the time that you are going to be killed, your life is going to be taken, no one is going to interrogate, no one is going to ask you that and take your opinion on it, the angel of death will come, ayinama taqulu yudrikkumul mawti walaw kuntum fi burujil mushayyida, you can be in cemented house, you can be in the strongest fortress you want, you can live on top of a penthouse and lock yourself and place the biggest security you want, when the time comes, your life will be taken from you, we don't know where we are going to die, wallahi we don't, we know that our life is going to be taken from us, but we don't know where, we don't know when, so since it can be anywhere and any place, and it can be in any situation, we should always be on our feet, we should always be exerting effort and hard work, walidhalika Ibn Al Qayyim and other great scholars have powerful statements on it, the poet he said, almawtu kaasun wakullun naasi sharibuh, falayta shi'ri ba'da almawti maddaaru, death is a cup that everybody will sip, almawtu kaasun wakullun naasi sharibuh, death is a cup and everybody is going to sip from that cup, falayta shi'ri ba'da almawti maddaaru, but the poet he said, falayta shi'ri ba'da almawti maddaaru, where am I going to be like him after I die, am I going to be fi daari al jannah, am I going to be in jannah or am I going to be in hellfire, the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he advised in the hadith of Imam al-Tirmidhi narrated by Ibn Majah and Sheikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani who authenticated in Sahih al-Jami' that the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, akthiru dhikra hadhi min laddat, increase in the remembrance of death, when you remember death you hasten to the obedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, when you remember death you run away from sins, walidhalika Umar ibn Abdul Aziz rahimahullah he wrote ila ba'di ahli bayti, to some of the people of his family, some of the people of his house, his family members he wrote a letter to them and then he said to them amma ba'du, after he said alhamdulillah and after he said amma ba'du, to proceed fa innaka in istash'arta dhikra al-mawti fee laylika aw naharika buAAidha ilayka kulla fanin wa hubbiba ilayka kulla baqin wassalamu, he said amma ba'du, he said to proceed fa innaka in istash'arta dhikra al-mawti, if you feel the remembrance of death, fee laylika in your night time, aw naharika or your day time, if you remember death whenever it may be day or night it doesn't matter, buAAidha ilayka kulla fanin, you will start to hate everything that's going to perish, which is dunya, everything in the dunya, if you remember death, everything that you know is going to come to an end one day you're not going to like it, you're going to be like why, it's just going to go anyways, I'm going to go to die, I'm going to leave this world anyways, buAAidha ilayka kulla fanin, everything that's going to perish you're going to start hating it, wa hubbiba ilayka kulla baqin, and you start to love everything that's going to remain forever, which is akhira, ikhwani fee allahi my beloved brothers and sisters, kafa bilmawti mukarrihan lilquloobi, death is enough for us, for our hearts to wake up, it's the one thing that can open our hearts and our chests, wa mubkian lilayuni, and it's the one thing that can really make our eyes water, wa mufarriqan liljamaat, and death brothers and sisters is the one thing that can disunite us, our wife and husband, the husband passed away, the wife she's got no husband, death my beloved brothers and sisters is wa hadima lilladhat, it destroys the pleasure, it's the destroyer of pleasure, wa qati'an lilumniyat, and it disconnects people from their wishes, you were wishing to become an engineer, a doctor, and there it is, you died before you could get it, fahal tafakarta yabna adam, have you really thought about fiyawmi masra'ika, the day when you're at a drop, dead, wantiqalika minmawdi'iki, when you leave this place and you go to another place, have you thought about it? Have you also thought about wa idha nuqilta min si'atin ila dhiqin, when you're taken from this big vast world that you can see and how big it is, to a small grave, have you thought about it? wa khanika as-sahibu wal-rafiq, and the people, your friends going to deceive you, and your companions and everybody, they're all going to leave you, abandon you like that, they're all going to boycott you, no one's going to go with you in the grave and say this is my best friend, I want to be in the grave with him, no one's going to do that, have you also thought about, have you pondered over your children and your family, your wife, your wealth, your clothes, all of it will be taken from you, your wife would be a wife for somebody else after your death, your children will be taken care of by another man after you, or another woman after you, this world will carry on, things won't come to an end because of your death, Allah says in the Qur'an, kullu nafsin da'iqatul mawt, wa innama tuwaffauna ujoorakum yaumal qiyamah, fa man zuhzih a'aninnari wa udkhila aljannata faqadafanz, wa ma alhayatu aldunia illa matau alghuroor, every soul will taste death and everybody will be taken based on the hard work and the effort that they exerted, fa man zuhzih a'aninnari wa udkhila aljannata faqadafanz, anyone who is distanced from the hellfire and is placed into Jannah, he has found success, wa ma alhayatu aldunia illa matau alghuroor, and the joy of this dunia is for a very short period of time, you are not going to be there forever, al Allama Abdul Rahman Nasir al-Saudi he said, wa hadhi al-ayatul kareemah, al-Saudi he said this ayah, this blessed ayah, feeha tazheedun fid dunia bifina'iha wa adama, wa adami baqa'iha that this dunia will not remain, this ayah shows us that this dunia that we are in is going to come to an end, it is not going to last forever, wa anna matau alghuroor, and that the joy that we even take from this dunia is all delusional, taftinu bi zikrafiha, it will fool us with its glitters and its glamours, wa takhdau bi ghurooriha, and it will deceive us, and trick us, wa taghurru bimahasidiha, and it will deceive you in its beauty that you see in it, thumma hiya muntaqilah, but in reality it is going, it is leaving, it is turning its back on you, rahimahullahu rahmatan wasi'ah, and this journey starts with your life, or your soul departing from your life, from your body, this journey starts with your soul leaving your body, qalallahu ta'ala Allah says, qul yatawaffakum malakul mawti allathee wukila bikum thumma ila rabbikum turja'oon, the angel of death, he's been assigned, go take that person's soul, and that's it, that's where the journey starts from, and then after that you're imma ila aljannati or in nar, Allah says, waja'at sakratu almawti bilhaq, dhalika ma kuntamin hu ta'id, you used to try to avoid it, here it is now, the agony of death has come your way, hatta idha balagat al-taraqi wakila marraaq, ya'ani the soul has reached your collarbone, and the people around you are like, wakila marraaq, where's the doctor, where's the doctor, wakila marraaq, where's the doctor, who can help him, where's the medicine, wadhanna annahu alfiraaq, waltaffati alsaaqu bissaaq, ila rabbika yawma idhi lilmasaq, fala saddaqa wala salla, and then look at this part, never gave sadaqa, never prayed, where are you heading, where's the direction you're going, ila rabbika yawma idhi lilmasaq, that's where you're going, that's where you're heading, you're going to Allah Ta'ala, walidhalika al'allamah ibn al-qayyim and great scholars have pointed out, where is the mother, he says, ayna alwalidoon wama waladoon, where are the parents, where are they, now their children have passed away, what can they do for them, ayna aljabbaroon, where are the tyrant people, wa ayna ma qasadoon, ayna arbabul maasi ala mada waradoon, where are the arrogant, stubborn, where are the sinners and the criminals today, what can they do now, no one can do anything, brothers and sisters, the Messenger ﷺ, he urged us to go and visit the graves, so we can remember death, so we can ponder on our situation and where we're heading, walidhalika ibn Majah narrated in his Sunan and Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani authenticated it, that the Prophet ﷺ, he said on the authority of Abu Hurairah, zuulul quboora fa innaha tudakkilukum al-akhirah, go and visit the graves for it verily will remind you of the hereafter, go to the graves, they will remind you of what? the hereafter, Uthman radhiAllahu ta'ala it was said, idha wakafa ala qabrin yabki hatta yabulla lihyatahu, Uthman was said that if he went to a grave and he stood over it, he will cry until his bed will become full with tears, faqeela lahu they said to him tadhkurul jannata walnaara wala tabki wa tabki min hadha, the jannah is spoken about, the naar is spoken about, okay and you don't cry but you cry when you come to the grave and then he said I heard the Prophet ﷺ say inna alqabra awwalu manazil al-akhirah, that the qabr is the first stage of the hereafter, fa inna jaa minhu, if the person makes it through the grave, fama ba'dahu aysaru minhu, everything that comes after is easier, wa illam yanju minhu, and if the person doesn't make it in the grave, fama ba'dahu ashaddu minhu, everything after it is going to be hard, he also said that the Prophet ﷺ has said ma raaytum manzaran qattu illa walqabru afda'u minhu, the Prophet ﷺ he said I haven't seen a scene whatsoever except that the grave was the worst of it, the Prophet ﷺ is saying this, the poet he said huwa al-mawtu ma minhu malathun wala maharabun, mata huttada'an naashi idhaka yarkabu, death brothers and sisters, there's no running away from it, you think you can run away from it, there isn't, there's no way to go and there's nothing to result to, this is it, this is the final stage, this is the hatmul lazimun, and when you're taken from that, the shoulders of the people, the place you're going to is a grave, that's it, qala Yazid al-Rakashi, Yazid al-Rakashi rahimahullah, he mentions, he says dakaltu ala abidin bil basra, I entered upon a worshipper from the worshippers who was known in Basra, where he's worshipped, wa idha ahlu bayti hawlahu, his family were around him, fa idha huwa majhoodun qad ajhada l-ijtihad, he was on the moment of death, struggling, going through a lot of hardship, so his father cried, the worshippers on his deathbed, he's dying and his father cried, so he looked at his father and he said ayyuha shaykhu, father, man labiyu kik, what is making you cry, qala he said, ya bunayya abki faqdaka wama ara min jahdik, I'm crying because I'm going to lose you, I'm also crying because of the hardship I can see you going through, fa bakat ummuhu, his mother started to cry, fa qala he said ayyatuhal walidatu shafiqah, he said my kind, soft hearted mother, who's concerned for me, arrafiqah, man labiyu kik, what's making you cry, fa qala she said, ya bunayya my son, abki firaqaka, I'm crying because I'm going to lose you, we're going to be separated, wama ataajjalu minal wahshati ba'dak, and also the loneliness I'm going to feel after your death, qala fa baka ahluhu wa sibyanuhu, his family started to cry, his wife and his children, fa nazara ilaihim, he looked at them and he said okay what are you guys crying for, my children, why are you guys crying for, ya maashar al yataama ba'da qaleelin, man ladiyu kikum, my children who are going to be orphans after me very soon, why are you guys crying for, qaloo they said ya abana our father, nabki firaqak, we're crying because we're going to lose you, we're going to be separated from you, wama ataajjalu minal yuthmi ba'dak, and the fact that we're all going to be orphans after you, then he said, aq'uduni, sit me down, sit me up, sit me up, and they sat him up, and then he said ala ara kullakum, why is it that I find all of you yabki li dunyai, all of you are crying for my worldly, you're crying because you want to have a relationship in this dunya, you're crying because you want to have a relationship with me, you're all crying for my dunya, ama fikum, is there not amongst you man yabki li aakhirati, someone who's crying for my aakhirah, ama fikum, is there not amongst you man yabki li ma yalqahu fitturabi wajhi, is there not amongst you one that's crying when the dirt is thrown at my face, ama fikum, is there not from amongst you someone who's crying and scared about my meeting of munkara nakir, the angels, when they question me in the grave, ama fikum, is there not from amongst you man yabki, someone who's crying when I stand in front of my Lord, the way my situation is going to be, thumma saraqa sarkhatan famat and then he made a noise, he cried and then he died, brothers and sisters let's benefit from our last and only chance that we have in this world, this is the only chance that we have to make it, if we don't make it in this dunya there will be no other chance will be given, let's benefit from brothers and sisters, the minutes and the seconds, in doing good and let's stay away from departing from this dunya, let's be prepared for it when we leave this dunya, that we make sure we don't leave this dunya and we only have little deeds, good deeds, wallahi as saeedu man wuffiqa the happy the happy person will be the one who's given righteous actions washshaqiyu man faradha wadhaya al umrah, and wallahi the destructed individual is the one that the destroyed individual, the wretched individual is the one who Allah Ta'ala doesn't allow him to come with righteous deeds while he lived in this world, hatta idha jaa ahadahumulmawt that one of them when death comes to them, qala rabbi raji'ooni, he says oh my Lord take me back to the dunya, why does he want to go back to the dunya, la'allee a'maloo salihaan fee maa taraqt I want to do righteous actions when I go back to the dunya, but then look what comes to him ya'teehi altawbeegh walzajar, Allah is going to be, kalla innaha kalimatun huwa qa'iluha, it's just mere words that you're saying on your mouth, wa min waraihim barzakhun ila yawmi yub'athoon, you're not going to be given that, brothers and sisters understand the reality of this dunya, wahadhar and stay away from, and taftilak, that it deceives you and lies to you, bishahawatiha, with its glimmers and its glitters, kullu man alaiha fad, wa yabaqa wajhu rabbika dhuljalali walikram, abdullahi ibn umar radiyallahu ta'ala anhuma, he said, akhada rasoolullahi sallallahu alayhi wasallam biman kibi, the prophet grabbed my shoulder, faqala, abdullahi ibn umar, he said that the prophet said to me kun fee al-dunya ka'annaka ghareebun aw aabilu sabeelin, be in this world like you're a stranger or a person who's crossing a road, and abdullahi ibn umar, from that minute on, what he used to say, idha amseyta falatantadhir al-sabaha, wa idha asbahta falatantadhir al-masaa, wa khud min sahatika limaradik, wa min hayatika limawtik, if the evening comes, do not wait for the morning, and if the morning comes, do not wait for the evening, benefit from your health while you have it before you become sick, and benefit from your life in this world before death comes to you.

Akhil habib, my beloved brother and sister, and my beloved family members, take death as a lesson. I ask Allah Ta'ala to give us a soft heart, and that Allah gives us righteous action.

Innahu waliyu thalik wa alqadiru alayhi. Subhanaka Allahumma bihamdihi, ashadu an la ilaha illa Allah, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaihi.

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