The Power of Tawheed: A Dialogue with Young Minds

In this engaging episode of "A Seat at the Table," Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan and young students delve into the fundamental concept of Tawheed. They explore the significance of knowing Allah, the importance of a strong foundation in faith, and how understanding Tawheed shapes our lives as Muslims.

New Series AMAU Junior A Seat at the Table Episode 1 Knowing Allah AMAUJr

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Today, Inshallah Ta'ala I have with me in our new series that's going to start today, Inshallah Ta'ala. The name of the series, Inshallah Ta'ala, is going to be called A Seat at the Table. A Seat at the Table.

Yeah, so the first two, Inshallah Ta'ala, students of knowledge, Inshallah, is Abdullah Ishaq and Naufal. And I myself, Abdur Rahman Hassan. So before we start, Inshallah Ta'ala, I'm going to ask you a few questions so the viewers, Inshallah Ta'ala, can know who Abdullah is and who Naufal is.

And Inshallah Ta'ala, from there onwards, we're going to do discussions regarding issues related to Islam. So first of all, tell us a bit about yourself, Abdullah. I'm Abdullah.

I'm 19 years old and I'm from India and I'm studying at a university. MashaAllah, Allahumma barik. What are you studying? I'm studying computer science.

Allahumma barik. MashaAllah. First year? No, my second year.

This is your second year? Second year. And you Naufal? I'm Naufal, 15 years old. I'm studying in Ajman.

Ajman. What are you studying? I'm studying 11th grade. 11 curriculums.

What's your best subject? 11 curriculums? 11th grade. 11th grade of history. And what's your best subject that you like most? Physics.

You like physics? Wow. Physics is deeply connected to maths, right? Yeah. So you have to be very good at maths in order to know physics.

So that means you're genius. MashaAllah. Where do you see yourself 10 years from here, Abdullah and Naufal? Allahu a'la wa a'lam.

That's a long time. There are times to think about in a few years. That comes later, inshaAllah.

InshaAllah. It's true the believer lives his life knowing that he can die any moment. Yes.

But when it comes to achieving goals and setting yourself future plans, knowing that death can come to you any time and you can pass away, but the believer prepares as well. He prepares for what is he going to do with himself? Where does he want to be in his religion? Where does he want to be in terms of his worldly knowledge? The believer prepares. Allah tells in the Quran, خُذُوا حِذَرَكُمْ You know, take your preparation, get ready.

So it doesn't go against knowing that death can come any moment. You act upon everything you learn as you live daily. What about you Naufal? What's your answer? Abdullah dodged that answer.

What about you? Alhamdulillah, I'm a person who benefits himself and the ummah, inshaAllah. So benefiting yourself and benefiting the ummah, that's your dream. Allahumma barik.

So what do you think, when it comes to the youth, they need, what topics do you think we should tackle and discuss? This is the first, inshaAllah, episode. What topic do you think we should talk about? So I think the topic that we need, not want, that we really need, is I think knowing about Allah, first and foremost. Tawheed, because it doesn't matter what level of Muslim you are.

Tawheed is like the fundamental of being a Muslim and knowing about Allah. So we should learn about Tawheed, learn about Allah, the religion itself. So I think these are like the need before going to other things.

These are like what you really need. If anything is built upon a good base, it should prosper, inshaAllah. But if the base itself is not good, it's not going to stay for long.

So Tawheed al-Aqidah is like the base that we should build ourselves. So based on that choice, let's take the topic of Tawheed al-Aqidah. And you're right, the human being, his existence on this earth today is to have a relationship with Allah.

It is to worship Allah alone and not to associate partners with him. That's why you're here on this earth. That's why I'm here.

That's why everyone's here. So we need to know who Allah is, right? I have to know who he is, have an understanding of him. You know, the scholars, they mention, they say that the honor of a knowledge and the virtue of a science is based on what you're learning, right? So sharaf al-ilmi bisharaf al-ma'lu.

And if you're learning a science, the question is, this science that you're going to learn, what is it about? And because Tawheed is about your relationship with Allah, it's the greatest science that a person can acquire, right? And if a base, as you've mentioned, Naufal, correctly, if the base is weak, if you build your house on a mud and you do not make the foundation strong and tough, what's going to happen? It's going to collapse. And that's why Allah says in the Qur'an, Alam tara kayfa dharaballahu matalan kalimatan tayyibatan kashajaratin tayyibatin asluha tabit wa faruha fis samaa So if the tree is rooted strongly, if a storm comes, if a strong wind comes, that tree can still hold itself. But if it's on the surface, a small wind comes, it will fall.

So Tawheed, the poet, he said, wa ba'du fattawheedu ilmun yanbulu alal uloomi kulliha wayafudhulu qad awjabarrahmanu minhu qadra laysi yasihuddeenu hatta yudra The poet here is saying, the science of Tawheed, the knowledge of Tawheed is the greatest thing a person can learn. And it's number one. And everything comes right after it.

And there is an amount, by the way, that every single youth, youngster, Muslim, adult, whatever they are, there is an amount that's needed from everybody, right? And everyone has to know that amount. So Tawheed is a big science. There's so many questions in there.

What do you think we should start with? Do you have any questions? And we can start with understanding Allah. Because that's the asr of Tawheed itself. So understanding Allah, and then we can make our way up to Tawheed.

Beautiful. So the first point we're going to start with is who is Allah? That's the question, right? Knowing who Allah is. So there's an ayah in the Quran.

This is the last verse in Surah Al-Talaq. Allah says, This verse is telling us Allah created seven heavens and seven earths. And everything in between He created.

Why? So you know Allah. You see? So you know who Allah is. You know that Allah has characteristics and attributes.

That Allah has names. Allah has ability over everything. Allah encompass everything with knowledge.

So Allah has got infinite knowledge, right? So yes, knowing Allah the best way to know Allah is to know the names of Allah. How many names of Allah do we know? 99 names, right? Each name has a what? A characteristics in it. So when you hear the name Ar-Rahman, what do you know automatically? He's merciful subhanahu wa ta'ala.

He's kind to his creation. Look how many sins we do on a day-to-day basis. We do things that we shouldn't do.

We say things that we shouldn't say. We act in ways that we shouldn't act. Does Allah destroy us straight away? No.

Does He punish us straight away? He's Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim. He's the most forgiving, the most merciful. I mean look at the non-Muslims today on this earth.

If you look at them, they're doing what they want. Is Allah punishing them? No. Would He take their repentance when they repent from whatever wrong they've done? Yes.

What about a Muslim? He's walking on this earth. He's doing so much mistakes and wrongs. Does Allah punish him straight away? No.

Does Allah allow him subhanahu wa ta'ala to repent? He allows him. That's the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So when the person realizes that, wow, He's that merciful towards me.

He's given you so much. And it might happen that all of these things that He has given you, you may not worship Him subhanahu wa ta'ala with those qualities, that with those characteristics that you have. You may not worship Him.

In other words, a person's got eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, and it might happen that they may not worship Allah with those body parts that were given to them, which they should have, right? Allah gave you something, you use it for what pleases Him. He gave it to you knowing that you may not even worship Him with it. That's that, you know, if you do something for someone and you don't want anything, or you know that they're not going to do good for you, that's the highest level of what? Mercy.

Mercy. So yeah, the first thing is knowing Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. So what do you think? I think I don't remember, but I came across a hadith which says, knowing the names of Allah, the 99 names of Allah, minus 1, the hadith something goes like, knowing 99 minus 100 minus 1, so basically 99, he enters Jannah.

I don't know the Arabic text, but that hadith itself says how important just knowing Allah Azza wa Jal is. You can enter paradise just by knowing Him, and other sciences of knowledge comes after knowing Allah. Subhanallah.

Allah has 99 names. You know what it means? Some people just think whoever memorized it. I think implement, understand and implement them.

And also know what it means and lives by what it means. So let's take, for example, one of the names of Allah. Let's just talk about that.

Let's break it down. And how does that name apply to our reality? Let's just take one of these names. I mentioned one, Abdullah mentioned one, and InshaAllah Nothan mentioned one.

And then we try to see this name and its application. Nothing, by the way, here is scripted. These questions are just coming up as we're going on.

So the people inshaAllah can benefit from that. So, Fadhalah Abdullah. Astaghfirullah al-Rahman.

Al-Rahman. That's my name. So you have to choose another one inshaAllah.

Al-Ghafoor. Al-Ghafoor. Okay, beautiful.

So explain to the people what does Al-Ghafoor mean. Al-Ghafoor is asking forgiveness. He's the most forgiving.

SubhanAllah. And that's something we all need as human beings. We are entitled to do sins.

It's in our nature to do sins. It's not like Allah has created us and we don't do sins. Allah knows we do sins.

And it's something we wish Allah would forgive after sinning. So by this name, we know that Allah is going to forgive us. He's the most forgiving.

Even Allah says in the Quran, I love to forgive my slaves. So we need to ask forgiveness for the sins that we do. And it's too many.

We can't even count sins. Yeah, we can't count sins. And that name says that Allah Al-Ghafoor Al-Rahim.

He's the most forgiving and the most merciful. So don't hesitate to ask, beg Allah during the day and night. Whenever you do sin, come back to him.

Allah even says in the Quran, I mean this is related to mercy, but still he says that, you know, don't underestimate the, it's not the exact meaning, but don't underestimate the merciful of Allah. Because even in Hadith, they say that even if your sins reach the skies, Allah will forgive it all. So Al-Ghafoor, you see the ayah that you just mentioned Abdullah, you know, I was reading when I was in the UK, I took a topic and I broke it down, which is the beginning of that verse.

It says, قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَا الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ مَا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الْجُّرُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ The beginning of the ayah, because I want to connect it to the Tawheed that we're talking about. The beginning of the ayah says, قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَا الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا Let's take that word. Allah says, My slaves.

See, there's a worship, there's a Lord, the one that needs to be worshipped here, and there's a slave. But let me, let me say something. There's, in the Arabic language, there's the word abd.

Okay, this is the only time I'm going to be technical, but I'll try inshallah to do this whole series to be basic and easy so everybody understands it. This is a benefit inshallah if you understand it, you're going to enjoy yourself. There's the word abd.

Abd is singular for slave, right? Slave, yes. So the word is abd. عَيْن بَادًا Abd.

That word has two plurals. The word abd has how many plurals? Two. Two plurals.

The first plural is عِبَادِيَ عِبَادِيَ is what? Worship. عِبَادِيَ is the first plural of the word abd. The second plural is abid.

Abid is the second plural. These two are plurals for one singular word, which is abd. But what is the difference? The difference is the word عِبَادِيَ which is plural, the first plural that I mentioned, is when you choose to be a slave of Allah.

When you choose to be a worshipper of Allah. When you consciously surrender to what your Lord commanded you, and you stay away from what He told you to stay away from. So the word abd has two plurals.

The first one was what? عِبَادِيَ عِبَادِيَ And the second one is عِبِيدِ عِبِيدِ Second. So the first one I said is what? Is when the person chooses to be a slave to Allah. In other words, that's the one you call a worshipper.

And that's the one Allah uses in surah al-Furqan. قُلْ عِبَادُ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنَ وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَامًا يعني عباد الرحمة They have chosen to be worshippers of Allah. The second one is called عَبِيدِ It's the one who is a slave, but doesn't want to admit to being a slave.

SubhanAllah. So there's like two different opposite meanings. So two different meanings.

It's two different opposite meanings. And you know, it's funny. Whether they like it or not, they are a slave of Allah.

Because Allah says in the Qur'an إِن كُلُّ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ إِلَّا آتَى الرُّحْمَٰنِ عَبِدَتْ إِن كُلُّ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ Everyone in the seven heavens, all the creations in the seven heavens, and all the creation on the earth are going to come to Allah as what? Slaves. They're going to come to Allah as slaves. They have no choice.

Do you see here? So now let's look at the ayah that you just mentioned before. So he's talking to the specific ones who chose to be worshippers of Allah. But they slipped up.

They were worshippers of Allah. They came with Tawheed by connecting themselves to Allah. But what does this show you? Even that you're a worshipper, you can still do sins.

It doesn't go against each other. There's a hadith that says, كُلُّ بَنِ آدَمٍ خَطَّاء So every son of Adam are... خَيْرُ الْخَطَّئِينَ الْتَوَابِينَ The best of sinners are those who repent. The hadith says, every single children of Adam is a sinner.

So look at this. You have to understand here. Allah created who? Allah created Adam.

But before he created Adam, who did he create? Allah created, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the angels. Were the angels ever committing any sins? No. لَيَعْصُونَ اللَّهَ مَا أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ They never disobeyed Allah.

They did exactly what they were told, the angels. Allah said about the angels as well, يُسَبِّحُونَ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَرَ لَا يَفْطُرُونَ Day and night they exalt Allah. Day and night they do tasbih.

So the question here is, why did Allah choose to create a creation who's not going to do that? We're going to sleep up sometimes. We're going to come with mistakes and shortcomings. So that the person can choose and he wants the ibad of his who have the option to either disobey or obey him and they choose to obey.

SubhanAllah. So there's a hikmah balighah, there's a powerful infinite wisdom here where Allah created us. And that's why from the names of Allah is to forgive.

But it's not that you don't ever commit sins. That's why Allah said in the Qur'an, وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعًۭا أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُصْلَحُونَ Repent to Allah or believers. Allah will give you success from it.

Also Allah said in the Qur'an, وَالَّذِينَ إِذَا فَعَلُوا فَاحِشَةً أَوْ ظَلَمُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ ذَكَرُوا اللَّهُ فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا لِذُنُوبِهِمْ وَمَنْ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَلَمْ يُسِرُّ عَلَى مَا فَعَلُوا وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ Whenever they do a mistake, who do they remember? So how are they remembering Allah if they're doing a sin? By doing tawbah. And also by being what? People who had tawheed that they were connected to Allah in the first place. Because they ran back to Allah because they were what? They were connected, they had good aqeed and tawheed.

So that's why when they now did a sin, they run back to their creator, the one that they worship. And this comes back to what we were talking about earlier that tawheed is very important. When you have this, when you slip off, you have a chance to come back and you know about Allah.

When you know about Allah, even when you go back, when you do sins, since you already know about Allah, you have learned about Allah, it's natural that you're going to think about Him. So it's important that we learn tawheed in the first place as Muslims. Even if you do the sins, and Allah forbid, if we die doing those sins, but still if you had tawheed with us, if you had asr with us, if Allah wills, He can forgive it.

That's true. But whoever did shirk on Allah, if tawheed was corrupt, gone. That's true.

The matter here is a person did shirk, he dies. Is he going to be forgiven? No. Never.

Allah does not forgive the one who does shirk. But He forgives everything. We're not endorsing people to commit sins here, but what we're saying is that definitely doing shirk is worse than any sin that a person can do.

And that's why your point is very strong, mashaAllah, which is every single sin you can possibly commit, it can be forgiven. It's under the under the mashia of Allah. What does that mean? Under the mashia of Allah, and it's under Allah's will.

If Allah wills, He forgives you. Or if He wants, He punishes you. And guess what? If you work hard on your tawheed and your aqeedah the way you should, you will lessen on committing sins.

Why? Because Allah grows in your heart. And He becomes so big in your heart that you are shy to commit sins in front of Him. But when your knowledge of Allah and who He is becomes less, committing sins is just minor to you.

And that's why Allah says, يَسْتَغْفُونَ مِنَ النَّاسِ وَلَا يَسْتَغْفُونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ مَعَهُمْ إِذِ ذَيِّتُنَ فَلَا يَغْلَقُنَا الْقَوْلُ That they commit sins in front of Allah. They do it openly to Allah. They're not shy.

But what about the people? They're shy against them. They're shy. Why? Why are they shy in front of the people but not in front of Allah? Because this comes back to again, names of Allah, knowing Allah.

This comes to another name of Him, Al-Basir. When you learn about His names, you consciously think about Him, that He sees you. Even though people don't see you, that He sees you.

I want to give you one parable. I want to give you one example that really drives this point home. Listen to this point.

I remember a family member came from back home. He came to the UK for the first time. And in a very short period of time, he drove a car.

This is a few weeks he started to drive. In the UK, you're not allowed to anyways. But he drove.

And that day alone, he accumulated a number of speeding tickets. And one day, he got a good number of speeding tickets. Do you know why? Because he didn't know what the CCTV camera was.

His lack of knowledge of what the CCTV camera was, it made him do this action. Because he doesn't know what it does. So when it was explained to him, his jaw dropped.

Are you there? Yeah. That's the same thing when it comes to people coming in front of Allah. They don't know who Allah is, and what He's capable of doing.

وَلِلَّهِ وَلِلَّهِ الْمَثَلُ الْأَعْنَى Allah is a greater example than the CCTV camera. But I'm just trying to draw the point home so they can understand, right? So yes, knowing Allah makes a person, the way they conduct themselves, the way they talk, the way they deal with other people, they start realizing, you know what? I'm dealing with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here, who knows what's in my heart and mind. So the first name was Al-Ghafoor.

So the first name was Al-Rahman. I mentioned that. And the second name that we mentioned was Al-Ghafoor.

So what's the third name, InshaAllah? One thing which I always wanted to benefit from, which I always wanted to learn, was about the name Allah itself, and the name Rabb. Because we always use it like, you know, if you take the Qur'an, how many Du'as start with the Rabb? I mean, how many places Rabb comes? And we find Allah everywhere. So that's what, if you can explain linguistically and technically, the word Allah, where it derives from, all this stuff, Wallahi, I'll benefit a lot.

Allah Mubarak. So the name Allah now. By the way, this name Allah is called Lafdul Jalalah.

It's the only one that's called Lafdul Jalalah. So that, I won't even translate it. You need to know it.

Translation is short in this regard. You can't translate it. The word Allah is called Lafdul Jalalah.

If I loosely, for the sake of the viewers who want to know about it, it means it's the majestic name of Allah. By the way, what do you say? You say Allah is Al-Rahman. You say Allah is Al-Ghafoor.

But you never say Al-Rahman is Allah. All the names go back to which name? Allah. Allah.

So you're right. Naufal was sharp and smart to actually choose that name from all of the 99 names of Allah that we know, which is Allah. The word Allah, what is it taken from? It's taken from Aliha Ya'lahu Ma'luh.

Now these class, we don't want to be technical. That's the last thing we want Naufal We want to make this so easy so the people can understand. But the word Ilah, Allah comes from the word Ilah.

And the Ilah is Ma'luh. And a Ma'luh is a Ma'bud. It's the one that's worshipped.

So Allah means Al-Ma'luh, Al-Ma'bud, the one that's worshipped. We worship him, Subhanahu wa ta'ala. We worship him eternally and externally.

We worship him by fearing him. We worship him by loving him. We worship by relying on him and all of that's internal.

And we externally worship him by fasting, by giving in charity, by doing the pilgrimage. All of those acts are what? External acts of worship. We do all of that for who? Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Why? Why do we worship him Subhanahu wa ta'ala and no one else? Why don't you worship me? Why don't we worship Naufal? Why don't we worship you Abdullah? Because we worship the one who created us, the one who provides us, the one who sustains us. There you go. Which is the other name that you asked which is Ar-Rabbu.

Ar-Rabbu goes back to Al-Khaliq Al-Malik Al-Mudakkar. Al-Khaliq means he created this universe. So he created everything? He's the one? Did anyone else create us? No.

Did we just come into existence? No, we didn't. We were created. Everything around us in this world that we see was made by someone.

That's simple logic. And it's an illogical absurdity for anyone to claim something just came into existence with no one bringing it into existence. And if I asked you today, show me anything other than Allah that you claim, oh atheists, anything other than Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that came into existence without anyone creating it.

They'll say no, there isn't. So why Allah, the greatest Subhanahu wa ta'ala, the universe, sorry, which is bigger, greater than everything else, how can that just... Has no creator. Has no creator.

But this has a creator. My garment has a creator. Everything has a creator, but this universe doesn't.

It's an illogical absurdity. The point I'm trying to draw here, inshallah ta'ala, the point I'm trying to draw here is that Allah, since he's the one who created us, he is the one who deserves to be worshipped. That's simple.

Who else created? Allah. Allahu khaliquh. Kulli shaykh.

Kulli shaykh. Allah is the creator of everything, Subhanahu wa ta'ala. And he deserves to be worshipped because of that.

And we need to humble ourselves for him. Show him how we are his slaves. He is our master, Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

So let's wrap it up, inshallah ta'ala. What was the best thing that you learned today from this episode? Yeah, so I learned that we have to know about Allah because when we don't think about Allah, our daily tasks change. But when you think about Allah, every task that we do, even if it's general, just for the worldly life, it goes in the right way.

When we go to a job or something, we are not just doing for the worldly benefits, not just for the money. We know that we have to pride our family. It's all halal.

It's all connected. And Allah is always there. So we're not going against Allah's commands.

Every action that we do, it's connected, goes back to Allah. What I understood, I mean what I benefited the most was that the importance of spending time trying to understand Allah and trying to do tadabbur and khawthullah and also mainly thinking about Allah. So and also pondering and also researching, studying, spending time because I benefited a lot from talking.

Of course, it was a great iman booster. But I can maybe spend time studying and researching on it. I think it will benefit each and every person.

That's why I like physics. So it's like the thing is physics. It deals with tadabbur and khawthullah.

So each time studying it, I feel like it's a abadah for me. So in the same way, so that and also to learn it in the Islamic way, to spend time researching and learning about Allah. I know it was amazing that you said every time you study the sciences, it increases your bond with Allah and it also increases your appreciation for Allah.

Because sadly enough, we're living at a time where some people, the more they study this, the less they appreciate Allah and the less they start questioning Him. That's really a profound statement. I think we should really stop at that point.

And also when other people, they create something, people are amazed by it. This is big. But Allah says, You can't compare these creations with the creations of Allah.

SubhanAllah. It's so true. It's so true.

Wow. Allah brothers, may Allah bless you. And it was really nice having you on the show.

MashaAllah. And Naufali, it was really nice having you as well. InshaAllah.

May Allah shower His never-ending mercy onto you and make you guys a benefit for yourselves, number one, and also for the ummah, inshaAllah. This is the end of the first episode, inshaAllah. Anything we've said wrong or incorrect or mistake is from us and Shaitan and Allah and His Messenger are both free from it.

I'll see you guys inshaAllah. In the next episode. Subhanaka Allah wa bihamdihi wa shahadu an la ilaha illallah astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih.

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