Why Are There 72 Deviant Sects in Islam?

Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan explores the essential methodology of following the Prophet, his companions and the pious predecessors for true Islamic practice. He discusses how deviation from this path led to the emergence of various sects and their errors.

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Allah looked at the heart of his creation and he chose Nabila Muhammad to be the Prophet and Allah specifically selected and he chose The companions Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. He selected them to be around the messenger A.S. We were not selected. We did not qualify.

We did not meet That level of piety. They were that pious So you are not from the Muhajireen and nor are you from the Ansar The option that you have today is to be the followers of who? The Muhajireen and Ansar Inshallah Ta'ala today the way I want to structure the lecture is What happened from the time that the Prophet passed away A.S. Till now the groups that we find within Islam and the problems that occurred in that time and Inshallah Ta'ala shed light on what is It upon us to be and the way that we should be as Muslims Al-Hikmah Nabilullah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he passed away after 23 years of prophecy 23 years of conveying the message of Islam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He passed away at the age of 63 Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when he passed away He conveyed and passed on the message of Islam He did the responsibility that was upon him as Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

He says in the Quran Ya ayyuhal rasool ubaligh ma unzila ilayka min rabbik Muhammad Convey that which is upon you Convey the message that has been given to you. So the Prophet did that to A.S. He conveyed that message Even the last moments of his death. He conveyed what was upon him.

He did not hold back A.S. Even in the day of Hajjatul Wada' where the largest congregation ever seen came together in Hajj 124,000 people came to that Hajj approximately the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said to them Hal balaght did I convey the message to you all? They all said bala you did Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And then the Prophet said Allahumma fashhad. Oh Allah be my witness But I conveyed I did my job I told them what you told me to tell them and I prohibited from them that which you told me to prohibit from them And Nabiullah Muhammad, he had the best of students Abdullah ibn Mas'ud radiyallahu ta'ala anhu he said man kana mustanna fal yastanna biman qadmat fa inna alhayya la tu'manu alayhi alfitna ulayka ashaba muhammadin abarra hadhi alummati qurooba wa a'maqaha ilma wa aqallaha takallufan ikhtarahum Allah tabarak wa ta'ala li sohbati nabiyihi fa a'rafu lahum haqqahum wa ttaba'uuhum ala a'tarihim fa innam kanu ala huda mustaqeem Abdullah ibn Mas'ud he said whoever wants to hold on to any people hold on to the Companions way They who had the best of heart the best of minds The most sincerest and most genuine of people Allah chose those people selected them to be around the Prophet.
They were selected they were picked When the other statement of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said inna allaha nathara ila quloobu ibadihi Allah looked at the heart of his creation and he chose Nabiullah Muhammad to be the Prophet And then Allah looked at the other people's remainings of their hearts and Allah specifically selected And he chose the Companions Abu Bakr Umar Usman and Ali. He selected them to be around the Messenger Alayhi Salaatu wa Salaam. We were not selected.
We did not qualify. We did not meet That level of piety they were that pious And Allah mentioned following those Companions way to be the salvation Allah Tabarak wa ta'ala he says in the Quran Wasabiqoon al-awwaloona min al-muhajireena wal-ansari wal-ladheena taba'oohum bi ihsanin radhiya Allahu anhum wa radhu an Allah he spoke about the Companions wasabiqoon al-awwaloona min al-muhajireena Muhajireena are the people who migrated from Mecca who migrated to Medina wal-ansar They are the people of Medina They are the people who welcomed the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina Allah he said those two groups of people muhajireen and ansar and Those who follow them in good. There's only three people Muhajireen and ansar and those who follow them in good after that Allah says he is pleased with them He's with who muhajireen ansar and those who follow them in good So you are not from the muhajireen and nor are you from the ansar? The option that you have today is to be the followers of who? The muhajireen and ansar fa bihuda hu muqtabi follow their guidance so inshallah ta'ala today the way I want to Structure the lecture is I want to start Ya'ni ala ujala fast not in great details What happened from the time that the Prophet passed away alayhi salatu wasalam? Till now the groups that we find within Islam and the problems that occurred in that time and inshallah ta'ala shed light on what is it upon us to be and on the way That we should be as Muslims And our belief in our actions and etc When the messenger died, he told his companions that he left for them two things.

What did he say? I left for you I left for you the book of Allah and the Sunnah The Prophet also prophesized that he said when I die and I pass away There's going to be trials and tribulations one time the Prophet he climbed a high place in the city of Medina and Then the Prophet said to the companions in the Aral free time. He led a beauty. Come on I'll go I see that the fitna Entering your house is the way that I see the rain when it comes down.

It goes everywhere. The fitna will enter everywhere The Prophet was informing them that there's going to be a fitna like that ka qitra al-layli al-mudhlim yusbihu al-rajulu mu'minan wa yumsi kafiran wa yumsi mu'minan wa yusbihu kafiran yabi'u dhinahu bi aradu minad dunya fitna like that a person in the morning is a believer In the evening, he's a disbeliever in the evening. He's a believer and in the morning.

He's a disbeliever He will sell his religion for a small short of worldly benefit So he told them all of this he even taught them alayhissalaatu wasalaam how to deal with those fitna happening And as you know at the time of Abu Bakr ravi allahu anhu They were a people who refused to pay the zakat What were they referred to as? Many of the zakat those who rejected and refused to pay the what to pay the zakat They refused to what They refused to pay the zakat and Abu Bakr ravi allahu anhu he fought them He what? He fought them. He fought them on this issue of not paying the zakat Umar said to him don't fight these people. They are Muslims He said wallahi lau mana'uni iqalan Wallahi if they refuse to give me a iqal Iqal is what you use to tie your camel or your horse on the tree when you're tying it that rope that rope Which now is said historically that Arabs the thing that they wear on their head Is basically what they used to tie their camels with and their horses that black thing they put on their head Which is still called a iqal right now, right? that rope That insignificant rope if they refuse to give me that I will fight with them for it and they used to give it to the Prophet and now they refuse to give it to me.

I'll fight with them for that let alone wealth that has reached its Amount that they should be giving for the sake of Allah and for this religion if I will fight them for it So we'll back on for them I'm gonna try to tell him not to fight But then he gave his evidences and finally Abu Bakr and Omar agreed that that is the way forward and they fought those people Abu Bakr passed away that fitna alhamdulillah was extinguished and Omar took power the period that Omar the ten years that Omar was in power. It was power. It was obedience It was unity Discrimination everything came back to Omar and it was hard for anyone to wiggle around it.

Omar's leadership was powerful and strong No one could raise their heads to go against the Quran and the Sunnah or show any form of deviation And Imam al-Darimi narrated in the Muqaddimah of his Sunan that a man tried to do that His name is called Sabeegh ibn Islin Sabeegh ibn Islin came about in The time of Omar and he started to ask questions about the Quran in a very ambiguous Doubtful manner he wanted to play with the Muslims belief and aqeedah. He wanted to corrupt their belief So he started asking what does with their react either were mean and as we all know the Quran consists of verses Which are crystal clear in the Quran and there are verses which are slightly vague that can take many interpretations But how do you deal with those verses that are ambiguous and unclear you have to bring them back to the ayat Which are crystal clear Allah tells us in this verse that there are verses which are ambiguous and verses which are clear Allah mentioned that the righteous people they bring those ambiguous verses to those clear-cut verses For example, sometimes you hear in the Quran Allah used the word we Now the word we can mean royalty. That's one.

It could also mean plurality. It can be many But how do we know which one is meant here? We know when we look at the other verse of the Quran in la ma ilaha illa hu qul ilaha il-wahid qul huwa allahu ahad Those verses which tell us Allah is one So we now know that the weed that's used by Allah it's not Plurality doesn't mean many it means royalty so some people take those verses which are ambiguous and they bring it to the people's eyes and hearts and say look Allah said this and Allah said this and So then it happened at the time of Omar Sibiq Ibn Isl in this man tried to do that When Omar was informed and Omar again, as I said, he was a leader at a micro level and a Minute and it should have details. He governed every aspect of the Muslims he was not a Leader who was busy with himself and filling his pockets rather Omar Ibn Isl was what? He was an individual who was busy with the affairs of the Muslims Rabi allahu anhu, so what happened? He said bring this man Sibiq Ibn Isl to me Sibiq was brought to Omar Ibn Isl And Omar beat him severely until he bled and then Omar rabi allahu anhu The man said to Omar Hasbuk he said stop If you want to kill me then kill me But if you're hitting me to bring me back to my senses then trust me I've now realized what I was doing was wrong.

And what I was saying was wrong I have now repented and I am asking for your forgiveness and please let me Omar be Omar said okay Omar was present this man was bringing doubts to the Muslims and causing them confusion in their religion. So he said, okay, no problem You've repented your repentance is accepted one year. He put him in a place where he couldn't talk to anyone So let's look at his situation if he's still the same or not Omar rabi allahu anhu as you can see at his time Islam was clean pure nothing Huda lillah Omar passed away Who took over Uthman rabi allahu anhu When Uthman Ibn Affani took over things were not like they used to be things slightly changed Issues occurred Uthman rabi allahu anhu as you all know, he was killed and assassinated in his own what? In his own house his seat of governorship where he the house he lived and where he governed the Muslims for in Medina Was sieged for days and He was then killed on a day, which we was fasting Some of the narrations mentioned that he was reciting Quran that day He was reading from the Mushaf and they say that his blood fell on the ayah Sibagat Allahi wa man ahsanu min Allahi Sibagha Uthman was then killed this issue of Uthman led to Trials and tribulations It causes split in the ranks of the Muslims amongst even the companions let alone the outsiders It was the door of fitna.

I Want to pause here. I want to remind you guys of a hadith and then finish carry on that story The messenger alaihissalatu wassalam. He said in a hadith that 16 companions narrated from the Prophet how many companions? sitata ashara sahabi 16 companions narrated this hadith from the Prophet that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

He said Now the Prophet said if taraqat al yahoodu ala ihda wa saba'ina firqa wa if taraqat al nasara ala thintayni wa saba'ina firqa wa sataftariqu ummati ala thalathin wa saba'ina firqa kulluha finnaari illa wahida From this part onwards the hadith becomes variations the 16 companions don't all narrate this part of the hadith What did the Prophet mention the Prophet said? That my ummah will become divided as the Prophet said first the Jews are Divided and they broke up into how many groups the Jews? 71 and the Christians 72 and the Muslims are gonna break into how many? 73 so who is the more the most disunity? Who has the most groups the Muslims who is next The Christians Nassar and then after that the Jews Question now brothers This number that the Prophet here mentioned when he said that the Jews are gonna break into 71 and the Christians 72 and The Muslims at 73 did the Prophet actually mean this exact number? Halil adder do who will make food is The number intended here does it literally mean that ummah to Muhammad's gonna be 73 literally and that the the Nassar are going to Be 72 and the Jews are gonna be 71 exactly Is the number exact is that what the Prophet meant literal number? Because look at the Quran Sometimes Allah uses a number in the Quran, but he doesn't mean literally the Quran He just means a high number is stuff in the home. Oh, yeah, just a filler Oh in just a filler who said it in Amara if you ask forgiveness for them 70 times So then you'll feel a lot alone Allah will not forgive them Does that mean if the Prophet asked forgiveness for them 71 times Allah will accept his door Allah will forgive them No, the number here is not intended Even though the Allah mentioned 70 times. It just means however much times you ask However much it doesn't matter Allah will not He will not he will not forgive them.

So the number is not intended here is it intended the 70 here in that verse? No, it's not but sometimes we find that the number is intended How bunny an islamic Allah comes in that the religion is of Islam is built on how many pillars five pillars It's built on what five pillars is the five pillars of an Islam. The number is intended Is it literally five or there's six pillars of Islam? So the number is intended here But then in this hadith or the ayah is tough You don't want to stop you know, the number is not intended which of those two categories does this hadith of if they are full under Set up their committee on a salatim was a bit in a fair car that my umma is broken in 73 groups Which of those two categories does it fall under here? So the Prophet meant the number here who else who believes that the Prophet intended the actual number he mentioned Who believes no, the number is not intended it just means it's this oh my gonna be disunited a lot And Who believes Allah Allah You never asked for the handle, right Okay So now you have to choose something from the three options two options that you have Who believes that the number is intended we end up? The number is intended the 73 is exactly what the Prophet intended. We hand up if you believe it.

No problem Who believes it's not intended the Prophet just meant it's too much What About the rest who are not putting their hands up. Where are you guys up? We don't have the mean of being a dynamic that you know, we like well, I know that you have to choose some you have to choose a position That which seems apparent from the hadith is that the number is not intended But then okay question And I explain why before I explain why my question to you all is then what's the significance of mentioning 73 72 71? But The number is not intended according to me what's the significance of mentioning 73 72 and 71 having me Huh? Very good splats for spot-on that the ummah to Muhammad are more in this More for the car and groups is in ummah to Muhammad That's why 73 is mentioned for them because it's larger and the Christians are what? Close to the Muslims and they're 72 So they're the second largest in terms of disunity and the least divided people are who? the Jews that's what the hadith means and this is the Islamic mutineer and I was haka sharply and others and it's the strongest view in the Mutineer Sharply and others. They mentioned that the added is not much Shahastani and Baghdadi and others they do mention the 73 so they try to literally mention all the groups and Put them in 73 groups and that's not the case.

Okay brothers Hatta said if we had in ummah, you will realize that they mentioned the groups are either four or five We're going to see them later use of him as Martin Abdullah him and Mubarak and others. They mentioned that the groups This much and everything else stems from that. We're going to see that later inshallah Now I have another question The Sahabas when the Prophet told him that this woman is going to be divided into 73 groups The companions what was the question that they asked? Hey, put your hand up.

Don't shout What was the question that the Sahabas asked when he told him that the woman is going to be divided 73? What was the question question that the companions asked? Hey, honey So the companions they said which is going to be the saved group if this he's the prophecy in my people the Muslims are going to be divided into 73 groups The companions they said who's going to be the saved one, right? so that is very smart of the companions shows how smart and clever they were because They just want to know what is good so they can go and follow it Are we all together that shows the cut to another equal uncle fan? How deep they look at matters and their strong understanding of the Allah one? So what was the Prophet's respond response? Sorry Hey, honey, huh? What would did the Prophet say? The Prophet said what the one who follows the Quran and the Sunnah that's half of what the Prophet said There's another part is that's missing. Oh, yeah, what's happening? I mean That's also correct, but it's again half of the Quran sir Hey the brother the back Who follows the Quran and the Sunnah and it's on the right path again half of the answer you're giving all of you guys are given half the answer Hey, how do you yes You were smiling. So I thought you had the answer.

Ah Correct so the Prophet said Ali sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mankind ala miss me man and I really almost hardly whoever is upon that which I And my companions are upon today That is powerful The group that's going to be saved is not a group that's from Somalia from Pakistan or from Bangladesh From Saudi Arabia or from this country or from that country the group that's going to be saved is a description if you come with You don't have sign a contract. You don't have to pledge an allegiance to any group or any individual You don't have to be on a list. You just have to come with this even if it's in your own house What is it? Mankind ala miss me man and I really almost hardly whoever is upon that which I and my companions are our upon so everything that you You say in your salah in your fasting and all of those actions if that speech that act of worship You have no place in you can't find the companions doing it you can't find the Prophet do it.

What do you do leave it? From I let me open your meeting Dina. What was not a religion that day for that? You're calling your Medina. It won't be a religion today.

Just because you you want it to be it won't be a religion I will tell the brothers So remember this The Prophet when he was asked what is that saved group? Many groups or do you say one? Did he say many groups are going to be saved or did he say one group is going to be saved? Did he intend the number? So how do you like I don't know who I'm not sure here is the one here intended Okay, put your hand up if you believe that the number is intended Wow, there's a lot of you put their hands up Okay, who believes that the number here is not intended Those of you who put your hand up before and said that the 70 and the 70 73 and 72 and 71 The number was not intended and now saying that the number is intended. You're contradicting yourself No I will together For me example, I'm contradicting myself I'm gonna explain and explain my reason I can I believe that the first part the number was not intended and here Believe that the number is It's intended that one was intended So you guys have to ask me say how can you say part of the hadith the number is not intended and Then the second part of the hadith you say that the number is intended. So Some rose Am I making sense? No Okay, my answer to this will be and in defense of my other brothers who were with me is The Number is always intended When it becomes clarified after it boonie and Islam Allah comes in the reason we know that the number is intended is the Prophet counted for us He said what? When he's winning some Allah comes in Okay, now we know that the five pillars of Islam when we counted it yet the number is intended saw What the Prophet said after that when he said one what he said after that shows us he intended this number which is what The way the Prophet was in his companions only one It's not two.

It's not three. It's not four. It's only what? It's only one man can admit to that myth man can I let me tell you man? I didn't know what was hobby is only one thing the Prophet and his companions were upon one thing.

It's not true or false So the number is intended here The group that's saved can only be one set of group It's that one which is upon that which the Prophet his companions were upon. Does that make sense brothers? The matters that the Sahaba is different on we can differ on I will together But we can't create a new opinion If they have free opinions in this issue we can only have three opinions We have to choose from within those three opinions I will together brothers That's why I say to you brothers anyone who gives you an eye in the Quran or a hadith of the Prophet Alayhi salatu salam. You have to say this and you will always win say Was this opinion held by any of the companions the understanding you just extracted from the Quran and from the hadith? Were the companions upon this is that is that is that something that's gonna remember easily? Somebody recited an ayah to you say masha'Allah masha'Allah Now my second question is is the companions were the companions were they upon this So did Abu Bakr believe this did Abu Bakr say this did Abu Bakr will tell about it That's a must Once you do that brothers, you'll be safe inshallah because of this hadith whoever is upon that which me and my companions are upon an Opinion that was later introduced Don't take it.

I will tell the brothers So, let's go back to the story that we were taking because this hadith we're gonna come back to again We're gonna revisit again and again and again inshallah What's matter the Allah and when he got killed? Assassinated the Sahaba is different amongst themselves The Sahaba is what? Within themselves they differed and this is difference. I'm gonna only go over it on a basic level Why are you to be Sufyan? It was a noble righteous companion. He was related to who? What's the matter of the alarm? It was what Muawiyah was related to Earth a map of the Allah they were related So when earth man was assassinated Muawiyah requested for the people who had assassinated Earth man to be both Both forward and as you know, Muawiyah was already a governor.

He was running He was governing the people of sham sham is levant meaning a big land so Syria Palestine Lebanon Jordan all that parts were all under the power and the control of who? Muawiyah So Muawiyah radhiallahu anhu He simply said look To Ali ibn Abi Talib Ali just took power now. He came into power. He said to him Can you bring those people to me? I'll deal with them.

I have a very good court system I have people who have control over my land And that's true Muawiyah's had he had utmost appreciation the people loved him in sham, they loved him so much Ali on the other hand said before I give you those people who assassinated Usman I want you give I want you to give me bayah pledge of allegiance Muawiyah said I'm not gonna give you pledge of allegiance until you give me the people who assassinated Usman radhiallahu anhu because the ayah says وَمَنْ قُتِلَ مَا ظُلُومًا فَقَدْ يَجْعَلْنَا لِوَلِيِّهِ سُلْطَانًا فَلَا يُسْرِفْ فِي الْقَتْلِ If somebody's killed his family members have the right to ask for the blood money So I'm here asking only for the blood money Ali said listen, if you don't give me bayah, I will see you as a person who is what? cutting away from the Muslims and Here then led to what saddens every Muslim a trial and a tribulation happened and even the Talib and Muawiyah fought Here this fights it happened in phases Okay, brothers. That's not the part. I want to focus on this is just part of the fitna that happened at this point prior to this time the concept of narrating hadiths Taking knowledge was easy and simple before this fitna of Uthman's death The people were reliable the aqeedah was good Umar ibn Khattab was alive No one would even lie people were scared to lie and make up narrations It was smooth and good.

If someone says Qala Rasulullah Abdullah ibn Abbas, he said we all listen We would what we would want to hear what he has to say but after that a Man came to Abdullah ibn Abbas one day and he said to him Qala Rasulullah Abdullah ibn Abbas didn't even listen to him. The man said do you not hear ibn Abbas what I'm telling you? This was after the assassination of who? Uthman. Do you not hear what I said to you? I said you Qala Rasulullah Abdullah ibn Abbas he said listen when the fitna happened and The trials and tribulations hit we don't take everything from anybody we hear.

We only take it from the people we trust and we believe People started to lie and make up things and all of that Ali Ali ibn Abi Talib my brothers when they fought in The ranks of the army of Ali ibn Abi Talib. They were people Who later were cut away from Ali as what deviants? They were with Ali they were fighting Muawiyah as you all know Ali and Muawiyah finally came to an agreement What is known as Qadiyat al Tahakum Muawiyah Sent someone to represent him and Ali sent someone to represent him Abu Musa Ali and I'm gonna ask they both came together and they both spoke and they reached a nice conclusion and alhamdulillah Blood was saved Unity came back, but a group of people did not like that agreement that took place between Muawiyah and Ali So they cut off from Ali and they cut off from Muawiyah and they stayed in a place called Harura in Iraq They cut off who were later now going to become known as the what the Khawarij What they did was They went against the Muslim ruler of that time. Who is he? Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiyah now look at this brothers how time changes When the Khawarij cut off from Ali ibn Abi Talib and they went to Harura Okay, when they went to Harura Ali ibn Abi Talib did not fight them.

He ignored them. He let them be Muawiyah and Umar ibn Khattab, how was Umar? Umar one man popped up and did something he got him he dragged him and he brought him to him But Ali's time he couldn't have the strength and the power and the unity and the voices of the Muslims that who? That's Umar had times have changed Which Ibn Taymiyyah took from this that that the way that you deal with the innovators changes from time to time The time of Umar was one way and the time of Ali ibn Abi Talib was what? another way so Ali used to ignore them and he used to let them be sometimes they would even come into the masjid and They would yell in the masjid The things that they would yell in the masjid Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned in his minhaj of sunnah nabawiyah Is that while Ali is given a reminder or even a khutbah they will stand and they will say inil hukmu illa lillah The rules ruling is for who Allah which is a true statement. Only Allah has the rights to judge subhanahu wa'ta'ala no one else That's what they would say and Ali would ignore them and he would ignore them and he would ignore them until one day They went and they killed a noble companion's wife who was pregnant.

They got the kid out she was pregnant they brought the baby out and he killed her and they killed the Husband and they when they caused that now the matter was not words it became a physical thing and he never finally prepared an army and he fought them physically and He killed them. And when he killed them, he told the hadith that he heard from the Prophet where he said I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say and he narrated the hadith in its entirety That there's going to come a group that you will belittle your prayer compared to their prayers and their salah compared to your salah vicious people like this who believe that they're more righteous than everybody and The Prophet said if I ever meet those people laqatul annahum qatil a'd I will kill them the way that Allah mentioned about the people of a'd which is what fahal ta'ala lahum Min baqi Allah when he spoke about the people of a'd Allah told us that he didn't let any of them remain So Ali ibn Talib fought them When Ali fought them you can if you look at the seerah you go back when you look at Ali fighting Muawiyah and Ali fighting the Khawarij you can see that Ali never claimed his fight with Ali and Muawiyah was a form of Ibadah taqarruban ilallah, he never claimed that but when he fought the Khawarij He mentioned that this is what he gets closer to Allah by doing it and that this is an act of worship and etc So now we hear the first group That ever came out in Islamic history The first ever group is in the Khawarij. I'm gonna mention five groups I'm gonna go through all of them quickly inshallah ta'ala as time goes on The Khawarij come from a man by the name of who? Huh? Dhu Khawaisirat al-Tamimi Their founding father is Dhu Khawaisirat al-Tamimi.

Dhu Khawaisirat after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the battle of Tabuk when the Prophet returned he returned from it at a place called Jirrana the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was given out the ghanaim, the beauties, the spoils of war and The Prophet as we know he gave a lot of camels to a hundred camels he gave it to Aqra ibn Habis and others hundred camels each and the Prophet didn't give anything to Ansar and Ansar became sad by it so the news reached the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that some of the people of Ansar Was sad that the Prophet didn't give them anything and that he gave everything to the Muhajireen So the Prophet when he heard he called on the people of Ansar he said is it true that you guys are Sad that I gave the spoils of war to the Muhajireen and that I didn't give you guys anything They said Ya Rasulullah, that's not true. The people who said this are not our elders. It's the young ones The young youths, they're the ones who said that We're sad with what the Prophet did The Prophet they gave a reminder a heart-softening reminder to the people of Ansar He told them listen Do you guys not want the people to go home and to go with I need to go home with their riding beasts and their camels and everything and you guys go home with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and They cried and until their tears filled their beds As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam finished his reminder a man comes walking and The hadith mentions his description and the way he looked He looked at the Prophet and he said to the Prophet Be just Muhammad you're not just look at that a Man they've never seen before he looks at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says to be just The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then says he says be just you're not be just The Prophet alayhi salatu wasallam.

He said to him If I am not just Then who is Yani Allah azza wa jalla trusted me with the revelation from high above the revelation comes to me day and night And you guys don't trust me with camels and cows or animals and Pass away the Prophet by the way, the Prophet didn't take anything for himself He didn't take a camel for himself alayhi salatu wasallam He only gave it to those people who were new to Islam who he wanted sallallahu alayhi wasallam to solidify their Islam and their conviction in the deen This man when he walked away the Prophet said Sayyapu rujoo min dhiqdihi hadha rajul This man there's gonna be a people that are gonna come out from him These people that are going to come from him They're going to kill the Muslims And they're going to leave the non-muslims look at the verse and the Prophet gave a description detailed description of these people and The Prophet even told us that every now and then they will keep coming up. He said kula Kula my bahara car loan author every time a group comes out they get destroyed and they come out again and they get destroyed and They come out again and they get destroyed until the last of them. The Prophet said he comes out with who the Jan And we see a lot of those groups Isis was one of them and Shabab all of those groups are part of this ongoing Okay this ongoing Khawarij without a shadow of a doubt Now When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned that I mean, there's many other narration of the quality, but we'll just leave it for them inshallah, the second group that I want to talk about today as well that came out is the Shia They also came out that time.
They did and we mentioned in chronological order. The roots are five by the way five groups Every group that's available today on this earth. They go back to one of these five We'll go together the second group was the Rafida and the Shia The Rafida and the Shia always remember they are always next to each other in terms of land and in terms of timing Remember that and keep that in mind at the time Isis was the strongest the Shia would also be the strongest We have kidder.
That's how they are. They're very close to each other, even though they disagree with each other The British even said that in his kitab and had a Sunnah never with him the Shia what they did was They have there are different groups Ismailia and The most common ones today the most most most powerful list of them today is who the ethnic Ashari. Yeah They're the most strongest the most powerful list ones right out now and to be honest a lot of the groups right now I've been influenced by the ethnic Ashari.

Yeah, the proof here in Yemen, for example Okay, they've been influenced by the ethnic Ashari till extent they used to be closer to this idea And then they cut off from this idea and they became the ethnic Ashari and I could have had supported by the Rafaq What did they do? They go overboard with Ali Nabi time? Ali Nabi time but at his time he fought them and he even burnt some of them some of them alive and When he burned them alive Abdullah and Abbas and told him that you should not burn anyone only Allah has the rights to what Only Allah has the rights to burn The third group is called the Qadiriya The third group is the Qadiriya The Qadiriya they came out late stages of the Sahaba's time One of the early companions who identified and spoke of gate against them was who I'm the light. No Abdullah Ibn Omar hadith of Jibreel. That's how it came about When Yahya Ibn Ya'mar and Humaid Ibn Abdur-Rahman Al-Himyari both of them came to Abdullah Ibn Omar In Hajj and they informed him that from the land of Basra a man has come out Whose name is Ma'bada Al-Juhani Ma'bada Al-Juhani is a Qadiri.
He had issues with the Qadar How should we believe the Qadar one of the six articles of faith and within the Qadiriya they broke into two groups a group who said That the first group what did they say that there is no Qadar Okay, there's no such thing as Qadar Another group said that there is Qadar, but the slave has no choice The slave is forced. He's like a fly is like a way. Sorry a leaf on a windy day Another group said no that Allah only finds out things when it happens.

He has no control over himself Only all of those groups Abdullah Ibn Omar freed himself from them. He said فَأَخْبِرْهُمْ أَنِّي بَرِيءٌ مِّنْهُمْ وَأَنَّهُمْ بُرَآءٌ مِّنِّي Tell those people he said this to Yahya Ibn Ya'mar and Humaid Ibn Abdur-Rahman Al-Himyari He said when you meet those people in Basra when you go back inform them that I am free from them and that they are Also free free from me The third group the fourth group right is the Mu'tazila The reason we do not mention the Jamia because Abdullah Mubarak and Mentioned they're not Muslims Aslan these groups that we're talking about Okay, and in sha Allah Ta'ala, there is give or take on some of the groups, but overall they're Muslims Allah Almighty is discussions another time like in the other groups They are what? in the list of Muslims The fourth group is a who? the Mu'tazila the Mu'tazila are An educated version of the Jamia Jamia were not that educated the person who brought about the Mu'tazila the fourth group is a man by the name of Amr Ibn Ubaid and Wasim Al-Ata'a These were the four co-founders put together Wasim Al-Ata'a and Amr Ibn Ubaid were very close friends very very close friends and we were all together brothers Wasim Al-Ata'a was a student of Hassan Al-Basri Hassan Al-Basri and Hassan Al-Basri gave them that term of Mu'tazila Wasim Al-Ata'a said something in the class of Hassan Al-Basri and Hassan Al-Basri he Took him out of the classroom and he said to him I'tazila anna and he leave us get away from my class and so that's why they're called Mu'tazila the Mu'tazila They have many problematic beliefs From them is that from their bad beliefs is that they believe Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala's Quran is created The Quran that we have today. It's not the speech of Allah.

It's actually created by Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala just like we are created and One of the people who fought them Who debated with them destroyed them was Imam Ahmad rahimahullah ta'ala Because of that Ahmad was beaten was put in prison. Hatta al-imam al-shafi'i who debated them Imam al-shafi'i he debated Bishr al-malisi He also debated Hafs al-farad Okay, al-imam al-shafi'i But that time they didn't really come out with force until the time of Imam Ahmad They were very smart in their tactics. They aligned themselves with the ruler They went around him and they used his power to enforce laws and regulations qadhil qudhat at the time of Imam Ahmad was Ibn du'ad Ibn du'ad was the qadhil qudhat, qadhil qudhat is what we would now call the Ministry of Justice He has a high position He is a Mu'tazili, he went into power and he enforced Through the laws that everybody has to believe that the Qur'an is created the scholars were forced to say that the Qur'an is created Ahmad Ibn Nuh who was a friend of Imam Ahmad who was killed Abu Ya'qub al-buwaytli the student of Imam al-shafi'i was also killed because of the issue of khalq al-qur'an And Ahmad was beaten to so much and he was forced to also debate Ibn du'ad when he told Imam al-shafi'i to come in with chains He asked him to debate I will to debate who? Ibn du'ad, Ahmad said I don't want to debate this man And he said I don't need to debate him He said debate him talk to him Ahmad said if I considered him to be from the people of knowledge I wouldn't I would have debated him but he's not he's not from the ranks of people ahl al-ilm Anyways, the debate unfolded and they debated and they discussed it Ahmad destroyed him logically textually in everything Some of that debate is actually in the kitab al-rad al-jahmiyya by Imam Ahmad rahimahullah the answers and the ways that the ways that his response was rahimahullah Ibn al-kathirna mentions the discussion that happened and the evidences that they shared in his kitab al-bidayah wa al-nihaya Pay attention to this the Mu'tazila gave birth not literally, but they brought about The Asha'ira Now pay attention to this and I want to explain something to you.

There was a man by the name of Abu Ali al-jubba'i Abu Ali al-jubba'i We all together brothers. He was married to the mother of Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari So he was a father what's that called stepfather, right? He's the stepfather of who? Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari 40 years was a mu'tazili ala aqeedat al-mu'tazila. He was for i'tizal and he was with the mu'tazila and Etc One day him and his stepfather had a heated discussion back and forth Okay Abu al-jubba'i and his masalat al-aslah ama al-tahseen wa al-taqbeek al-aqliyayn, they had a discussion back and forth Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari realized that his stepfather doesn't really know what he's talking about And he felt that he was not convinced and so from that day onwards he left the path of who The mu'tazila of al-hassan al-ash'ari.

He put his hand up and he said I don't I do not attribute myself to what you guys are upon and he moved away from that belief and he created a Belief that was based on a group that he admired He literally took the belief from that group But then he became famous for it and the other group wasn't famous very famous for it. And that is the kullabiyyah And Imam Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari did not actually create his own concepts. What he did was he aligned himself with the kullabiyyah We all together brothers and he literally just formed that in a better way Because he's a mu'tazili so he can actually fight the mu'tazila better than the kullabiyyah can they don't know the mu'tazila And he wrote books to refute the mu'tazila and deal with them And so here Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari was the forefront of debating and destroying the mu'tazila But so then who's that group is going to be named after them? Abu al-hassan because the kullabiyyah they're taking his works and they're benefiting from his works.
So Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari He became the face Against the mu'tazila and pay attention here now Everyone is debating with who everyone's arguing with who Ahmad al-Hambal and others and all the ulema are against who? The rise of the mu'tazila no one's really given attention to the asha'ira because they're little in number They haven't really got shulka or power at all The people who've now going to governments and systems and everything of imposing the khalq al-qur'an on to the people is who? The mu'tazila so all of the books in refutation was the mu'tazila this laakim what he did was In the background asha'ira were growing They were growing They were growing getting followers and numbers and no one was I could see them to go as that As that group that was growing. Does that make sense brothers? And Ever since and the mu'tazila got destroyed khalas Ahmed's time onwards and ulama ahl al sunnah qatibat al qawlan wahid al na'u The books that they wrote after in aqeedah was against the mu'tazila The asha'ira came out Abu al-hassan al-ash'ari He's student of abu bakr al-mufawarak and he's student of abu bakr al-baqillani and from abu bakr al-baqillani was what? Abu ma'al al-jwaini and from abu ma'al al-jwaini was abu hamid al-ghazali and from abu hamid al-ghazali was fakhrudin al-razi And it carried on if you guys want to know that asha'ira you have to look at four four figures By the way, the five groups asha'ira is not in there asha'ira are not part of the five groups. I mentioned the five groups is khawarij, rawafid, qadariya, mu'tazila and the fifth one is the sufiya The asha'ira stem from the mu'tazila Hence I'm only mentioned usul al-firaq But I want to focus on the asha'ira the most now because they are the most strongest and the most powerful.

Yes And recently a lot of people have been regurgitating this message that asha'ira are from ahl al-sunnah Pay attention to this Now what happened was abu al-hassan al-ash'ari died passed away Abu bakr al-baqilani a very smart man very smart and clever Knows how to write books has written His works like tamheed al-awail and in there he pushes the aqeedah al-asha'ira if you look at abu bakr al-baqilani, which is one of the early works and You look at fakhrudin al-razi. You will see the changes Within the asha'ira and I want you to listen to this carefully I say this to all the asha'ira if there's any group group that I take my time out to read about the most in Islam is the asha'ira. There is little books that are written in refutation for or against the asha'ira illa wa ana tara'atu I accept that I've tried to read it or I've read it most likely And these four men's works that they've written in i'tiqad every single one of them.
I've written it. I've read it inside out from baqilani To abu ma'al al-juwaili, to abu hamid al-ghazali, to who? fakhrudin al-razi These four men you have to do i'tiqaf on their works to know the asha'ira the way they think and Every single one of them diverted the belief of the asha'ira by a percentage so bakr al-baqilani Moved bakr al-baqilani from what abu al-hassan was saying as a kullabi. He moved it's 25% and then came Abu ma'al al-juwaili, he moved it even more 25%.
How much are we so far? 50% it's moved then came abu hamid al-ghazali and he wrote his works and then he moved another 25% How much are we on? Yeah 75 then fakhrudin al-razi wa khitanghu misk He put another 25 spin to it and he brought it back to the belief of the mu'tazila The initial view the initial things that abu al-hassan al-ash'ari was refuting and speaking against fakhrudin al-razi accepts it and endorses it fakhrudin al-razi even argues that the Quran is makhluq He says why are we running around and trying to? Philosophize and argue. Let's just tell the people the truth. We believe the Quran is makhluq.

Does that make sense? That wasn't the initial belief of the asha'ira from the beginning but it added to today the asha'ira the books that they read Sunusi by by jury's works and by Ibrahim al-aqqani and the likes of these works Every single one of those books is ala aqeedah ittajahu and the aqeedah of mu'tazila It's not aqeedah the asha'ira early belief. I will tell the brothers making sense No Then what abu hamid al-ghazali did Was unheard of and unseen which is what abu hamid al-ghazali Single-handedly by himself. He took the asha'ira into a second phase Which is what he brought tasawwuf to asha'ira.

Asha'ira was not mutasawwuf for abu hamid al-ghazali You women Sufiya and asha'ira are two separate entities abu hamid al-ghazali as you all know went through phases in his life There was a phase where he was Intellectual Mantiki kalami that was his arguments then he felt those logical arguments were not strong enough and he went through a Psychological as he mentions about himself a psychological breakdown One thing I give to abu hamid al-ghazali personally and I say this ala rugus ala rugus al-asha'ira one thing I like about abu hamid al-ghazali I genuinely believe the man is sincere when he talks abu hamid is honest about himself He doesn't make it look like he knows he will say in four five ten pages that I don't know. I'm confused I want Allah to give me this and Allah Hey now, that's the truth he goes through a psychological breakdown or Meltdown and he leaves the Philosophical arguments and he turns towards what does he turn towards brothers? What he then calls a dilatoo al-kashfu wa al-dhawq Before it was a dilatoo al-akliya rational arguments now, it's spiritual enhancement and That phase is what is tasawwuf So if you meet a person who likes abu hamid al-ghazali is one of two phases He takes he takes the tasawwuf outside and that's what ihya uloom al-deen is based on Are we all together and some of them they take from in the side where he's a jadevi mutakallim. Are we all together brothers? You all know that he when he went to this side.

He actually refuted the side of philosophy, right? He wrote a kitab called iljaab al-awam holding the masses from ilm al-kalam Are we all together? So he's a mahal al-nadhar this man abu hamid al-ghazali cannot be dismissed or ignored As weights when you thatika today the world that you see today I'm telling you this take this from me. The world that you see is goes back to two men that influence the mutakallim I'm telling you all the Muslims that you meet that are Sunnis not the Shia Sunnis they either go to the madrasa to al-ghazali or madrasa to abu hamid al-ghazali. There's nothing after that Sah? Do you guys agree? No It's either abu hamid al-ghazali or abu hamid al-ghazali You guys agree? Yes or no? No You either take from scholars that all take from the works of Ibn Taymiyyah Or your scholars all take from abu hamid al-ghazali I don't know any other two people from the mutakallim.

I don't mean we would take from Ibn Taymiyyah blindly No, no, we don't mean that of course Ibn Taymiyyah We believe what he's quoting is the salaf of hadith ummah and they would say the same about abu hamid al-ghazali And it's another discussion for another time. Does that make sense brothers? Well, that's why it's very important to read the works of abu hamid al-ghazali once you of course study the aqeedah of ahlu sunnah and you study the works of aqeedah of ahlu sunnah to go to the works of abu hamid al-ghazali and read it to have an understanding of this group the asha'ira the asha'ira Two things I'm going to mention today that they are very serious in two things inshallah ta'ala There's much more than that the two things inshallah ta'ala You know what? I'll mention four things When it comes to Allah's names and attributes they have two paths that they take There's two maslak that they have in Allah's names and attributes The first maslak is maslak al-tafweel interpretation or distortion to be honest when it comes to Allah's names and attributes If that doesn't work for them, they go towards what they call tafweel Tafweel means only Allah knows the meaning not the kayfiyah The kayfiyah we all agree with them on that that no one knows the how to Allah's characteristics, but they say That we don't even know the meaning of what these verses are So when we read these verses where Allah is talking about his characteristics and attributes, they say we don't know the meaning in other words majority of the verses of the Quran and the characteristics of the attributes of Allah All these are characteristics of Allah Meaning basically 80-90% of the Quran. We don't know what it means That's if we follow maslak al-tafweel if we follow maslak al-tafweel now every characteristics They give it a meaning that it goes against.

So when I read the word yed A hand they will say that means ability that means what? Ability and that's a distortion of those verses So they have a problem when it comes to Allah's names and attributes, that's number two They also have another problem when it comes to masail al-asma'i wal-ahkam When it comes to the issues of kufr and iman the asha'ira are murji'ah when it comes to iman When it comes to issues of iman, what are they? They are murji'ah That's two. Number three when it comes to masail al-qadha'i wal-qadr. They are what? Qadriyyah Asha'ira what? Qadriyyah When it comes to the masail al-wa'di wal-wa'id murtakib al-kabeeranah, they are what? ala aqidat al-mu'tazilah The only thing asha'ira agree with us As Ahl al-sunnah is one thing that they are Correct on and they have no problem in is masalat al-sahaba The issue of sahaba they are very good.
There's no issue with them on that issue the rest Are we all together brothers So four things I just mentioned they are corrupted in and one they're good Allah's names and attributes the issues of iman and kufr The issue of al-qadha'i wal-qadr and the issue of murtakib al-kabeeranah the one who does major sins And all of those four they're corrupted in the issue of The issue of Sahaba's I think they're good also When it comes to the Quran and the Sunnah masdar al-talqi where they take their evidences from asha'ira, they're corrupted from two angles They do not take singular narrations in aqidah Singular narration is not accepted in aqidah. They say it is ghaniyu thumoot It's speculative in the way that it is. So there is accepting They also don't take the mutawatir in aqidah.
Oh people don't know that How because they say it is ghaniyu al-dilala They say it's speculative in what it means Does that make sense? So they say that the mutawatir is the way it's come to us is correct You can't deny its mass transmission, so they don't deny that but they say it's speculative in terms of the meaning that's in it It can mean this it can mean that how do we know the Prophet meant this? How do we know the Prophet didn't mean that? wa lidari kathumutaymi mentioned they have asha al-aqabat Ten things that it has to go through every text before they can actually say what? It constitutes the meaning that you meant So the mutawatir in aqidah for them is ghaniyu al-dilala The ahadna in aqidah for them is what? ghaniyu al-thumoot So in reality, they don't take Quran or the Sunnah That's the truth That's the honest truth wa lidari kathumutaymi they even say from the usool al-kufr This is their statement from the foundation of kufr is aqidu dhawahi al-nusus is to take the apparent text da'udu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim You guys are good Read their books on aqidah. What's the books on aqidah that we read? We say we read the author would say for example wa ddalilu qawluhu ta'ala wa ddalilu qawluhu ta'ala And the statement of the evidence for this issue is the statement of Allah and this for them their books is i'lam anna al-aqla Know that logically and that's it the whole book. You would not find a lot of evidences in it Maybe one or two or three evidences That's it the Quran They don't connect the people to it.
I will tell the brothers So the further is when it comes from the Quran and the Sunnah even though they say that they take the Quran and Sunnah When they do take the Quran and the Sunnah is when they take it is once it agrees with a preconceived notion that they've had They find the verse and they say hey, whoa. Whoa, we do take the Quran That's the evidence now only because it agrees with something you already believed not The ayah was something you took without having any belief Hello together brothers This is a heavy topic And inshallah ta'ala was requested to talk about this topic So inshallah ta'ala I hope I shed some light on it I will take two three questions inshallah ta'ala And bimilal kareem will end it there So we'll take three questions inshallah ta'ala So the way we'll do it is we take one question from here One question from here and one question from the back Here's one question from here Hey Habibi Are there any books from Abu Hamid al-Ghazali That a person can read At a beginning stage no At a beginning stage no Only when you advance The books he's written in the Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i are very good His works in Fiqh al-Imam al-Shafi'i Very good book Amazing Kitab that al-Bin Hajar That we have is actually taken from there That's inshallah ta'ala Kutub al-Fiqh that he's written That is originally taken from The works of his teacher His books in Fiqh are very good Okay Even his Kitab al-Mustasfa in Usul al-Fiqh is also good But in his books in Aqeedah And also his Tazkiyat al-Nufus A student who's grounded, who has knowledge If he reads it he'll understand where to go out And where to excel it Inshallah ta'ala Hiya The person who assassinated Othman Rafiq I think Did he get any fine or any prison Good question Mashallah The person who assassinated Othman Rafiq Is there any record that he was Dealt with? No Historically? No Hiya Never, there was never a companion No, no Friendship that he had With those five people He worked at banks He worked at banks Okay, that's mine Okay Just to make it clear, you're reminding me of a point Because when you say companion is serious There is no companion that ever Fell into innovation, remember that And memorize that None of the sahabas fell into any of the deviated groups Remember that, okay Wala any of the sahabas ever did bid'ah All together brothers That's what we were told to follow Companions, so remember that But the Prophet wasn't asking about the companions of the Prophet I got worried That someone might misunderstand me If you have a friend In these groups, my advice would be to stay Away from them, that's my opinion personally You do not want to be influenced in having A bad view, would you be With somebody who supports ISIS Exactly So what's the difference between Being friends with a person who is Ash'ari No difference So we did want to We just decided When it comes to the Ash'ari I don't know, I do not even believe There is anyone like Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya I do I'tikaf on the works of Ibn Taymiyya That's it, he knew Ash'ari More than the Ash'ari themselves If you really want to know them Just spend the rest of your life Reading the works of Ibn Taymiyya And I promise you You have deep understanding Muhsin is in the building Mashallah, Muhsin asked a very good question He is referring to the ayah The ayah of Allah And another ayah that Allah mentioned That at night time we actually die, Allah referred to it as death Every night, so he goes If we die every night How is it that we are moving Muhsin if you are sleeping At night, okay Do you know whether you are moving or not You know You know So you are not sleeping So when you are sleeping Do you know that you have moved Full on sleeping Would you know that you have moved So when you wake up You know that you are in a different position The fact that you do not know Shows it is a small death That is what he is referring to Normally a person has to know what they do An action that you do you should know right The fact that you don't know that you moved And that you positioned yourself in another way Shows that it is a small death And the ultimate death is when you are When the day of judgement comes So this death is smaller than the other one Another question Some of the Shia They are really forward about Ibn Hajar and Nawawi That they kind of agree that Shia So how would you translate it This is a very good question A lot of people say listen When you prove their Aqidah is Batil And you prove it from evidence They say to you no I am not going to go down easily I have got big mountains with me I have got Ibn Hajar and I have got Nawawi One thing we do agree with And one thing we should also make it clear That we don't agree with Ibn Hajar and Nawawi They are two great Imams Don't put any doubt onto this issue I have recently heard some clips And things making Takfir of Ibn Hajar Or even Tafdalil of Ibn Hajar Brothers We seek refuge in Allah From speaking against great men like that Ibn Hajar, Nawawi May Allah have mercy upon those two men The service they did for this Ummah Only Allah knows And I want to remind those people Don't open your tongue on the people of knowledge By Allah your heart is going to die Before your body dies Ibn Hajar Ibn Nawawi Same thing But Let's distinguish Between a person Falling into a mistake and a person Falling into what An innovation Yes Ibn Hajar and Nawawi May have agreed With the Asha'ira In certain things It's an agreement doesn't mean they are upon the Aqeedah Of Asha'ira I just told you right now The Asha'ira believe Wa Ahlul Sunnah believe In issue of Sahaba Is that not Aqeedah issue? Does that make them Ahlul Sunnah? Just because they agreed with Ahlul Sunnah In issue of the Sahaba Mujarrad al muwafaka Mere agreement of two people Doesn't mean they are the same That's common sense right? If me and a Christian agree That this person is a nice person Can somebody come and say You both agree that this person is a nice person So both of you are Christians Does that make sense? It's a logical absurdity Nawawi did agree with Actually look at the works of Nawawi He actually mentioned some issues If he is one of them he would have said I'm from them Why have we not got Nawawi ever saying That he is an Asha'iri Does that make sense? Actually the student Of an Imam And Nawawi Was an Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah Salafi of Aqeedah Ibn Attar He is a Kitab in Aqeedah He would not have an Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah In this way When he teaches Asha'iri who hates the Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah We all together But what we do say is Nawawi did mistakes like any other person Can do a mistake We say Ibn Hajar yes he did mistakes In some issues When they say Ibn Hajar is an Asha'iri And they say Nawawi is an Asha'iri Do you all know that Nawawi believes Allah is above the throne Do you guys know that? Imam Nawawi believes Allah is above the throne So if you guys believe he is an Asha'iri Take his call in this issue as well Right? No they don't take it Even Abu Bakr Al Baqilani's Kitab Tamheed Al Awail The first Taba'a that came out I showed this to Islam Al Sha'ira I actually got the first copy that came out I told them that Abu Bakr Al Baqilani believes Allah is above the throne The next Publication that came out they omitted that part out of it Wallahi they did they took it out The Taba'at Al Ula is in there So anyways the point I want to say is Nawawi and Ibn Hajar are Two great Imams Who did mistakes like any other Imam Can do a mistake Ibn Taymiyyah did mistakes Ibn Al Qayyim did mistakes Every great scholar did mistakes And each of those great Imams Inshallah we hold them to high regard And we ask Allah to forgive them For their mistakes Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdik Ashadu an la ilaha illa anta Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih I love you all brothers for the sake of Allah I hope you benefited Inshallah This topic was a bit technical Do you guys agree? Next time Inshallah we'll make it a heart softening lecture If I come back Just so you guys don't get put off He always does these kind of classes I don't. This was selected and chosen for me By Sheikh Abdul Fattah So if you guys want to blame him Blame him Inshallah I was told to talk about this topic Barakallahu feekum Abdul Fattah Jazakallahu khairan And the organizers of Darul Salam For really allowing me to give this topic Inshallah ta'ala I hope I haven't offended anyone here Inshallah ta'ala Barakallahu feekum wa jazakallahu khairan Inshallah ta'ala

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