Time Management, Tech Use & Imaan: Smart Strategies for Young Muslims

Struggling with time management? Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble explores Islamic time management through Surah Al-Asr, managing technology wisely, and preparing for the Hereafter.

Young Muslims Discuss Time Management with Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble AMAUJr

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Welcome to a brand new episode of Seat at the Table. We have our two guests here today, it's really, really ... for coming, it's fantastic to have you here. I think let's, shall we start with an introduction? Is that a good place to start? Yeah.

Okay. I think you two guys know me. Yeah.

Is that right? Yeah. Okay. That's all right.

So then I'll start with introduction. Ibrahim, you can start. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Okay. My name is Ibrahim. I'm 11 years old and I'm from UK and Pakistan.

Okay. MashaAllah. Have you been to both UK and Pakistan or not? Not Pakistan, just UK.

Just UK. Okay. Fantastic.

What about you? My name is Mohammed. I'm 10 years old. I'm from Russia and Kazakhstan.

Wow. Kazakhstan, huh? How many languages can you speak? I can speak English, Russian, and a little of Kazakhstan. And a little bit of the Kazakh language.

And what about you? Just English and a bit of Arabic. English and a bit of Arabic? Yeah. Do you think that we should all make a bit of effort to learn a bit more Arabic? Yeah.

Because neither of you mentioned Arabic there. You both, okay, you mentioned a little bit of Arabic. How about you? I don't speak Arabic a lot.

Okay. But I learn it. Would you like to learn? Yes.

Yeah? What about you? Are you trying to learn some more? Yeah. I might go to Egypt with my dad one day. Amazing.

To learn more Arabic. That's fantastic. Amazing.

So in this episode today, I wanted to talk a little bit with you about time and how we spend our time and the good things and the bad things, what we should be doing, shouldn't be doing. And I want you guys to ask the questions. I don't want to deliver a lecture or something like that.

Yeah. But I just wanted to start the conversation off and have us just maybe start thinking about the topic. And I think both of you for sure have memorized Surat Al-Asr, right? Yeah? Wal-Asr, Inna al-insana lafee khursa, Inna al-ladheena amanu wa'ama al-zarihaati wa tawa'asoo bil-haqiwa wa tawa'asoo bil-sadr.

MashaAllah, you passed the first test. Amazing. Fantastic.

This Surah tells us all about time. It tells us, first of all, Allah swore by time and in the Qur'an Allah only swears by something that's really important So it tells us that time is so, so important Okay, so let me start by asking you guys a question I mean, I want you guys to ask me, okay? But just to start us off Allah SWT swore by time Time is so important If you don't take advantage of your time, you're going to lose out Why do you think? Why do you think it's important? Ibrahim, go ahead and give us your thoughts So like, when you're praying your Salah If you don't start praying when you're younger When you're older, you're going to start forgetting the times and stuff So the habit, like having good habits Filling your time with having really, really good habits And that's why the Prophet ﷺ, he said أَحَبُّ الْعَمَلِ إِلَى اللَّهِ The actions which are most beloved to Allah أَدْوَمُهُ وَإِنْ قَلْ أَوْ كَمَا قَلْ He said it's the one that's most regular You know, things you do all the time Regular things like prayer Every day, five times a day That's what's really important, right? That's what Allah loves the most The things you just do all the time, regular Even if they're not huge Even if it's not a really, really big thing That's something you just do all the time And you do really regularly So that's an amazing answer What do you think, Ibrahim? What do you think about why is it so important for us to take advantage of our time? Because Allah is warning us that There is going to be a day, يوم القيامة Which we are not going to be alive again We are going to die And not one human will be able to live And right now, we have time to pray To help others make sadaqah and read Qur'an Because after that, in يوم القيامة There's going to be no time for doing that It's very true This life we live now is a time for actions It's a time to do things We've got time Allah has given us time to do good deeds Allah has given us time to do the things that By those things, Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى Would put us into Jannah But if we don't take advantage of that That time doesn't come back ever again And this is really why I wanted to talk to you guys about this today Because you said you're 11 And you said you're 10, right? 11 and 10 years old In sha Allah, you have a long, long time ahead of you But this is the problem Everybody thinks they have such a long time ahead of them And then they get to my age And I'm nearly 40 years old Not quite And you think, where did that time go? So I wanted to talk to you guys about What you think about this in terms of What you spend your time with How is your, you know In terms of Islam What fills your time right now? What are you thinking about? Is it study? Is it what? Is it playing with your friends? Is it family? What are you filling your time with right now? At the moment Like just about reading Quran And like thinking about the Day of Judgment How much we can worship Allah before He asks us That's very true I think Quran is really a good place to start Because this is exactly what I was talking about before About having regular Doing things regularly And I think the best example of that is the Quran After the prayers, the Quran Because the Quran is something If you can do it regularly You'll keep it in your memory You'll be able to read it And you'll benefit from it But if it's just like You read Quran sometimes but not other times You don't read You don't get through the same amount every day And that It causes you That either you end up Being close to forget Or you just end up You don't end up being close to the Quran So Allah gave us the Quran for us To be a benefit for us, right? To guide us, to help us To show us what to do, what not to do But to do that we have to We have to think about it, right? We have to read it regularly So that's a really good thing to fill your time with Okay, I got a question You can answer honestly to this one You have a mobile phone? I'm going to ask you Muhammad I don't have a mobile phone You don't have a mobile, mashallah Amazing, right? You have a mobile phone No No? What do you have in the house in terms of You have a gadget, right? Yeah Do you think it takes too much of your time? Yeah I can like spend more time Reading Quran, memorizing Quran Than going on my device What do you think is the thing that Makes that, you know What What is it that takes you away from reading Quran? What makes you What makes you miss it out? Or what makes you busy with it? Make me busy reading Quran? No, like instead of it That gets in the way for most people Not for you personally Like you see for your friends and stuff like that They don't read it or they Skip their classes because of what? Like for me, I think Mobile phone, iPad TV Yeah Those kind of things, right? They take you away from They take you away from From using your time in a good way And you can spend a long time, you get lost You can get lost in your gadget Your phone, an hour goes by Or your tablet, your iPad An hour goes, two hours go, three hours go You didn't realize what you were doing And then all that time goes and when it goes It doesn't come back again, right? It doesn't come back So those are the sort of things I wanted to talk about So Thinking about that kind of thing Generally, and you don't have to stick to it I want you guys to think about A good question you wanted to ask Or something you've been thinking about for ages And you're thinking, oh I would really like to know about this I would really like to know about this I can give you an idea If it makes it easier Or you have something you wanted to ask about in this Yes Go on How will we know when will the Umm al-Qiyamah be? That's a very good question There's two answers to that The first answer is Nobody from us knows When Yawm al-Qiyamah will be And that's why Do you remember a hadith called the hadith of Jibreel Where Jibreel came to the Prophet ﷺ In the form of a man And he sat down Have you heard that hadith before? Yes Maybe, okay This hadith That Jibreel, he came to the Prophet ﷺ In the form of a man He didn't come like an angel He came looking like a person And he came and he sat down In front of the Prophet ﷺ And he asked him some questions And one of the questions he asked is When will the Day of Judgment be? Matassah When will the hour be? When will that time be? And the Prophet ﷺ answered him and he said That the one you are asking Doesn't know any more than the one who is asking In other words, you and me We don't know when it's going to be But then Jibreel asked him a very good question He asked him Tell me about the signs of it So if we don't know when it's going to be Then we do know at least What is going to happen before that And what are the signs going to be like What's going to happen in the world before it, right? And if we look at what's going to happen in the world before it We can really see there's sort of Two things that the Prophet ﷺ told us Some things are like huge Like the whole world will change And some things are actually just Small things but we see them everywhere, right? So we call these the small signs and the big signs The big signs are like the things that The whole world will change Like, for example, the Dajjal When he will come This person who will say to people That I am your Lord And people will follow him And people will stop believing in their religion And stuff like that So that's a big thing, right? The whole world will change And then there are little, little things So from the big, big things The big signs They haven't started yet But when they start There's not much The time goes very quickly They all come together The small ones Most of them If not all of them Have already happened The small signs So there are loads There are, you know, tens If not hundreds of small, small signs But one thing we know Is that it's getting closer and closer Because the Prophet ﷺ Himself He said He held his fingers like this He said, me And the Day of Judgment We came like this close Like the distance between this finger And this finger Just very, very close But then the second way of answering I said there's two answers, right? The second way of answering Is that For you as a person Just you Or just me Or just somebody who's watching at home When does their When does their Day of Judgment start? Like when does their life Sort of Go on to the life of the next life, right? When they die, right? So when you die When a person dies That's it You know, like after that Things are going to start happening The life in the grave And the questions And the You know then eventually The Day of Judgment will come So Everybody What matters for you Is not when will the world end Because maybe you and me will not be alive Maybe we will We don't know When the world actually When this whole world ends But the question is For you what matters is If someone comes to you and says When will I die? What are you going to say to him? Right? If someone comes to you and says to you Ibrahim, can you tell me When am I going to die? When Allah decides When Allah decides You don't know Could be today Could be tomorrow Could be the next five minutes Could be Fifty years away We don't know Nobody knows And that's even more Why it's so important To take advantage of your time Because you just don't know How much you have If Allah came and said And Allah said to you in the Quran Ibrahim You have 60 years From here to here You know how much time you have left, right? But you don't know 60 years 100 years 10 years 2 years 2 days Nobody knows So that's another reason Why you have to take advantage of your time And also because Your time Goes away and never comes back Money goes and comes back, right? You could get money one day Sometimes you have it Sometimes you don't have it Sometimes you ask your mum and dad Can I have some money And they say no And sometimes they say yes You have some days Good days and bad days But time just goes away from you You don't get it back again That was a really good question Did I answer your question? Yes Did it make sense? Yes You can say if it didn't If it didn't, I can answer it some more It did make sense, right? So we said When will the world end? We don't know And when Does it matter? What matters for us Is when we will die, right? Because when we will die That's when everything will start And we don't know We don't know when we will die So what do you think What happens to a person I know it's a bit off topic But I want I thought maybe people would have this question They want to ask And I wanted to ask you guys What do you think What happens to a person When they die? Generally speaking Like Where do they go? The people Like the people Like the people bury them And then the The angel of death comes and takes their soul And tells them to not be afraid Okay, so definitely The angel of death takes their soul That's when they actually die It's before they get buried So not This is before they When they actually die The moment they stop being alive The angel of death takes their soul And then people bury them And then what will happen In that, like Where will they live now Until the world will end? What do you think? They will not live They're not going to eat Drink Because they're They died So The angels Are going to come and ask What What religion were you in? Very good I was Were you Praying to Allah? Were you reading Quran? And if you don't Then They're going to like Beat you with I don't know Kind of Yeah So some Some bad things that happen So let's Let's go back a little bit So the angels will come Two angels will come And they're going to ask Three questions They're going to ask First of all Who is your Lord? And so what do What do you answer to that? Someone asks you Allah Allah Yeah And they're going to ask you What's your religion? Islam Islam And they're going to ask you Who was that man That was sent To you? Rasool Rasool Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Okay These three questions Do you think Everybody They're easy right? I mean I think everybody watching at home Everybody knows the answer to those questions My Lord is Allah My religion My religion is Islam And My prophet is Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Everybody knows that But do you think Everybody will be able To answer that question? No Why not? It's easy Now everybody can answer Even if you ask some Non-Muslims today And say okay If you were a Muslim Could you answer Who is your Lord? They'll say Yeah Muslims believe in Allah And what's your religion? Islam And who is their prophet? Why do you think So many people will struggle To answer that question? Because People have Different kind of Kind of religions For example True Christians But even Even Muslims People will struggle Some people will struggle To answer that question Because Allah Will not make it easy For everybody to answer Right? To answer It's about This is why I don't talk about times Why my question Comes back to the issue of time Is that How you Live your life Will depend on Whether you'll be able To answer those questions Properly or not Somebody Lived their life And they didn't really Pay much attention To Islam They didn't really Care about it too much Maybe when they Go into their grave They won't be able To answer those questions They'll say I don't know Like that Stuttering They can't They can't find the answer I heard people Saying something And I said what they said But I didn't I didn't really I didn't really know So some people Will not be able to answer So how you Spend your time We came back to this When we talked about Surah Al-Asr How you Spend your time In this life When you're How you spend your time When you're young How you spend your time When you're old That's how You'll be able to Answer those questions And then the person Stays in there And like you said The grave will Either become Like a garden From the gardens of paradise Where the person Is just resting In peace And everything is good For them Or it will become A part of the fire And they will get burnt And bad things Will happen to them And horrible things Will happen to them So either They will either have that Or they will either have that Depending on How they answer the questions And how will they Answer the questions Depends on how they Live their life What do they do With their life And how do they Live their life So this is another reason Why it's so important Go back to Surah Al-Asr now Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنَا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتُ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقُ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ Accept those who believe So everyone is going to lose Right It's like You played a game All of you are going to lose Everyone lost إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسَرٍ All lost Except some people The people who didn't lose And they got paradise Those people were The people who had Iman They believed in their religion وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتُ And they did good deeds They did good things وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقُ And they advised each other They spoke to each other About the truth They told people about the truth وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ And they advised each other To be patient So I want to ask you about Each one of these four things And then I want you guys To ask me questions as well I just was Putting some things in front of you We have to believe We have to do good things Okay We've mentioned how many good things So far We talked about reciting the Quran We talked about praying What else have we not talked about? From loads of things But what's Which you were thinking about That we should fill our time If you're going to give advice To people watching at home Say What are you going to fill your time with? How did the Prophet spend his time? How did the Prophet spend his time? That's amazing Now so like Ask yourself the question What are the good deeds That Prophet Isa did? How did he used to spend his time? The first thing is Every single thing His whole His goal Everything was Was Jannah right? Was what is with Allah Was the religion of Islam Not to get caught up in the world Some people get caught up in the world Don't they? Like they They forget about Islam Not because they don't like Islam But they become busy With everything Jobs And school And exams And friends And playing And everything And they forget about Islam So that's one thing And then The things that Prophet Isa Spent his time doing What was the What do you think the Prophet Isa Spent the most time doing? What do you think? If I was to give you some Some things I'm not going to say number one Number two, number three Just what you think The things that he spent them He spent the most time with Um Like reading Quran Okay So what do we say Before all of them That That before we talk about Just reading Quran Maybe we could say Dhikr Remembering Allah Including the Quran Because the Prophet Isa Seems to remember Allah All the time Always remembering Allah So Whether it's Small words like SubhanAllah wa bihamd SubhanAllah wa bihamd Whether it's reading the Quran Whether it's saying Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Whether it's Praying And the things When you remember Allah In your prayer He used to spend his time Remembering Allah So that's something really important Because you can always Always remember Allah You can always find time To say something Even if you're busy with something You can always remember You can always find time To remember Allah, right? So that's really important What else do you think? Um Because the Quran Was given to Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And before Some of the Prophets Didn't have the Quran So maybe they were Helping the poor Making Sadaqah Giving them food So what they really need The Prophet used to do that too He used to do that too He used to spend his time Helping people And he used to spend his time Giving to the Poor people And looking after them Yeah, he used to do that as well He used to do that as well Um What about praying though? We didn't talk about praying Properly Yeah We didn't talk about praying You know We pray how many times a day? Five Five Obligatory prayers Five you have to do Other prayers that are Recommended Optional Five you have to do Why Do you think Or what do you think Is the benefit of your time If you have five daily prayers Versus having one prayer Or Three prayers Because Allah actually deserves Like much more Prayers That's true But why then How do we end up With five then Oh because Um So When the Prophet ﷺ Went to Al-Isra With Mi'raj Allah took him to Jannah And He went up To the highest place In Heaven Yeah He got told How many prayers to start with Fifty Fifty a day Fifty prayers a day Can you manage Fifty prayers a day Muhammad? Um I don't know Fifty prayers maybe not No Fifty Okay, you know like We do five Dhuhr finished Asr started Asr finished Maghrib started Can you imagine If between every prayer There is ten There is like You know Nine, ten more prayers like that Pray Even in this video We would have stopped three times To To pray so far What I mean Stop guys, let's pray Stop, pray Stop, pray So We ended up Allah blessed us By Giving us five prayers That equals Fifty So every time you pray You get ten prayers You prayed Asr right now That Asr prayer was worth Ten Asr prayers Yeah So The Maghrib prayer You're going to pray Is worth ten Maghrib prayers So every You You get the reward of fifty Every day It's a lot But Why do you think people It's How How does it affect people's time And And Why do people Why do you think For us It's a good idea for us To pray five times a day From the point of view Of our time And stuff like that Because Like When you make mistakes And if you pray after that Allah will forgive you Everything You made The mistakes That you made With your hands So you make You and me And everyone Watching this at home We all make lots of mistakes All the time We make mistakes Sometimes we know We're making a mistake And sometimes We don't know We're making a mistake But we make it anyway So when we make mistakes Like that We need We need something To make up for it And The prayer Exactly like you said Between every prayer What happens Allah Cleans it for you Forgives you for it Wipes it away Yeah So you can start each prayer Fresh Also do you remember We talked about how people Get caught up In this world Right Like they get caught up With their friends And their games And their gadgets And their If they're working Their work And if they're at school Their school And they It's not they don't They just forget a little bit About Islam Right So the five daily prayers Reminds you So every time It's time to pray It's like right What's important Is Islam And Allah And Jannah And getting away From the hellfire This is what's important And it's not important My school work And my Okay Don't tell You're not going to tell your dad I said that right Okay Maybe It's okay So when I mean I don't mean It's not important at all But I mean It's not important Compared to Islam You know Nobody wants to come On the day of judgment And They passed Their School exam And they failed Their Islamic exam So it's like Congratulations You got An A star Or a nine Or whatever it is These days But Yeah You're not going to Paradise Sorry Yeah That's no good So we want you guys To get really good grades At school But we don't want you To be To forget about Islam To get good grades At school If that makes sense That's what a lot A lot of people forget And when they get older They forget because of work They become busy And stuff like that So the five daily prayers Reminds you You pray five times a day It's like What's important to me It's here And then you go And you get busy again And then you come back And pray again Yeah So this is how This is one of the things I think is really important Okay Quickly Because we've only got A few more minutes To talk about And I want to talk about Two more things And then I want to hear A question from both of you And I'm going to try And squeeze that Into the time One of the things We have to spend Our time with Is telling people About Islam Telling people About what's right And helping people To do what's right Like now Yeah like now This is Insha'Allah I hope That was very clear Masha'Allah Allah bless you That I really hope That this This sitting we have right now This seat at the table We have right now Is actually a chance For us to have this Tawasi bil haqq Teaching each other Learning from each other And telling people What's right And what we should do And what we should Keep away from But when you do that You need to have A lot of patience A lot of sabr Why? Because Because You think it's easy To tell people To do the right thing No It's not easy right So sometimes You have to Be patient And I think If you ask About the Prophet And if you look At his whole life What he did His whole life Was patience right He was being patient A lot of difficult Things happened Things didn't always Were not always Well didn't always Go the way That you would imagine But they went The way that Allah Decreed for it to happen And it all worked out Perfectly in the end But you have to be patient And it's not just You have to be patient When difficult things happen But you also have to be patient To do good things Reading Quran every day Means patience right Keeping away from Things that are haram Every day means patience Yeah So That's really what I wanted to talk to you A little bit about today And you guys have given me So many ideas And answers And mashallah I'm really happy with that But I just want to get A question for each of you To finish up Because it's more about You asking than me answering Right So Who's going to go first Who has a question They want to ask first I have a question You have a question Okay go on So where did the name Of the prayers come from Like Maghreb Asr So The name of the prayers Comes from The time of the day Right The prayers are named After the time of the day So Fajr Is something that exists It's a time of day It exists before the You know Before the Fajr prayer Before Allah told us About Fajr prayer There was something called Fajr And that's when The light just starts to Break on the horizon There was something called Dhuhr Which is just after The middle of the day There was something called Asr Which is the afternoon There was something called Maghreb Which is when the sun Goes under the horizon The ball of the sun disappears And there was something Called Isha Which is the time of night Where that redness Disappears from the sky So they were named after The times of the day That you pray But then the Prophet S.A.W. came and he Gave us The specific Like exactly what is Fajr Because there's a There's a real Fajr And there's a false Fajr There's a true Fajr And there's a Fajr that isn't true And exactly when is Dhuhr And exactly when is Asr And how do you know that And all of them know it by The movement of the sun And the sky Right And now we have Prayer time tables But those prayer time tables Just explain to us Where the sun is in the sky So it's That's the basic Idea of the means For the prayer Some of them are mentioned In the Qur'an And others are mentioned In the hadith Of the Prophet S.A.W. But all of the five prayers Are mentioned in the Qur'an By time All of them are mentioned For example when Allah said أقم الصلاة لدنوك الشمس إلى غسق الليل وقرآن الفجر إِنَّ قَرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا So it's Isra Perform the prayer From the time when the sun Is in the middle of the sky What time is that? Which one is that one? When the sun is in the middle of the sky Asr Dhuhr Yeah إلى غسق الليل Until the night time has come So the night time has come Is Isha Yeah So from the From Dhuhr until Isha That's Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha وقرآن الفجر And recite the Qur'an at Fajr time Pray at Fajr time إِنَّ قَرْآنَ الْفَجْرِ كَانَ مَشْهُودًا The angels witness The Qur'an At Fajr Okay Alright Now What was your Did you have a question to follow up on that one? No Okay that's cool Because mashallah you've given me so many You asked really good questions already Today And I think we're more or less out of time I'm really really happy With how this Seat at the table work today was really good I benefited a lot from it I hope you guys benefited from it Yeah And I hope inshallah we'll see you again And inshallah And I hope that everybody At home benefited from it as well And we ask Allah To make it easy for us To benefit from our time And to allow us to get the most of our time And to make us from those people Who are successful in the year after From the people of paradise To keep us away from the fire And we ask Allah To teach us what benefits us And to benefit us with what He teaches us And to increase us in knowledge And to give us the ability to act upon it And that's all we have time for For this episode today And I want to say a big jazakallah khayran To you guys for your time And for your questions And for your contributions And also to everybody at home as well Jazakallah khayran Wassalatu wassalam Ala nabiyyina Muhammad Wa ala khairu for the Sahafeen Ajma'

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